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Pat Foley

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Everything posted by Pat Foley

  1. Pat Foley

    Turn off title on a TImage??

    Pretty sure TImage does not have caption prop View the xxx.bmp in Pbrush to if text captured in original image. D10.4.1 Out of text view of .DFM object Image2: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 360 Height = 249 Align = alClient Picture.Data = { 07544269746D61704E010100424D4E0101000000000036040000280000006301 0000B6000000010008000000000018FD00000000000000000000000100000000 ...
  2. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    Here's a screen shot of code realized.
  3. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    These forms show using CB items being created once referred then after. Showing the CB dropdown using messages. Using the CB to navigate other forms using only one list. Most of it is done by creating the ancillary form(s) in runtime. unit mainFocused; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Memo1: TMemo; mainCB: TComboBox; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Memo1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure mainCBChange(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } formsSL, Headings: Tstrings; destructor Destroy; override; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses formAncillary; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Headings.text := edit1.Text; UF.IniZ(self, formsSL, Headings); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var I,C: integer; F: TForm; Ctrl: Tcontrol; begin with Screen do begin for I := 0 to formCount - 1 do // downto 0 do begin F := Forms[I]; for C := 0 to F.ComponentCount - 1 do if F.Components[C] is TCombobox then begin Ctrl := F.Components[C] as Tcontrol; F.Show; Ctrl.parent.Show; Ctrl.Show; caption := F.Name; sleep(20); Ctrl.Perform(CB_ShowdropDown,1,0); application.ProcessMessages; sleep(1200); Ctrl.Perform(CB_ShowdropDown,0,0); application.ProcessMessages; Break; end; end; Headings.Text := Headings.Text + format(' %d',[I]);//I.ToString; end; end; destructor TForm1.Destroy; var I: integer; begin onclick := nil; with Screen do begin for I := formCount - 1 downto 0 do begin Forms[I].close; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin Headings.Text := Edit1.Text; end; procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject); begin Caption := 'clicked by ' + (Sender as TForm).Name; Self.Show; Button1.SetFocus; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Headings := TStringList.Create; formsSL := mainCB.items; //borrowing created list formsSL.Add(self.Name); end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Caption := 'Mouse over ' + (Sender as Tcontrol).Name; end; procedure TForm1.mainCBChange(Sender: TObject); var I: integer; S: String; begin for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do begin S := mainCB.Items[mainCB.ItemIndex]; if S <> Screen.Forms[I].name then continue else Screen.Forms[I].show; end; end; procedure TForm1.Memo1Change(Sender: TObject); begin beep; end; end. Runtime created unit formAncillary; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls; type TfrmAncillary = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Image2: TImage; remoteCB: TComboBox; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure remoteCBChange(Sender: TObject); procedure remoteCBDropDown(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } myHeadings, myLines: Tstrings; rfrmBoss: TForm; procedure IncomingTextUpdate(Sender: TObject); procedure ForwardFocus(Sender: TObject); procedure IniZ(bossForm: TForm; someLines, Headings: Tstrings); end; var UF : TfrmAncillary; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmAncillary.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin beep; end; procedure TfrmAncillary.remoteCBChange(Sender: TObject); var I: integer; S: String; begin for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do begin S := remoteCB.Items[remoteCB.ItemIndex]; if S <> Screen.Forms[I].name then continue else Screen.Forms[I].show; end; end; procedure TfrmAncillary.remoteCBDropDown(Sender: TObject); begin remoteCB.Items := myLines; remoteCB.Text := myHeadings.Text; end; procedure TfrmAncillary.ForwardFocus(Sender: TObject); begin rfrmBoss.OnClick(self); end; procedure TfrmAncillary.IncomingTextUpdate(Sender: TObject); begin remoteCB.Invalidate; end; procedure TfrmAncillary.IniZ(bossForm: TForm; someLines, Headings: Tstrings); begin Application.CreateForm(TfrmAncillary, UF); with UF do begin mylines := someLines; myHeadings := Headings; remoteCB.Items := someLines; name := 'UF_' + Screen.FormCount.ToString; myLines.Add(name); Caption := name; setbounds(10,20,360,270); rfrmBoss := bossForm; onclick := ForwardFocus; onmousedown := nil; onmouseMove := bossForm.OnMouseMove; Color := RGB(random(255),random(255),random(255)); show; end; end; end.
  4. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    Good points. Where I am the users don't use keyboards or even have them in some rooms. the application writes messages to combo boxes. So over the years forgot some applications would allow user to change information in a combo box.
  5. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    Most users do not know that they can edit in combo box but they do know that they can see old 'text messages' with dropdown. It depends on purpose in application.
  6. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    Sorry viewer = "UI" "UX". Correctly the term should be viewport. Memo1.text := 'Allows this text to be viewed' Since the CB has a text and dropdown we need pass string and strings to keep it updated. The improvement is rather than passing the information each time. We simply update using the references provided in the creation of form. I suspect some programs use timers to provide updates. I will try to improve naming of the examples say 30 hours out.
  7. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    The combo box (CB) should only be used as a viewer. To set up a CB viewer do this This scheme lets simple Tform, TStrings, {String} to allow code reuse. {String} Is commented out untried but someLines will show current memo lines readily. the memo.sel is not needed here. presented simply to provide message flag to find its sisters in the source. in TfrmdrawFocused ... myLines: Tstrings; myCBtext: String; .. procedure TfrmdrawFocused.IniZ(anOwnerForm: TForm;var someLines: Tstrings; {aText: string}); begin Application.CreateForm(TfrmdrawFocused, UF); with UF do begin mylines := someLines; {myCBtext := AText} // remoteCB.Items := someLines; does not work needs freshened {remoterCB.Text := aText} name := 'UF' + Screen.FormCount.ToString; Caption := name; setbounds(10,20,360,270); toFocusAhead := anOwnerForm; onclick := ForwardFocus; onmousedown := nil; onmouseMove := anOwnerform.OnMouseMove; Color := $1E69D2; show; end; end; ple
  8. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    There's a difference between focus and select. To help with combobox these bits should help. the Memo stuff only provides hints of selecting for your combobox //CB Recipe seasoning Procedure TG1.SelectMemoLine(Memo : TCustomMemo) ; Var LineNumber : Integer; Begin LineNumber := Memo.Perform(EM_LINEFROMCHAR, Memo.SelStart, 0); Memo.SelStart := Memo.Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, LineNumber, 0); Memo.SelLength := Length(Memo.Lines[LineNumber]) ; Memo.SetFocus; ... //CB dropdown freshened in the form procedure TfrmdrawFocused.remoteCBDropDown(Sender: TObject); begin remoteCB.Items := myLines; end; ... //CB text freshened with timer or update from mainform remoteCB.Text := referenced editbox.text from other form. remoteCB.Invalidate;
  9. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    Here's a thought--take a screenshot and look for the mouse cursor? In the long past screen captures may had a cursor captured in it. Would cause great confusion with the running cursor. So the big G himself washes the imaged cursor out so you don't have too! Not exactly your question asked but a large part of why focus on active window is best.
  10. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    runtime forms should feed mouseovers and form name back to creator form. Perhaps what you want is a windows balloon tip.
  11. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    unit mainFocused; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } destructor Destroy; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses unFocused; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UF.IniZ(self); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var I,C: integer; F: TForm; begin with Screen do begin for I := formCount - 1 downto 0 do begin F := Forms[I]; for C := 0 to F.ComponentCount - 1 do if F.Components[C] is TButton then begin F.Show; (F.Components[C] as TButton).parent.show; (F.Components[C] as TButton).Show; caption := F.Name; application.ProcessMessages; sleep(1200); Break; end; end; end; end; destructor TForm1.Destroy; var I: integer; begin onclick := nil; with Screen do begin for I := formCount - 1 downto 0 do begin Forms[I].close; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject); begin Caption := 'clicked by ' + (Sender as TForm).Name; Self.Show; Button1.SetFocus; end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Caption := 'Mouse over ' + (Sender as Tcontrol).Name; end; end. unit unfocused; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls; type TfrmdrawFocused = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Image2: TImage; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } toFocusAhead: TForm; procedure ForwardFocus(Sender: TObject); procedure IniZ(anOwnerForm: TForm); Destructor Destroy; end; var UF, frmdrawFocused: TfrmdrawFocused; implementation {$R *.dfm} { TfrmUnfocused } procedure TfrmdrawFocused.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin beep; end; destructor TfrmdrawFocused.Destroy; begin tofocusAhead.free; inherited; end; procedure TfrmdrawFocused.ForwardFocus(Sender: TObject); begin //inherited; //squash local click toFocusAhead.OnClick(self); end; procedure TfrmdrawFocused.IniZ(anOwnerForm: TForm); begin Application.CreateForm(TfrmdrawFocused, UF); with UF do begin name := 'UF' + Screen.FormCount.ToString; Caption := name; setbounds(10,20,260,170); toFocusAhead := anOwnerForm; onclick := ForwardFocus; onmousedown := nil; onmouseMove := anOwnerform.OnMouseMove; Color := $1E69D2; show; end; end; end. Try these forms with aux forms Borderstyle set to bsnormal then no border.
  12. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    The combo box drop down can only be opened in active window.
  13. Pat Foley

    Popup window with focus inside.

    If there is flickering going on I would guess a onchange event is looping. radio buttons calling each other after being changed by the other. The user needs to know only one window is in focus at a time. To help the user we would still draw halo around the control using the popup, color the popup the same as launching form. Or showing form with image.picture.bitmap of a active form saved as bitmap would work when shown as toolbar. But not recommended.
  14. Pat Foley

    Make a complete DataSet event conditional??

    Use the back of past year's calendar to draw out the redesign. Happy New Years.
  15. Pat Foley

    If Then dilema

    Actually in VB I made video poker game. The enumerations allow say washing machine to be emulated when combined with a case statement. Each enum needs to be in order in the case statement. As you add more features you just insert additional enum. Also consider the scPlaying Its' ordinal value is zero so its first in case statement. More importantly it helps laying out the program. Until you get around to making the play routine routine it just passes through waiting for change in game status. I'll fab up a working example in week in week or two. A key or button click would change status then call procedure with case statement. Pascal with Excellence quotes Alexander Pope--A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep, or taste not. // I try to share knowledge so people need not read the documentation or hit a barn when learning to fly.
  16. Pat Foley

    If Then dilema

    No need for that. Its your program and by doing it yourself will allow you to get higher up the hill. promote isplaying, isgameover,isplayer2turn booleans to enumeration of Tsolcon = (scPlaying, scGameover, scNewGameQ, scDeal) gamestatus:Tsolcon; global set gamestatus := scNewGameQ In a timer event place a case statement Case gameStatus of ... scNewGameQ: begin gamestatus := scDeal; // next timer event the code in scDeal will be called end; scDeal: //calls procedure dealCards end; Other events Buttonclick simply change gamestatus the timer's event acts on the status change
  17. Pat Foley

    Can an app beat a spreadsheet?

    I used XL on Mac starting with 2 through XL 4. XL 4 added forms--by printing out the macro sheet and taping the sheets One had the big picture with all the forms and code together Not sure what goes on Apple side now. Example does not to be on macro sheet. cellname a b c 'name 'variable 'comment 'xvalue 1 'after being renamed "b2" shows as xvalue 'yvalue 1 'zvalue =xvalue+yvalue ' Naming ranges is number thing to do and use namemanager to help or F5 to navigate to named range F2 to edit in cell. To get VBA up <alt><f11> <alt><f10> new macro sheet? Also use record macro helps alot!I I been porting a XL Logging app to D. XL VBA is unsupported now. Easier to share install package then .xlsm today.
  18. Pat Foley

    If Then dilema

    If subroutines mean procedures and functions also lists arrays and what not. Marco Cantu has some free books out there. Delphi has help built in plus source. For now take a Tshape and drop it in the design window. Use the F11 key to change the Brush and Pen Properties this makes a nice card back. In code window find Shape1: TShape; Hold down the control<key>to underline TShape then cllick on it. This coding allows the Tshape to be made. Study how the paint works with pen and brush. Calendar1: TCalendar; Is another one that shows how change properties and a grid as well. You not needing to make a control now just examine the plumbing.
  19. Pat Foley

    Hints on debug and release build

    Also have same issue with .DCRs There clean removes your reg settings. Trying your suggestion out initial 59k dropped to 9k a working import is around 11k
  20. Pat Foley

    Hints on debug and release build

    Me too. My workaround is not use default Debug Release directories. That is import project .DPR from old D or Laz then new D generates a well behaved .proj
  21. Pat Foley

    Hints on debug and release build

    DCUs are only recompiled when they are not found or a build all command is sent. Delphi may be doing this for you each time you switch from Debug to Release. If they are not recompiled no hints are generated. Allowing faster compile times 🙂
  22. Pat Foley

    ways to organize related code in a form?

    From diaper to diapered. What happens in between is accommodation by family, teachers, management, and the State. A good manager accommodates his charges needs. Consider the companion animal needed not needed. I mentioned to the boss of all the shops I worked at this was the only shop that did not have pets. More toilets can't be installed since the State requires new toilets to meet accommodation laws. The cost of Knowledge is angst. Being able to share knowledge eases that angst
  23. Pat Foley

    ways to organize related code in a form?

    You could. Deming worked on papers and was to present one at 92. Jerry Pournelle when he worked in the Aerospace industry said they hired people of lower intelligence to connect the wiring harnesses in airplanes since they could focus on this mind numbing work and were happy to do it. I was at a conference at a state where a company interned high teachers vs students so the teachers would know what to teach and the importance of the students knowing communication skills. The goal is educate locally not pay finders fees and bonuses for someone that's homesick no matter what the bonus is.
  24. procedure TForm1.btnuseListUXClick(Sender: TObject); var trianglePts: TtrianglePts; // Tlist of <Points> trianglePtsExtended: TtrianglePts; begin trianglePts := TtrianglePts.Create; trianglePts.Add(point(20,20)); trianglePts.Add(point(200,100)); trianglePts.Add(point(200,20)); trianglePts.Add(point(20,20)); Canvas.Pen.Color := clgreen; Canvas.Polyline(trianglePts.List); trianglePtsExtended := TtrianglePts.Create; trianglePtsExtended.AddRange(trianglePts.ToArray); trianglePtsExtended.insert(1,point(20,100)); Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed; Canvas.Polyline(trianglePtsExtended.toarray); trianglePtsExtended.Free; trianglePts.Free; end; forgot generic example. TtrianglePts = TList<TPoint>;
  25. type ToldschoolArray = TPointerList; // array of pointer TusesSetlengthinternallyArray = TList; TtrianglePts = TList<TPoint>; ... procedure TForm1.btnmakeArrayClick(Sender: TObject); var oldSchoolArray: ToldschoolArray; things: TusesSetlengthinternallyArray; I, X, Getby: Integer; viewI, viewM: Integer; pI: PInteger; const bestguess = 10; begin x := random(10)-4; things := TusesSetlengthinternallyArray.Create; things.Capacity := bestguess; // ^setting may increase speed when 10000 + coming Try for I := 0 to pred(bestguess+x) do begin new(pI); pI^ := I; things.Add(pI); //oldSchoolArray.add(pI); can't do this :( end; oldSchoolArray := Things.List; // I was wondering why they added .list ViewI := PInteger(Things.Last)^; // guessing generics helped add this goody:) Getby := bestguess + X - 1; ViewM := PInteger(oldSchoolArray[Getby])^; caption := 'Easy:' + viewI.tostring + ' Hard:' + viewM.tostring; Finally for I := 0 to things.Count - 1 do dispose(things[I]); things.Destroy; End; Older School would be slice with oversized fixed array. To avoid DynaArray use D3.