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Everything posted by shineworld

  1. shineworld

    The future of Delphi

    I would like to have a Delphi version to work with ARM/Linux overall on Raspberry PI and clones. In industry, a lot of embedded ARM-based SOMs are developed with C++ or Python (QT on under the hood), overall for UI parts, but Delphi power could change the trends. I've tried FreePascal + Lazarus but is very messy...
  2. shineworld

    how to flush buffers on Indy components

    Sorry I've missed part "socket disconnected"... sorry again
  3. shineworld

    how to flush buffers on Indy components

    I don't know if its the right way but with Indy10 I use: unit osCustomConnection; interface uses Windows, IdGlobal, IdBuffer, IdIOHandler, IdTCPClient, IdTCPConnection; type TCustomConnection = class private FDevice: TIdTCPClient; private function GetConnected: Boolean; function GetHost: string; function GetPort: Integer; function GetInputBuffer: TIdBuffer; private procedure SetHost(const Value: string); procedure SetPort(Value: Integer); public procedure Connect(const ATimeout: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault); procedure Disconnect; function ReadFromStack(const ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected: Boolean = True; ATimeout: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault; const ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean = True): Integer; procedure WriteBuffer(const ABuffer; AByteCount: Integer; const AWriteNow: Boolean = False); public function FlushInputBuffer: Integer; public property Connected: Boolean read GetConnected; property Host: string read GetHost write SetHost; property Port: Integer read GetPort write SetPort; property InputBuffer: TIdBuffer read GetInputBuffer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; TIdIOHandlerHelper = class(TIdIOHandler) public function ReadFromSource(ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected: Boolean; ATimeout: Integer; ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean): Integer; end; implementation { TCustomConnection } procedure TCustomConnection.Connect(const ATimeout: Integer); begin FDevice.ConnectTimeout := ATimeOut; FDevice.Connect; end; constructor TCustomConnection.Create; begin FDevice := nil; FDevice := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil); end; destructor TCustomConnection.Destroy; begin FDevice.Free; inherited; end; procedure TCustomConnection.Disconnect; begin FDevice.Disconnect; end; function TCustomConnection.GetConnected: Boolean; begin Result := FDevice.Connected; end; function TCustomConnection.GetHost: string; begin Result := FDevice.Host; end; function TCustomConnection.GetInputBuffer: TIdBuffer; begin Result := FDevice.IOHandler.InputBuffer; end; function TCustomConnection.GetPort: Integer; begin Result := FDevice.Port; end; function TCustomConnection.ReadFromStack(const ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected: Boolean; ATimeout: Integer; const ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean): Integer; begin Result := TIdIOHandlerHelper(FDevice.IOHandler).ReadFromSource(ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected, ATimeout, ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout); end; procedure TCustomConnection.SetHost(const Value: string); begin FDevice.Host := Value; end; procedure TCustomConnection.SetPort(Value: Integer); begin FDevice.Port := Value; end; procedure TCustomConnection.WriteBuffer(const ABuffer; AByteCount: Integer; const AWriteNow: Boolean); begin if AByteCount = 0 then Exit; FDevice.IOHandler.WriteDirect(TIdBytes(@ABuffer), AByteCount); end; // flushes communications device input buffer function TCustomConnection.FlushInputBuffer: Integer; begin if not Connected then Result := 0 else begin ReadFromStack(False, 1, False); Result := InputBuffer.Size; InputBuffer.Clear; end; end; { TIdIOHandlerHelper } function TIdIOHandlerHelper.ReadFromSource(ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected: Boolean; ATimeout: Integer; ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean): Integer; begin Result := inherited ReadFromSource(ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected, ATimeout, ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected); end; end. It's a part of a more complex class (reduced to be simple to be read) but works. I use Indy10 TCP to capture encoded/encrypted/compressed continuous flow of data and so I've moved to public ReadFromSource, which call private TIdIOHandler.ReadFromSource function, to manage better the flow in a capture/decode/decrypt/uncompress thread. FlusInputBuffer calls a ReadFromStack to capture pending data en delete InputBuffer.Size return how many bytes were flushed.
  4. shineworld

    First Python + DelphiVCL Program

    Actually, I was a little poor in the description because I thought I shouldn't bore you. Let's see if I can group the ideas. 1] The IP Camera The IP camera is made with an embedded board + a motorized camera sensor + Linux. The IP camera, mounted on the Z axis of the CNC, uses a LAN connection to receive commands (eg: manual focus, brightness, resolution, etc) and return a stream of encoded and compressed frames. To do this, it uses the TCP / UDP protocols. The management software was initially made with Python but then I will calmly rewrite it completely in C ++. Theoretically, the code is already performing even in Python, as the bottleneck remains the acquisition of the frames from the sensor, their encoding, and compression, which is already done using native code libraries. In any case, a large part of the Python project was then compiled with Cython, creating python modules .so that a few percentage points of profit made me get. 2] Delphi and its expansion modules for Python. Initially, I tried to manage TCP/UPD streams directly in Python via sockets and threads, but unfortunately, Python gives the worst, as threading management is always subject to the rules of the GIL and therefore in fact creating more threads in python does not always mean being able to optimize the use of cores. I will not dwell on this question, which I too was not aware of, there are many discussions on the net. I, therefore, thought of using Delphi to create an extension module for Python in which I entered all the communication work between PC and Camera using Delphi's TThread (more practically internally I used INDY both for the TCP Client and for the UDP server) In python, I no longer needed to create threads for managing TCP/UDP packets with the resolution of many problems that I had had in the first tests. Still in the Python expansion module written in Delphi, I was able to manage other features not present in ready-made libraries for Python, but which I already had working fine in Delphi, certainly gaining performances. 3] Python program The Python program is actually made up of Python + DelphiVCL + Skia + OpenCV and other minor libraries, plus an image processing framework that I built from scratch in pure python language. To improve performance, the whole package, apart from the main file, was also compiled with Cython, obtaining a series of .pyd modules that make up the final product. 4] CNC The CNC is actually made up of an embedded board with a REAL TIME industrial operating system that I wrote years ago and that we have been using for years for CNC and PLC and all the CNC part is done directly on the board. The CNC board, which controls the motors/inputs/outputs/EtherCAT /etc, communicates with the PC and with the CNC control software via LAN. The control software is just a UI interface, has a G-code compiler, and takes care of transferring motion instructions or pre-processed blocks to the CNC board's execution buffer. In the CNC control software, there is an API server (TCP/Server) which allows an external program/process, through an API Client, to access all the functions of the CNC, including sending programs, MDI programs, JOG, etc. So for Python, I have created a package that implements the client core API allowing a Python program to have full control of the CNC. NOTE The program can use Themes. Without a theme, the assignment of a Bitmap to TImage objects (a Window control) can generate flickering (due to the WM_ERASExxx message). Using Themes the flickering increase a lot. So I've created a new DelphiVCL branch with Graphics32:TImgView32 which is a TGraphicControl-based object and solved the flickering phase managing the PAINT event. Now I've been really boring :) Sorry!
  5. Hi all. To complete my first Python + DelphiVCL program I need to expose to Python an extra Image Viewer Control. I don't want to create a custom delphivcl.pyd which is a good thing remains original and installable with pip install delphivcl, so I've tried to add the component in a custom package. Well, seems simple to do but does not work fine... The control to expose is TImgView32 which inherits from: TImgView32->TCustomImgView32->TCustomImage32->TCustomPaintBox32->TCustomControl so it is close to TLabel and looking at DelphiVCL code I've made same steps: library cnc_vision_ext; uses osPyCncVisionExt in 'sources\osPyCncVisionExt.pas'; exports PyInit_cnc_vision_ext; {$E pyd} begin end. unit osPyCncVisionExt; interface uses PythonEngine; function PyInit_cnc_vision_ext: PPyObject; cdecl; implementation uses System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, Winapi.Windows, Vcl.ExtCtrls, VarPyth, WrapDelphi, WrapVclExtCtrls, WrapVclControls, WrapDelphiClasses, GR32_Image; type TPyDelphiImgView32 = class(TPyDelphiControl) private function GetDelphiObject: TImgView32; procedure SetDelphiObject(const Value: TImgView32); public class function DelphiObjectClass: TClass; override; property DelphiObject: TImgView32 read GetDelphiObject write SetDelphiObject; end; TPyExtensionManager = class private FEngine: TPythonEngine; FModule: TPythonModule; FWrapper: TPyDelphiWrapper; public procedure WrapperInitializationEvent(Sender: TObject); end; var ExtensionManager: TPyExtensionManager; { module import functions } function PyInit_cnc_vision_ext: PPyObject; begin Result := nil; try ExtensionManager.FEngine := TPythonEngine.Create(nil); ExtensionManager.FEngine.AutoFinalize := False; ExtensionManager.FEngine.UseLastKnownVersion := True; ExtensionManager.FEngine.LoadDllInExtensionModule(); ExtensionManager.FModule := TPythonModule.Create(nil); ExtensionManager.FModule.Engine := ExtensionManager.FEngine; ExtensionManager.FModule.ModuleName := 'cnc_vision_ext'; ExtensionManager.FWrapper := TPyDelphiWrapper.Create(nil); ExtensionManager.FWrapper.Engine := ExtensionManager.FEngine; ExtensionManager.FWrapper.Module := ExtensionManager.FModule; ExtensionManager.FModule.Initialize; ExtensionManager.FWrapper.OnInitialization := ExtensionManager.WrapperInitializationEvent; ExtensionManager.FWrapper.Initialize; Result := ExtensionManager.FModule.Module; except end; end; { TPyDelphiImgView32 } class function TPyDelphiImgView32.DelphiObjectClass: TClass; begin Result := TImgView32; end; function TPyDelphiImgView32.GetDelphiObject: TImgView32; begin Result := TImgView32(inherited DelphiObject); end; procedure TPyDelphiImgView32.SetDelphiObject(const Value: TImgView32); begin inherited DelphiObject := Value; end; { TPyExtensionManager } procedure TPyExtensionManager.WrapperInitializationEvent(Sender: TObject); begin FWrapper.RegisterDelphiWrapper(TPyDelphiImgView32); end; initialization ExtensionManager := TPyExtensionManager.Create; finalization ExtensionManager.Free; end. Well, compilation OK and import on Python OK, but when I try to create the object assigning the parent I got that: from delphivcl import * from cnc_vision_ext import * class TestForm(Form): def __init__(self, owner): # print type of self ('__main__.TestForm') print(type(self)) # create a vcl label and assign parent: WORKS self.label = Label(self) self.label.Parent = self self.label.Left = 10 self.label.Top = 10 self.label.Caption = 'Hello World' # create a ext image and assign parent: ERROR self.image = ImgView32(self) # <-- AttributeError: Owner receives only Delphi objects self.image.Parent = self self.image.Left = 10 self.image.Top = 30 self.image.Width = 200 self.image.Height = 100 def main(): Application.Initialize() Application.Title = 'test' MainForm = TestForm(Application) MainForm.Show() FreeConsole() Application.Run() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ù If I check with a Python console the types seem very close: D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_vision_1>python Python 3.9.12 (tags/v3.9.12:b28265d, Mar 23 2022, 23:52:46) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from delphivcl import * >>> from cnc_vision_ext import * >>> frm = Form(None) >>> lbl = Label(frm) >>> lbl.Parent = frm >>> type(lbl) <class 'Label'> >>> lbl.__doc__ 'Wrapper for Delphi TLabel\n' >>> lbl.ClassName 'TLabel' >>> img = ImgView32(frm) # does not work with frm as like as lbl Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: Owner receives only Delphi objects >>> img = ImgView32(None) # try with none to check object type >>> type(img) <class 'ImgView32'> >>> img.__doc__ 'Wrapper for Delphi TImgView32\n' >>> img.ClassName 'TImgView32' Thank you in advance for any suggestion 🙂
  6. shineworld

    Add an extra Delphi Control in a new package

    Ok, I've added my first extension to DelphiVCL to use Graphics32 TImgView32 instead of standard Delphi TImage which suffers from blinking effects, during the repaint phase (not an issue on Delphi but inherited from OS level) when bitmap images do not fully cover the Image area. It is only an early implementation... I'm not a guru of P4D unfortunately, but it works. {*** * TAKE CARE * ========= * This units add extra third parties components from Graphics32. * * https://github.com/graphics32/graphics32 * * LICENSE * ======= * As of version 1.5.1b Graphics32 is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License (MPL) 1.1. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL * * Starting with version 1.9 Graphics32 is also licensed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 2.1 * with linking exception. * * You may use the files in this distribution under the terms of either the MPL 1.1 or the LGPL 2.1 with linking * exception. You can find a copy of both licenses in the plain text file License.txt which is located in the root * directory of the Graphics32 distribution package. * **} {$I ..\Definition.Inc} unit WrapExtGraphics32; interface uses System.Classes, System.TypInfo, System.SysUtils, Winapi.Windows, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.StdCtrls, WrapDelphi, PythonEngine, WrapVclControls, WrapDelphiClasses, GR32_Image, GR32_Layers; type { TMouseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer) of object; TImgMouseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer; Layer: TCustomLayer) of object; } { TImgMouseEvent wrapper } TImgMouseEventHandler = class(TEventHandler) protected procedure DoEvent(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer; Layer: TCustomLayer); public constructor Create(PyDelphiWrapper : TPyDelphiWrapper; Component : TObject; PropertyInfo : PPropInfo; Callable : PPyObject); override; class function GetTypeInfo : PTypeInfo; override; end; { TImgView32 wrapper } TPyDelphiImgView32 = class(TPyDelphiControl) private FBitmap: Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap; private function GetDelphiObject: TImgView32; procedure SetDelphiObject(const Value: TImgView32); public class function DelphiObjectClass: TClass; override; property DelphiObject: TImgView32 read GetDelphiObject write SetDelphiObject; public constructor Create(APythonType: TPythonType); override; constructor CreateWith(PythonType: TPythonType; args: PPyObject); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses WrapVclExtCtrls; type TByteDynArray = array of Byte; { TImgMouseEventHandler } constructor TImgMouseEventHandler.Create(PyDelphiWrapper : TPyDelphiWrapper; Component : TObject; PropertyInfo : PPropInfo; Callable : PPyObject); var Method : TMethod; begin inherited; Method.Code := @TImgMouseEventHandler.DoEvent; Method.Data := Self; SetMethodProp(Component, PropertyInfo, Method); end; procedure TImgMouseEventHandler.DoEvent(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer; Layer: TCustomLayer); var PyObject, PyTuple, PyButton, PyX, PyY, PyLayer, PyResult: PPyObject; begin Assert(Assigned(PyDelphiWrapper)); if Assigned(Callable) and PythonOK then with GetPythonEngine do begin PyObject := PyDelphiWrapper.Wrap(Sender); PyButton := PyLong_FromLong(Ord(Button)); PyX := PyLong_FromLong(X); PyY := PyLong_FromLong(Y); PyLayer := Py_None; //### TAKE CARE: Layers are not supported yet!!! PyTuple := PyTuple_New(6); GetPythonEngine.PyTuple_SetItem(PyTuple, 0, PyObject); GetPythonEngine.PyTuple_SetItem(PyTuple, 1, PyButton); GetPythonEngine.PyTuple_SetItem(PyTuple, 2, ShiftToPython(Shift)); GetPythonEngine.PyTuple_SetItem(PyTuple, 3, PyX); GetPythonEngine.PyTuple_SetItem(PyTuple, 4, PyY); GetPythonEngine.PyTuple_SetItem(PyTuple, 5, PyLayer); try PyResult := PyObject_CallObject(Callable, PyTuple); if Assigned(PyResult) then begin Py_DECREF(PyResult); end; finally Py_DECREF(PyTuple); end; CheckError; end; end; class function TImgMouseEventHandler.GetTypeInfo : PTypeInfo; begin Result := System.TypeInfo(TImgMouseEvent); end; { TPyDelphiImgView32 } class function TPyDelphiImgView32.DelphiObjectClass: TClass; begin Result := TImgView32; end; constructor TPyDelphiImgView32.Create(APythonType: TPythonType); begin inherited; FBitmap := Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap.Create; FBitmap.Width := 100; end; constructor TPyDelphiImgView32.CreateWith(PythonType: TPythonType; args: PPyObject); begin inherited; end; destructor TPyDelphiImgView32.Destroy; begin if FBitmap <> nil then FreeAndNil(FBitmap); inherited; end; function TPyDelphiImgView32.GetDelphiObject: TImgView32; begin Result := TImgView32(inherited DelphiObject); end; procedure TPyDelphiImgView32.SetDelphiObject(const Value: TImgView32); begin inherited DelphiObject := Value; end; {*** * TAKE CARE * ========= * At moment I've prefered to create the extra python function update_imgview32_from_bytes which call internal wrapped * UpdateImg32ViewFromBytesArray_Wrapper instead to add it directly to TPyDelphiImgView32. The second possibility is * create a local version of TImgView32 -> TImageView32Ex in which add the UpdateImage() function and leave to P4D to * create a wrapped interface. The bad thing of this way is that TByteDynArray is a tkDynArray and P4D converts it * to a list which is managed byte for byte to reconstruct a Delphi dynamic array becoming very very slow. * **} function UpdateImg32ViewFromBytesArray_Wrapper(pself, args: PPyObject): PPyObject; cdecl; { A B C +-------------------++------------------------------------------------------+ | PyObject header || TPyObject class | +----------+--------++-----------------+------------+----------+------------+ |ob_refcnt |ob_type ||hidden Class Ptr |PythonType |IsSubType |PythonAlloc | |integer |pointer ||pointer |TPythonType |Boolean |Boolean | |4 bytes |4 bytes ||4 bytes |4 bytes |1 byte |1 byte | +----------+--------++-----------------+------------+----------+------------+ ^ ^ | | ptr returned ptr returned by Adjust by GetSelf - a Python object must start at A. - a Delphi class class must start at B - TPyObject.InstanceSize will return C-B - Sizeof(TPyObject) will return C-B - The total memory allocated for a TPyObject instance will be C-A, even if its InstanceSize is C-B. - When turning a Python object pointer into a Delphi instance pointer, PythonToDelphi will offset the pointer from A to B. - When turning a Delphi instance into a Python object pointer, GetSelf will offset Self from B to A. - Properties ob_refcnt and ob_type will call GetSelf to access their data. } var Width: Integer; Height: Integer; Channels: Integer; Image: TImgView32; Bytes: TByteDynArray; BytesPyObj: PPyObject; ImagePyObj: PPyObject; ImageBitmap: Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap; function PyBytesAsBytes(Obj: PPyObject): TByteDynArray; var Size: NativeInt; Buffer: PAnsiChar; begin Result := nil; with GetPythonEngine do begin if not PyBytes_Check(Obj) then Exit; PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(Obj, Buffer, Size); if Size = 0 then Exit; SetLength(Result, Size); CopyMemory(Result, Buffer, Size); end; end; function UpdateImg32ViewFromBytesArray(Bytes: TByteDynArray; Width, Height, Channels: Integer): Boolean; {*** * TAKE CARE * ========= * Unfortunately Windows SetDIBitsToDevice requires that Bytes image lines are aligned with DWORD (4 bytes), so * when Width is not a multiple of 4 bytes the result is a tilted image. At moment I don't know a fast way to * align the flow of bytes. A possibility is to create ONLY 4 bytes aligned Width images in Python application but * sincerely I dont like this approach. Other possibility is to try generating RGBA bytes with A fiexd to 255, so * A is unmanaged but this mean more bytes to move. * * To solve, at moment I've created an UpdateImg32ViewFromBytesArrayEx which recreate the Bitmap from bytes using * scanline, so a row at time. I hope this is not a too slow way to do. * **} function UpdateBitmapFromBytesArray(Bitmap: Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap; Bytes: TByteDynArray; Width, Height, Channels: Integer): Boolean; type TRGBBitmapInfoHeader = record Header: TBitmapInfoHeader; ColorTable: array[0..255] of TRGBQuad; end; PBitmapInfoHeader = ^TBitmapInfoHeader; var I: Integer; Buffer: TRGBBitmapInfoHeader; BmpInfoHeader: PBitmapInfoHeader; var BmpInfoBuffer: TBitmapInfo absolute Buffer; begin Result := False; try if Length(Bytes) = 0 then Exit(False); if Length(Bytes) <> (Width * Height * Channels) then Exit(False); if not Channels in [1, 3] then Exit(False); if Bitmap = nil then Exit; Bitmap.Width := Width; Bitmap.Height := Height; BmpInfoHeader := PBitmapInfoHeader(@Buffer); BmpInfoHeader^.biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader); BmpInfoHeader^.biWidth := Width; BmpInfoHeader^.biHeight := -Height; BmpInfoHeader^.biPlanes := 1; BmpInfoHeader^.biBitCount := 8 * Channels; BmpInfoHeader^.biCompression := BI_RGB; BmpInfoHeader^.biSizeImage := 0; BmpInfoHeader^.biXPelsPerMeter := 0; BmpInfoHeader^.biYPelsPerMeter := 0; BmpInfoHeader^.biClrUsed := 0; BmpInfoHeader^.biClrImportant := 0; // if Bytes array is for monochrome image (channels = 1) normalizes bitmap color table // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader // // The BITMAPINFOHEADER structure may be followed by an array of palette entries or color masks. // The rules depend on the value of biCompression. // // - If biCompression equals BI_RGB and the bitmap uses 8 bpp or less, the bitmap has a color table immediately // following the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. The color table consists of an array of RGBQUAD values. The size // of the array is given by the biClrUsed member. If biClrUsed is zero, the array contains the maximum number // of colors for the given bitdepth; that is, 2^biBitCount colors. if Channels = 1 then begin for I := 0 to 255 do begin Buffer.ColorTable[I].rgbBlue := I; Buffer.ColorTable[I].rgbGreen := I; Buffer.ColorTable[I].rgbRed := I; end; end; Result := SetDIBitsToDevice ( Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, // hdc | handle to device context 0, // xDest | x-coordinate of upper-left corner of 0, // yDest | y-coordinate of upper-left corner of Width, // w | source rectangle width Height, // h | source rectangle height 0, // xSrc | x-coordinate of Lower-left corner of 0, // ySrc | y-coordinate of Lower-left corner of 0, // StartScan | first scan line in array Height, // cLines | number of scan lines Bytes, // *lpvBits | address of array with DIB bits BmpInfoBuffer, // *lpbmi | address of structure with bitmap info DIB_RGB_COLORS // ColorUse | RGB or palette indexes ) > 0; except end; end; function UpdateBitmapFromBytesArrayEx(Bitmap: Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap; Bytes: TByteDynArray; Width, Height, Channels: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; Size: Integer; SOffset: Integer; DOrigin: Pointer; begin Result := False; try if Length(Bytes) = 0 then Exit; if Length(Bytes) <> (Width * Height * Channels) then Exit; if not Channels in [1, 3] then Exit; if Bitmap = nil then Exit; Bitmap.Width := Width; Bitmap.Height := Height; case Channels of 1: Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit; 3: Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; end; SOffset := 0; Size := Width * Channels; for I := 0 to Height - 1 do begin DOrigin := Bitmap.ScanLine[I]; CopyMemory(DOrigin, @Bytes[SOffset], Size); Inc(SOffset, Size); end; Result := True; except end; end; begin Result := UpdateBitmapFromBytesArrayEx(ImageBitmap, Bytes, Width, Height, Channels); Image.Bitmap.Assign(ImageBitmap); end; begin with GetPythonEngine do begin try if PyArg_ParseTuple(args, 'OOiii:update_imgview32_from_bytes', @ImagePyObj, @BytesPyObj, @Width, @Height, @Channels) <> 0 then begin if ImagePyObj.ob_type.tp_name <> 'ImgView32' then Abort; Image := TPyDelphiImgView32(TPyObject(PAnsiChar(ImagePyObj) + SizeOf(PyObject))).DelphiObject; if Image = nil then Abort; ImageBitmap := TPyDelphiImgView32(TPyObject(PAnsiChar(ImagePyObj) + SizeOf(PyObject))).FBitmap; if ImageBitmap = nil then Abort; if BytesPyObj.ob_type.tp_name <> 'bytes' then Abort; Bytes := PyBytesAsBytes(BytesPyObj); if Bytes = nil then Abort; if Length(Bytes) <> (Width * Height * Channels) then Abort; if not UpdateImg32ViewFromBytesArray(Bytes, Width, Height, Channels) then Abort; Result := ReturnTrue; end else Result := ReturnFalse; except Result := ReturnFalse; end; end; end; { register the wrappers, the globals and the constants } type TThirdPartiesCtrlsRegistration = class(TRegisteredUnit) public function Name : string; override; procedure RegisterWrappers(APyDelphiWrapper : TPyDelphiWrapper); override; procedure DefineFunctions(APyDelphiWrapper : TPyDelphiWrapper); override; procedure DefineVars(APyDelphiWrapper : TPyDelphiWrapper); override; end; { TThirdPartiesCtrlsRegistration } procedure TThirdPartiesCtrlsRegistration.DefineFunctions(APyDelphiWrapper: TPyDelphiWrapper); begin inherited; APyDelphiWrapper.RegisterFunction ( PAnsiChar('update_imgview32_from_bytes'), UpdateImg32ViewFromBytesArray_Wrapper, PAnsiChar('update graphics32 ImgView32 object from bytes array with width, height & channels') ); end; procedure TThirdPartiesCtrlsRegistration.DefineVars(APyDelphiWrapper: TPyDelphiWrapper); begin inherited; // TScrollBarVisibility enum APyDelphiWrapper.DefineVar('svAlways', svAlways); APyDelphiWrapper.DefineVar('svHidden', svHidden); APyDelphiWrapper.DefineVar('svAuto', svAuto); end; function TThirdPartiesCtrlsRegistration.Name: string; begin Result := 'ThirdPartiesGraphics32'; end; procedure TThirdPartiesCtrlsRegistration.RegisterWrappers(APyDelphiWrapper: TPyDelphiWrapper); begin inherited; APyDelphiWrapper.RegisterDelphiWrapper(TPyDelphiImgView32); APyDelphiWrapper.EventHandlers.RegisterHandler(TImgMouseEventHandler); end; initialization RegisteredUnits.Add(TThirdPartiesCtrlsRegistration.Create); System.Classes.RegisterClasses([TImgView32]); end. At now frame refresh is very fast and flicker-free.
  7. shineworld

    Add an extra Delphi Control in a new package

    Following your info, I've created a custom DelphiVCL with third parties VCL objects, and now WORKS perfectly. This was the occasion to add your fix for memory leaks on property sets. I will test the behavior in the next few days. Thank you very much for your help!
  8. shineworld

    Add an extra Delphi Control in a new package

    Ah, I missed this thing ... so I got the whole structure of my project wrong 😞 So far what I had done: - Python program developed with PyScripter. - Using DelphiVCL (pip install delphivcl) as the main UI. - Using P4D to create a new extension module in Delphi (cnc_vision_ext.pyd) where I added new features and where I "wanted" to add new graphic components as well, eg: TImgView32. Having the cnc_vision_ext module is due to the need that some features I currently use are only available in Delphi and are not in Python and I wanted to "port" them to Python. This module uses its own TPythonEngine, TPythonModule, and TPyDelphiWrapper. So far it has worked but everything was not foreseen in the P4D structure could it run into malfunctions? So far it seems to me everything has worked correctly but with only one trick to add a function that updates an Image (TImage) created in Python with a bytes array that did not recognize the type passed as Delphi and I went around it. For example in the function update_image_from_bytes -> CncVisionUpdateImageFromBytesArray_Wrapper I've worked around a Image (TImage) created with delphivcl and passed as argument to recover Delphi wrapped object and so permits to assign it an image using a byte array containing the bitmap elaborated with Python.... I hope I have not completely misunderstood how to use DelphiVCL and P4D to add new extra features ... cnc_vision_video_ext.zip
  9. shineworld


    I've tried many SVG implementations in the past. At now I'm with SVGIconImageList + Image32. SVGIconImageList permits you to choose the SVG to render between: Skia4Delphi, Image32, D2D (directdraw), TSVG. Skia4Delphi is very interesting. I already use the skia4python in Python programs and recently I've installed Skia4Delphi in Sydney to draw canvas with its powerful features. Same with Image32 which is full native Delphi and extremely powerful. Delphi developers definitely can't complain about having few tools in the box.
  10. shineworld

    Trouble installing Python4Delphi

    You have to check libraries path in "Options -> Language -> Delphi -> Library" for 32 (default folder) and 64 bits: The best thing is to use ALWAYS git-ted sources codes of libraries instead of pre-compiled from Get-it. This leaves you knowledge of where sources are and fastly insert your changes.
  11. shineworld

    Trouble installing Python4Delphi

    Check in Options -> Language -> Delphi -> Library if you have: <your_libaries_path>\python4delphi\source <your_libaries_path>\python4delphi\source\vcl <your_libaries_path>\python4delphi\source\fmx
  12. Hi all. What I love of Delphi is memory management and overall the integration of FastMM and related memory leak management. All my projects are Memory Leak Free (just thanks to reports of FastMM which permits me to create a better code). Now I'm migrating some programs to Python using DelphiVCL and I'm falling into odd memory leaks. In a Python (3.9.12) application that uses DelphiVCL (0.1.40) I've noticed a continuous memory leak in some simple operations with VCL objects like Checkbox. I've attached a very simple Python program that uses a Timer to constantly update the Enabled state of a Checkbox. In the sample, I've also added a const to enable a tracemalloc and confirm the continue grow of memory used by <Checkbox>.Enabled = True # enable/disable tracemalloc to exclude the memory impact of tracemalloc TRACEMALLOC_ENABLED = False By default, TRACEMALLOC_ENABLED is set to False to remove any impact of tracemalloc framework. If enabled, the first mouse down on the form capture the BASE snapshot of memory. Any following mouse down, report on console the comparison of current snapshot with the first. Initially, tracemalloc internals is in the top ten results, but after some time Checkbox1.Enabled = True gain the top. If I disable the interesting lines, commenting on them, any memory leak disappears: def __on_timer(self, sender): """ self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True self.CheckBox1.Enabled = True """ I've placed many CheckBox1.Enabled to exasperate the case-test but usually, I do this for a lot of controls in update events. This is the memory usage captured with Process Explorer on running Python process with TRACEMALLOC_ENABLED = False: test.zip
  13. shineworld

    Strange memory leak with checkbox

    Great ! Monday morning I will try!
  14. shineworld

    Strange memory leak with checkbox

    a) YES without any code in __on_timer(...) I have no memory leaks. b) YES if I add any operations with a checkbox in __on_timer() the memory leaks begin. c) I've used a const to DISABLE trace malloc os I can exclude that memory-leaks depends by it. d) YES the graphical images posted are without the use of trace malloc but are a bird-eye view of the python windows process memory consumption. In the test, I've checked only CheckBox.Enabled, to be simple, but in the full project, I've got some memory leaks also in <vcl>.Caption = etc. The memory leaks began when I switched from PySimpleGUI to DelphiVCL UI. The project uses a lot of DelphiVCL components so, in running time, the memory leak increases a lot. A program, at first start, uses 139MB, but after two hours it reaches 700MB or memory usage and trace malloc suggests that is in DelphiVCL. In the below video, I try to show the behavior. The system is simple. An embedded board with a camera, in this case, an RPI4, captures the camera frames and implements a server service to obtain an IP-CAMERA. To simplify the case is written in Python. A PC program, with Python + DelphiVCL + OpenCV + Skia connects to IP-Camera, gets frames, and applies code to elaborate it. In the test code, I've added trace malloc with a first memory snapshot (take_snaphot) at the start. When I press the middle button on the frame view I capture a memory snapshot that I compare with the start snapshot to show the top 10 memory consumers. It is normal that no VCL objects reach temporary the top because I capture some frames and I take them for future uses but looking on the counter is low. What I see is the usage memory and allocated counter increase continuously in some DelphiVCL operations. To be honest, I don't know so wheel Python and inners, I've begun to use it some time ago to try to port some apps to Python language on customer request, I'm a Delphi developer. So I can have mistakes on how to use tracemalloc to catch memory leaks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhUniVnXgEQ
  15. shineworld

    Add #13#10 to a string

    It is embarrassing but I was not able to set a multiline text in a Button Caption. Usually in Delphi is only necessary to: MyButton.Caption = 'first line' + #13#10 + 'second line' What to get same behaviour in Python + DelphiVCL ?
  16. shineworld

    Add #13#10 to a string

    Thanks for the replies. I've also missed to set WordWrap to True in button properties 🙂 Happens!
  17. As like as David Heffernan I use the embedded python version for our customers. You can install pip in the embedded version so the end-user can add new packages or update packages from whl or Pypi. The embedded way is perfect to have an isolated python in which trust to deploy software for end-user. For example, my embedded version contains right OpenCV, NumPy, delphivcl/fmx, and support packages that I will use to create the end-user python program avoiding any conflicts with different versions already installed in other customer python installations and without use conda, etc.
  18. shineworld

    A question for thread reference

    Actually, I've used the simplest way to send an image to Python, send it completely (header, image structure, data). This required a python cv2.imdecode to get back a NumPy array clean of container (GIF/BMP/JPG/PNG/etc). You can use GetDIB in Delphi to extract only pure image data (RGB or RGBA), packet it, and return it to python then reorganize data in NumPy without the use of cv2.imdecode. TAKE CARE ======= In your time test for ByteIO, you have an overhead of cv2.imdecode.... Try without it.
  19. shineworld

    A question for thread reference

    Attached to the post there is a very simple Delphi application that should help you. The demo creates a PythonEngine and adds a new Module called delphi_vcl_ext in which wraps two functions: get_loaded_image_as_bytes() # get delphi loaded image as bytes update_image_from_bytes(...) # update delphivcl Image object from bytes array with width, height & channels The program has two panels: - Left Panel is a TImage and shows the loaded image to transfer to the Python script. - Right Panel is a TImage to show the python script evaluated image. By default, the program preloads a test BMP file (640x480 so fits the left image panel). Default script: - Get Delphi loaded image using get_loaded_image_as_byte(). - Decode the image to a NumPy array. - Apply an automatic canny filter. - Send back to Delphi the resulting image to be shown in the right panel. The time to transfer images is shown in the right log panel. With Load Image, you can try other files but must be supported by the TImage component. After all, is only a demo code made for you during rest time. Take care If you call script in a Delphi Thread you can't write python sent image directly in a TImage, or in any VCL component but use rightly Thread.Synchronized method to be done in the main thread. delphi_python_001.7z
  20. I've to move IMemento and IPersistable to JSON. I've already made that in Python and moving to Delphi should be simple. At moment I cannot do that, current project timings..... cnc_memento.py Delphi, Sydeny in my case, have a full JSON support. Here an example of element read to compare with python way.... Delphi JSON is very close to dict in python and so to related python json: function TAPITCPEngineClient.GetAxesInfo: TAPIAxesInfo; var Request: string; Response: string; JSONValue: TJSONValue; begin try if not GetActive then AbortFast; Result.Init; Request := '{"get":"axes.info"}'; Response := SendCommand(Request); if Response = '' then Exit; JSONValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(Response); try if not (JSONValue is TJSONObject) then Exit; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<TAPIAxesArray>('["res"]["joint.position"]', Result.JointPosition.V) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<TAPIAxesArray>('["res"]["machine.position"]', Result.MachinePosition.V) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<TAPIAxesArray>('["res"]["program.position"]', Result.ProgramPosition.V) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<TAPIAxesArray>('["res"]["machine.target.position"]', Result.MachineTargetPosition.V) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<TAPIAxesArray>('["res"]["program.target.position"]', Result.ProgramTargetPosition.V) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<TAPIAxesSpeedArray>('["res"]["actual.velocity"]', Result.ActualVelocity.V) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<Cardinal>('["res"]["working.wcs"]', Result.WorkingWCS) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<TAPIAxesArray>('["res"]["working.offset"]', Result.WorkingOffset.V) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<Boolean>('["res"]["homing.done"]', Result.HomingDone) then AbortFast; if not JSONValue.TryGetValue<Cardinal>('["res"]["homing.done.mask"]', Result.HomingDoneMask) then AbortFast; Result.HasData := True; finally JSONValue.Free; end; except Result.Init; end; end; JSon is simplest than XML but more readable.
  21. shineworld


    Usually, I use osMemento with BDS2006 (which is IDENTICAL to Delphi7) and Sydney. MSXML DOM is also very fast. With latest software, however, I'm migrating my settings files to JSON so I can open them in Python, where I've another implementation of Memento very close to Delphi version but for JSON.
  22. shineworld


    CreateChild creates a new child empty node overwriting the eventual existent node. CreateChildSmart at first check if the child already exists and return it, maintaining contents otherwise it creates a new one. PS: I've missed a unit in git: osExceptionUtils.pas osExceptionsUtils add a new fast Abort (AbortFast) that I use often, but in source, you can replace any AbortFast with a native Abort.
  23. shineworld


    If compile for Windows you can use MSXML directly to load/get/set/DOM and save. Here you can find how I use MSXML with Delphi implementing a light version of the Memento pattern: https://github.com/shineworld/memento Example of use in a system to load/save recently opened files: unit osMRUManager; interface uses osIMemento; type TMRUManager = class private FBackupPath: string; FCount: Integer; FItems: array of string; FMaxItems: Integer; private function GetItems(Index: Integer): string; procedure SetMaxItems(Value: Integer); public procedure Clear; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); function LoadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; function LoadFromMemento(Memento: IMemento): Boolean; procedure Push(const Item: string); function SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; function SaveToMemento(Memento: IMemento): Boolean; procedure ValidateItems; public constructor Create; public property BackupPath: string read FBackupPath write FBackupPath; property Count: Integer read FCount; property Items[Index: Integer]: string read GetItems; property MaxItems: Integer read FMaxItems write SetMaxItems; end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, osIPersistable, osXMLMemento, osExceptionUtils; const DEF_MAX_ITEMS = 8; constructor TMRUManager.Create; begin // sets default members values FBackupPath := ''; FCount := 0; FItems := nil; FMaxItems := 0; // sets initial max items MaxItems := DEF_MAX_ITEMS; end; procedure TMRUManager.Delete(Index: Integer); var I: Integer; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FMaxItems) then Exit; if (Index >= FCount) then Exit; for I := Index to FCount - 2 do FItems[I] := FItems[I + 1]; FItems[FCount - 1] := ''; Dec(FCount); end; procedure TMRUManager.Clear; begin FCount := 0; end; function TMRUManager.GetItems(Index: Integer): string; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= Count) then Result := '' else Result := FItems[Index]; end; function TMRUManager.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; var Memento: IMemento; BackupFileName: string; function GetBackupFileName: string; begin try if FBackupPath = '' then AbortFast; if not DirectoryExists(FBackupPath) then AbortFast; Result := FBackupPath + ExtractFileName(FileName); except Result := ''; end; end; function InternalLoadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; begin try Memento := CreateReadRoot(FileName); if Memento = nil then AbortFast; if Memento.GetName <> 'mru_root' then AbortFast; if not LoadFromMemento(Memento) then AbortFast; Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; begin Clear; try BackupFileName := GetBackupFileName; Result := InternalLoadFromFile(FileName); if Result then begin if BackupFileName <> '' then SaveToFile(BackupFileName); Exit; end; Result := InternalLoadFromFile(BackupFileName); if not Result then AbortFast; SaveToFile(FileName); Result := True; except Clear; Result := False; end; end; function TMRUManager.LoadFromMemento(Memento: IMemento): Boolean; var I: Integer; W: TXMLString; MainNode: IMemento; FileNodes: IMementoArray; begin Clear; try MainNode := Memento.GetChild('mru'); if MainNode = nil then AbortFast; FileNodes := MainNode.GetChildren('file'); if FileNodes = nil then AbortFast; if Length(FileNodes) > MaxItems then AbortFast; FCount := Length(FileNodes); for I := 0 to FCount - 1 do begin if not FileNodes[I].GetString('name', W) then AbortFast; FItems[I] := W; end; Result := True; except Clear; Result := False; end; end; procedure TMRUManager.Push(const Item: string); var I: Integer; J: Integer; begin for I := 0 to FCount - 1 do begin if FItems[I] = Item then begin if I = 0 then Exit; for J := I downto 1 do FItems[J] := FItems[J - 1]; FItems[0] := Item; Exit; end; end; if FCount < FMaxItems then Inc(FCount); for I := FCount - 1 downto 1 do FItems[I] := FItems[I - 1]; FItems[0] := Item; end; function TMRUManager.SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; var Memento: IMemento; BackupFileName: string; function GetBackupFileName: string; begin try if FBackupPath = '' then AbortFast; if not DirectoryExists(FBackupPath) then AbortFast; Result := FBackupPath + ExtractFileName(FileName); except Result := ''; end; end; function InternalSaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; begin try Memento := CreateWriteRoot('mru_root'); if not SaveToMemento(Memento) then AbortFast; if not (Memento as IPersistable).SaveToFile(FileName, nrmd_UTF8, False) then AbortFast; Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; begin try BackupFileName := GetBackupFileName; if not InternalSaveToFile(FileName) then AbortFast; if BackupFileName <> '' then InternalSaveToFile(BackupFileName); Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; function TMRUManager.SaveToMemento(Memento: IMemento): Boolean; var I: Integer; Node: IMemento; MainNode: IMemento; begin try MainNode := Memento.CreateChildSmart('mru'); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin Node := MainNode.CreateChild('file'); Node.PutString('name', FItems[I]); end; Result := True; except Result := False; end; end; procedure TMRUManager.SetMaxItems(Value: Integer); var I: Integer; begin if FMaxItems = Value then Exit; SetLength(FItems, Value); for I := FMaxItems to Value - 1 do FItems[I] := ''; FMaxItems := Value; if FCount > FMaxItems then FCount := FMaxItems; end; procedure TMRUManager.ValidateItems; var I: Integer; begin I := FCount - 1; while I >= 0 do begin if not FileExists(FItems[I]) then Delete(I); Dec(I); end; end; end.
  24. To simplify Python + DelphiVCL + owner Delphi PYD modules for our customer I would like to use the embedded version of Python. When the customer installs our software it installs also an embedded version of Python in the known path so do not touch customer versions or virtual environments. So I can have a customer with a full install of Python 3.10.1 in: C:\Users\silverio.di.QEMSRL\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\ and our embedded Python 3.10.4 with pre-installed custom modules at: D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_vision_1\python\ The Embedded Python version has PIP and all related modules as well as DelphiVCL, Skia, OpenCV, etc. When I run the embedded Python version I can import delphivcl, skia, cv2, etc without issue BUT not our PYD made with Delphi. However, the same module, called cnc_vision_ext.cp310-win_amd64.pyd, is loaded without issue with the full Python version... Could be that the embedded python distro is missing some lib or basic module required to load it? I've captured the CMD window reported below. Any suggestion? D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_vision_1\python>dir Il volume nell'unità D è Volume Numero di serie del volume: 48BE-3E0C Directory di D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_vision_1\python 04/05/2022 18:09 <DIR> . 04/05/2022 18:09 <DIR> .. 03/05/2022 16:58 5.347.328 cnc_vision_ext.cp310-win_amd64.pyd 22/10/2021 18:30 2.159.352 get-pip.py 04/05/2022 18:05 <DIR> Lib 23/03/2022 23:22 3.439.512 libcrypto-1_1.dll 23/03/2022 23:22 32.792 libffi-7.dll 23/03/2022 23:22 698.784 libssl-1_1.dll 23/03/2022 23:22 32.763 LICENSE.txt 23/03/2022 23:22 194.000 pyexpat.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 589.053 python.cat 23/03/2022 23:22 99.280 python.exe 23/03/2022 23:22 62.416 python3.dll 23/03/2022 23:22 4.445.648 python310.dll 23/03/2022 23:23 2.638.493 python310.zip 04/05/2022 18:04 79 python310._pth 23/03/2022 23:22 97.744 pythonw.exe 04/05/2022 18:06 302 requirements.txt 04/05/2022 18:06 <DIR> Scripts 23/03/2022 23:22 26.064 select.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 1.476.048 sqlite3.dll 23/03/2022 23:22 1.118.672 unicodedata.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 98.224 vcruntime140.dll 23/03/2022 23:22 37.256 vcruntime140_1.dll 23/03/2022 23:22 27.088 winsound.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 61.392 _asyncio.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 79.824 _bz2.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 119.760 _ctypes.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 248.272 _decimal.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 124.368 _elementtree.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 60.880 _hashlib.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 154.064 _lzma.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 40.912 _msi.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 30.672 _multiprocessing.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 46.032 _overlapped.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 27.600 _queue.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 75.216 _socket.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 94.672 _sqlite3.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 156.624 _ssl.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 21.456 _uuid.pyd 23/03/2022 23:22 40.912 _zoneinfo.pyd 04/05/2022 18:04 <DIR> __archive__ 37 File 24.003.554 byte 5 Directory 206.815.965.184 byte disponibili D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_vision_1\python>C:\Users\silverio.di.QEMSRL\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Python.exe Python 3.10.4 (tags/v3.10.4:9d38120, Mar 23 2022, 23:13:41) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import delphivcl as vcl >>> import cnc_vision_ext as ext >>> quit() D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_vision_1\python>.\python.exe Python 3.10.4 (tags/v3.10.4:9d38120, Mar 23 2022, 23:13:41) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import delphivcl as vcl >>> import cnc_vision_ext as ext Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> SystemError: initialization of cnc_vision_ext did not return an extension module >>> quit() D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_vision_1\python>
  25. Could be interesting, to have time to write something about.... Natively the Delphi project is around 10 million lines and with the introduction of expandability via Python I don't know where it will end 🙂 Fortunately, in an I7, Delphi is so fast that it takes just over 3 minutes to compile the whole project. In another language, I could go for a quick lunch.