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Everything posted by shineworld

  1. A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox cotrol. In one application I have hundreds and hundreds of TComboBoxes with values None and then from 1 to 256. I have used many strategies to enter values in these combos but the time required is enormous. The fastest system was to leave them empty, at FormCreate create the fields by hand by searching all TComboBox components ...... and on some PCs it takes almost 3 or more seconds.... // creates components hash and binds component events to code and adds inputs/outputs items C := ComponentCount - 1; for I := 0 to C do begin Component := Components[I]; FComponentsHashManager.Add(Component); if Component is TComboBox then begin with TComboBox(Component) do begin if Pos('InputNum', Name) <> 0 then begin SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(False), 0); SendMessage(Handle, CB_INITSTORAGE, I_O.MAX_DIGITAL_INPUTS + 1, COMBOBOX_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH * (I_O.MAX_DIGITAL_INPUTS + 1)); for J := 0 to I_O.MAX_DIGITAL_INPUTS do Items.Insert(J, InputsList.Strings[J]); SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(True), 0); Continue; end; if Pos('OutNum', Name) <> 0 then begin SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(False), 0); SendMessage(Handle, CB_INITSTORAGE, I_O.MAX_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS + 1, COMBOBOX_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH * (I_O.MAX_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS + 1)); for J := 0 to I_O.MAX_DIGITAL_OUTPUTS do Items.Insert(J, OutputsList.Strings[J]); SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(True), 0); Continue; end; end; end; ...
  2. shineworld

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    Delphi 12.3 presentation is cooming 🙂
  3. shineworld

    Reduce exe weight : Link with runtime package

    I use UPX by decade without any issue also with Virustotal and installed BitDefender. I guess it expand program in RAM. My 38.681.088 byte exe are compressed with LZMA to 10.189.312 byte with "upx-4.2.2.exe --best --lzma normal-version.exe upx-version.exe"
  4. shineworld

    Some new projects...

    There are other projects, eg: Chandra, Infero, jetLua, LMEngine, etc which are disapeared from git... Are become obsolete and replaced by some newone ?
  5. shineworld

    TLS v1.3

    Currently, working is only TLS 1.2, but there is a git to add TLS 1.3 ( https://github.com/JPeterMugaas/TaurusTLS.git ) I've downloaded and checket it but I haven't yet need time to try to extract sources use it... I try then from some weeks (I'm in releasing of current software version).
  6. shineworld

    TLS v1.3

    I've downloaded (cloned) Indy repository from github (https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy.git). Manually copied needed file in a source folder of my project. Added that folder in the project search path. Created the class only with code (no IDE objects placement) so I use only custom sources for Indy. This permitted me to add changes and work with latest git repository code, without remove native Indy tools from IDE.
  7. shineworld

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I use a lot of third-party libraries and exclusively from source so the compiled code grows a lot. I may not have understood what is meant by “code is generated” but it is almost all hand-made code. This also includes compilers of various languages used by the system, for which, yes some of it is auto-generated (I use Gold Parser), but a few thousand lines. The program also different script languages, server types, and there the code grows. Empirically maybe I wrote 40% by hand, the rest is libraries, data, and different versions of UI.
  8. shineworld

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Personally, I held out as long as I could with BDS2006, whose problems I knew very well, which I had circumvented with tricks of all kinds. In the meantime, however, I always updated (purchased) the sucessive versions without ever using them. At a certain point I gave up, as, tired of using third-party libraries to have a partially Unicode program and of the memory limitations imposed by the 32-bit system (I use a lot of memory), I paid the price for years of dormancy and switched to Sydney and now Athens. Developing has become much easier, and all the things added to the language over the years allow me to greatly reduce the time required in going from concept to final code. I have fairly large projects (22 million lines of code) that I compile in both 32-bit and 64-bit, although recently I have been distributing only 64-bit versions, customers stick to the streetcar with their Win7 (it has not been supported by MS for years, and there is no point in persevering). Yes, 32-bit compilation is faster but as you can see from the image a complete build of the project I am working on, it is not that unbearable. The additional cost (twice the time) is worth the effort.
  9. shineworld

    Zip Compression library

    I've found it, and used, in official page of 7Zip: https://7-zip.org/sdk.html https://www.birtles.org.uk/programming/ It is old, true, but I use it to compress and send data over TCP server/client and works fine for my projects. There is also a, I guess 9.2 version, at: https://github.com/TetzkatLipHoka/LZMA/tree/main
  10. Today I'm getting crazy with Delphi Refactor > Rename Field (CTRL + SHIFT + E). Also starting a new IDE with a dummy project of only one variable the rename field get me the error: I don't know because message is in Italian language, but refactor is completly unusable. It notice that interface {B53A87B3-C809-4390-9BE2-6F1C168CF41D} is not registered. Athens 12.2 Patch 2. Any idea about that ?
  11. shineworld

    Refactor rename field fails always

    THANKS, I missed this feature ! Now all works fine 🙂 #ITA: grazie mi hai salvato ore ed ore di pena nel dover reinstallare tutto da zero!.
  12. shineworld

    Refactor rename field fails always

    How to register a TLB ? I'm used with regsvr32 DLL file but in this case Borland.Studio.Interop.dll don't is compatibile with regsvr32.
  13. shineworld

    Refactor rename field fails always

    Ok but probably other things will go wrong with that. Seems that Borland.Studio.Interop interfaces are missing. There is a way to register them again without to reinstall the IDE ?
  14. Hi all. There is a way to modify Bitmap contents (actually create content) of a DelphiFMX Image.Bitmap to add a text ? I've tried: bitmap = self.DIOImage.Bitmap bitmap.Width = int(self.DIOImage.Width) bitmap.Height = int(self.DIOImage.Height) bitmap.Clear(0xFF000000) canvas = bitmap.Canvas r = RectF(8 + 15, 10, bitmap.Width - 8, bitmap.Height - 10) ??? canvas.FillText(r, 'Hello World', False, 100, 0, 0, 0) ??? But the image remains EMPTY and doesn't show anything...
  15. shineworld

    Modify bitmap of FMX Image object

    Seems that Canvas object is not usable in DelphiFMX. c.BeginScene() does not works also passing (None, 0) or any other combination: import delphifmx as fmx img = fmx.Image(None) bmp = img.Bitmap print(f'Initial Image Width : {img.Width}') print(f'Initial Image Height : {img.Height}') print(f'Initial Image.Bitmap Width : {img.Bitmap.Width}') print(f'Initial Image.Bitmap Height : {img.Bitmap.Height}') bmp.Width = 200 bmp.Height = 200 img.Width = bmp.Width img.Height = bmp.Height print(f'Actual Image Width : {img.Width}') print(f'Actual Image Height : {img.Height}') print(f'Actual Image.Bitmap Width : {img.Bitmap.Width}') print(f'Actual Image.Bitmap Height : {img.Bitmap.Height}') c = bmp.Canvas print(f'Canvas Width : {c.Width}') print(f'Canvas Height : {c.Height}') r = fmx.RectF(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0) c.BeginScene(None, 0) try: pass #c.FillText(r, 'hello', True, 1, [], 'Center', 'Center') finally: c.EndScene() *** Remote Interpreter Reinitialized *** Initial Image Width : 50.0 Initial Image Height : 50.0 Initial Image.Bitmap Width : 0 Initial Image.Bitmap Height : 0 Actual Image Width : 200.0 Actual Image Height : 200.0 Actual Image.Bitmap Width : 200 Actual Image.Bitmap Height : 200 Canvas Width : 200 Canvas Height : 200 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_api_client_core_1\python\api_client_fmx_demo\test-001.py", line 30, in <module> c.BeginScene(None, 0) TypeError: "BeginScene" called with invalid arguments. Error: Expected and actual arguments are incompatible >>>
  16. So far, when I wanted to add a new UI component to DelphiVCL, I always started from DelphiVCL source, added the new unit with classes and types, and created a “clone” of the package with the new functionality using that instead of DelphiVCL. It works but I would like to “not touch” the original version of DelphiVCL installed by PyPi but only create an extensive module (pyd) with only the new UI controls. At this point I don't know if this can be done. I still understand little about P4D but it seems to me that each new module requires a PyEngine which loads the python DLL and this is already instantiated by DelphiVCL and if I create a new package with my new module and controls I assume there will be conflicts. Is this a viable way ? Is there any way to reuse the egine already created by original DelphiVCL to use it in my custom PYD ? I thank in advance those who will help me to dispel these doubts. Best regards Silverio
  17. shineworld

    Python DelphiFMX application icon

    Hi all, I'm trying to convert an old DelphiVCL (python) application to DelphiFMX and I was not able to define the form title icon image. In Project Options I've set Icon resource, as I made with DelphiVCL version: But during the python run the icon is not visible: I've searched for Icon property in TForm and TApplication but not available. There is a way ? Thank you in advance for any suggestion. Best regards.
  18. Hello everyone, after years I decided to migrate a big project from Sydney 10.4.2 to Athens 12.2 latest version. Most things went smoothly, others required some work in the code but it works fine. I am left with one problem and one solution to find. In Sydney the default font used was “Tahoma 8” and the entire software was reliant on it and its features, which must often take advantage of every available pixel in the screen. Now when I create a new form or frame or add an object, I always end up with “Segoe UI 9” as the default font which returns text that is wider in width and breaks the continuity of the existing form/frame hundreds for me. How can I make sure that the old “Tahoma 8” is used as the default font during development and execution ? Many controls have multiple fonts and it is nerve-wracking to have to go searching for each “Font” property within them to change them by hand each time. Thank you.
  19. shineworld

    Continuity solution of the Default font Sydnye vs. Athens

    Woe is me, I had modified the global DefaultFont var but not the Application.DefaultFont.Name var. Thanks for help !!!
  20. shineworld

    Continuity solution of the Default font Sydnye vs. Athens

    Our applications run on embedded panel pc which have fixed inches size and are all FullHD, so HDPI is not used. I've tried also to change DefaultFont.Name := 'Tahoma' of VCL.Graphics in first steps of DPR but nothing changed.
  21. shineworld

    migrating projects to RAD Studio 12

    Try to check the stack of called methods, someone try to use a wrong pointer value or object reference.
  22. shineworld

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    My 2 cents. I have been working with Delphi since the first version, that is, forever. It is my main development tool and one thing I have learned over the years. Whatever version I patch or whatever it is, I first install it on a VM. I never use third-party packages that don't start from source (no pre-compiled BPLs). I install all packages from source (with obvious modifications if they give problems). When everything works and I can work a few hours on the VM without any hiccups, then I uninstall the package from the working PC, clean up all directories and files from the previous installation that were not removed during uninstall, and repeat the operations done on the VM. It's a lot of work but I don't immediately switch to a new version when it appears. I wait for the inevitable patched versions to come out so I don't waste hours and hours of work. With these operations the bugs and snags are kept to a minimum and you can work.
  23. shineworld

    SynEdit now has annotated Scrollbars.

    The best Editor component, better than native Delphi IDE editor (IMO).
  24. shineworld

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    I have been using Delphi for our software since version 1.0 and the latest project exceeds 22 million lines of code, but I have never felt the need to have the Enterprise or Architect version. Software products are tied to hardware equipment and 99% of the time they are free so keeping a subscription alive for Enterprise/Architect would become too costly for a small company. A missed opportunity in my case, I am continuing with the Pro version. In any case, Delphi remains and will remain my favorite development tool.
  25. shineworld

    3D render engine that works with Delphi

    I don't know if it is a false positive, the fact is that I was unable in any way to download the file because of our server antivirus actions.