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Everything posted by bzwirs

  1. I need to collect all tubes data. At this stage, specifically the coin_unit and coin_count fields. Bill Zwirs
  2. Sorry...normally first thing I add. FMX application on Delphi 11.3. Bill
  3. I have used Rest Debugger to set up my components (Client, Request, Response, DatasetAdapter and TDFMemTbl) to populate the MemTable with all the records from the "records' part of the response. When I execute the Request I get a Response Ok, part of which is shown below: {"status":"1","info":"success","page_info":{"total_page":"21","record_per_page":"50","current_page":"1","total_record":"1029"},"records":[{"machine_id":"16748","imei":"8615850........................ If I right click the MemTable to view the "records" data all I get is the 50 records (ie. "records_per_page":"50"). I simply want to use the MemTable dataset in a report (using Fast Report) so need ALL records available which, according to the response should be 1029. The report I have created only shows the 50 records at this stage. So my question is......how do I get all the records from the Response to show in the MemTable? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks Bill
  4. bzwirs

    JSON records in TFDMemTable

    Thanks....you were right. I was able to increase the records_per_page setting in the url request which maxed at 200. Any higher and it went to default of 30. I then did multiple requests (of 200) for each page (as you suggested) which were combined into one dataset and all worked fine. Thanks for your help. Bill
  5. bzwirs

    Unsupported Pixal Format

    I have sent an email to Winsoft a week ago but as in past requests to them, I have not received any response. So am looking for help elsewhere. Bill
  6. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    Just updated to 11.3 (from 11.2) and now get an error when I launch one of my FMX apps in the IDE. The error is: Danger Stack overflow - save your work and restart Delphi 11. and the .dpr file is displayed on screen. I have other FMX apps that I can successfully rebuild in 11.3 without any problems. Any suggestions as to where I should look to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance. Bill
  7. Have updated to Delphi 11.3. FMX App Since updating I now get an access violation when using the 'Generate Sql' button from the TFDUpdateSQL component. What can I do to fix this problem? This has never happened under previous versions of Delphi. Bill
  8. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    The first install I opted to save registry entries which normally means I don't have to reinstall the 3rd party components that I use and then I was getting that error. This time I did the opposite and reinstalled the 3rd party components I use and get no error when opening that project. So assume that it must have something to do with a corrupted 3rd party setting in registry from first install. In hindsight, I may have achieved the same result by simply just reinstalling the 3rd party components. Just for your interest, the 3rd party components I use in that particular project are TMS, Woll2Woll, HTML Editor and PDFium (WinSoft).
  9. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    Have reinstalled Delphi with delete registry entries option this time and reinstalled all 3rd party components.....project now opens without error and compiles for Win32. Unable to compile for Android yet but have found that SDK paths are not there so probably need to reinstall Android SDK.
  10. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    I tried your suggestion re copying the dpr and dproj files to another directory. Opened Ok, just complained about other units not being there which would be expected. There are only 3 pas files to this project - Main, Datamodule and proxy file. I first introduced the proxy and datamodule files and in both cases opened Ok except for complaining about the file not there. So finally got the error when I introduced the main file. The main file code shows in the IDE but when I select the Design tab then Delphi closes down completely. So I figure the problem is in the .fmx file. Is there anything in particular that I can look for in that file? At this stage I am thinking about a complete reinstall of Delphi (third party components and all) to see if that helps before I try anything else.
  11. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    Dalija, There are no .dsk files. The exact error is: Bill
  12. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    Thanks for your advice Dalija. I have tried to open it through File/Open as you suggested but that didn't work for me. Over the next few days (when I get some time) I will try your other option in trying to re-create from scratch. I'll let you know how it went. Thanks again. Bill
  13. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    If I remove the .dproj file then I get the following error: No I didn't get a callstack from the IDE, just the stack overflow message.
  14. bzwirs

    Stack Overflow error

    Have tried but then cannot open project because of missing .dpr file.
  15. bzwirs

    TAlphaColorRec in Android

    For adding text with color (aDocketNum being a string variable): FPdf1.AddText(aDocketNum, 'Arial', 14, 500, 755,TAlphaColorRec.Red); For drawing a filled rectangle: FPdf1.CreatePath(15, 550, fmAlternate,TAlphaColorRec.Blue, True, TAlphaColorRec.Black, 1.0); FPdf1.LineTo(15, 576); FPdf1.LineTo(577, 576); FPdf1.LineTo(577, 550); FPdf1.ClosePath; FPdf1.AddPath; FPdf1 is component supplied with Winsoft PDFium. Bill
  16. Hi, Updated to Delphi 11.2 the other day and now unable to install apk file to android device (Tab6 Lite). Compile gives me the following error Have two android apps and both give the same error, Can someone please help me understand what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance Bill Zwirs
  17. bzwirs

    Android compile error - Manifest Malformed

    Thank you Markus. All good now.
  18. Delphi 11.1 Datasnap Having trouble writing a blob field from a client app to the database on server. Client uses SQLite database and main database on server is Firebird. Client app uses TMSFNCSignature Capture component to write the signature to the SQLite database blob field like this and the image is actually saved to the blob field: procedure TMainForm.Save_Signature; var ms : tMemoryStream; begin ms := TMemoryStream.Create; EMUSig.SaveToImageStream(ms); Open_InvSigQry(MarafillerDM.FDQuerySchedSALEDATE.Value, MarafillerDM.FDQuerySchedMACHID.Value); MarafillerDM.InvSigQry.Insert; MarafillerDM.InvSigQrySALEDATE.Value := MarafillerDM.FDQuerySchedSALEDATE.Value; MarafillerDM.InvSigQryMACHID.Value := MarafillerDM.FDQuerySchedMACHID.Value; MarafillerDM.InvSigQrySIGNATURE.LoadFromStream(ms); MarafillerDM.InvSigQry.Post; MarafillerDM.InvSigQry.Close; end; Using SQLite DBBrowser I can confirm that the image is written to the database (.png image). My problem is writing that image to a blob field on the server database (using datasnap for the connection). The table I am writing to on the server has several fields including 1 blob field defined as - 'CUSTSIGNATURE BLOB SUB_TYPE 0 SEGMENT SIZE 80' in the Firebird database. I use the following code to write to the database. The EMUInvQry gathers the necessary data to transfer from a couple of tables: procedure TMainForm.Transfer_EMUInvoice; var ms : tStream; begin MarafillerDM.EMUInvClient.Insert; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientINVNUM.AsString := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryDOCKET.AsString; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientINVDATE.Value := ModifiedJulianDateToDateTime(MarafillerDM.EMUInvQrySALEDATE.Value); MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientMACHID.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryMACHID.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientTOTPKTS.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryPKTSALES.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientTOTVALUE.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryMACHVALUE.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientSITECODE.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQrySITECODE.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientTOTRETPKTS.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryRETURN_PKTS.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientTOTRETVALUE.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryRETURN_VALUE.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientADJTOTPKTS.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryADJ_PKTS.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientADJTOTVALUE.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryADJ_VALUE.Value; if (MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryPAYEMUCOMM.AsString = 'F') then MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientCOMMISSION.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryCOMMISSION.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientBALANCEDUE.Value := MarafillerDM.EMUInvQryBAL_DUE.Value; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientFILLER.AsString := sFillerName; ms := TStream.Create; MarafillerDM.EMUInvQrySIGNATURE.SaveToStream(ms); try if Assigned(ms) then MarafillerDM.EMUInvClientCUSTSIGNATURE.LoadFromStream(ms); finally ms.Free; end; MarafillerDM.EMUInvClient.Post; end; When I check the Firebird database, all fields are transferred except the blob field which is set to null. Can someone please advise me how to correctly transfer the blob field data. Have googled and tried a few different approaches but nothing works for me. Obviously missing something but can't see the forest for the trees. Any help would be appreciated. Bill Zwirs
  19. bzwirs

    Write blob field to database from client

    Thanks all for your replies. In the end I still had some troubles with blob streams so simply created an image file and used loadfromfile procedure. Seems to be working quite good now. Bill
  20. Delphi 10.4.2 Latest Android update has killed using S pen on edit field to bring up the virtual keyboard. Using finger or other type stylus is Ok. S pen does bring up the keyboard on other apps but not on the app compiled by Delphi. Have tried different settings on the tablet (Tab 6 Lite) but to no avail. Has anybody had the same problem and is this an Android thing or do I need to add something to my program code? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Bill Zwirs
  21. bzwirs

    Android Scroll Issue

    Delphi 10.4.2 Have used sample code provided by to send email with attachment from Android app and works fine. After I actually send email and have been returned to app I click a button to return me to the app's main menu screen (tab control) with this code TabControl1.SetActiveTabWithTransition(TabItem1,TTabTransition.Slide,TTabTransitionDirection.Reversed); but instead of returning back to main menu screen the current screen scrolls upwards and have to click button again to return to main menu screen. After this every tab control screen behaves the same way and this only happens after the send email with attachment is used. I am using the sample code from Delphi Scrollable Form Demo provided by Delphi and believe this has something to do with my problem but don't understand how. Can someone please help me with this. Thanks in advance Bill
  22. Delphi 10.4.2 Have debug parameter set to -cleaninstall in project options yet when I install to an Android device the database file (assets/internal) is not being replaced on the device. Actually, was initially but suddenly not anymore. Can anybody PLEASE point me in the right direction to solve this. Any help would be greatly appreciated Bill
  23. Delphi 10.4.2 I want to use assets/external when deploying a database file to an Android device. The device doesn't actually have any external storage (sd card) so the installation auto creates a ./external directory in the internal app directory. What is the correct way to set the database path. Documentation says to use 'TPath.Combine(TPath.GetSharedDocumentsPath,'database.db') when using assets/external yet when I use this the app cannot find the database file. Can someone please advise me as to where I am going wrong with this. Thanks in advance Bill
  24. Delphi 10.4.2 Have developed a custom app for use on Android tablet for a business. There will be approx 10 users of this app. The plan is to notify users of any update through Google Drive allowing the user to receive a link and update there tablet with latest version of the app. Especially in the early stages this may mean an updated database file (SQLite) in which case -cleaninstall is used. On testing this, if I copy .apk file direct to tablet's download directory and then navigate to that directory and double click to install......all works and db file is replaced. When testing this using Goole drive (same apk file) the app is updated but the db file is not replaced. Should I be doing something else other than '-cleaninstall' Any advice would be appreciated. Bill Zwirs
  25. bzwirs

    Install .apk via google drive

    That's not my problem. The problem is that 'cleaninstall' doesn't seem to work when using Google Drive to distribute the apk file.