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Everything posted by Carlos_Reyes

  1. Dear colleagues, I don't know if you can help me, I don't know what to do anymore I comment: I need to send a json through the body of the component of type raw-json using the postman application it works fine but when I want to implement it in delphi it returns the 404 code. but when I try to implement in delphi 11.3 it can't I don't know what I'm doing wrong TRestClient.NestedElements := False; TRestClient.ResetToDefaults; TRestClient.BaseURL := 'https://localhost:8113/firmardocumento/'; TRestClient.SecureProtocols := []; TRestClient.Accept := '*/*'; TRestClient.ContentType := 'application/json'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRestRequest.Accept := '*/*'; TRestRequest.Params.Clear; TRestRequest.AddParameter('contentType', 'application/JSON', TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkHTTPHEADER, [poDoNotEncode]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRestRequest.ClearBody; TRestRequest.AddBody(DTEJson, TRESTContentType.ctAPPLICATION_JSON); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRestRequest.Method := TRESTRequestMethod.rmPOST; TRestRequest.Execute; I have tried in many ways but it always returns the code 404 this is the way the json is created and sent function TForm1.GetJson: string; begin Result := '{' + '"mode":"raw",' + '"raw:"' + '{' + EOL + ' "nit": "06142101771068",' + EOL + ' "activo": "True",' + EOL + ' "passwordPri": "",' + EOL + ' "dteJson": {' + EOL + ' "identificacion": {' + EOL + ' "version": 3,' + EOL + ' "ambiente": "01",' + EOL + ' "tipoDte": "03",' + EOL + ' "numeroControl": "DTE-03-00100101-000000000000001",' + EOL + ' "codigoGeneracion": "44A4FE71-8611-4130-8B9B-F0B0A4E2AAF8",' + EOL + ' "tipoModelo": 1,' + EOL + ' "tipoOperacion": 1,' + EOL + ' "tipoContingencia": null,' + EOL + ' "motivoContin": null,' + EOL + ' "fecEmi": "2023-03-12",' + EOL + ' "horEmi": "10:50:48",' + EOL + ' "tipoMoneda": "USD"' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "documentoRelacionado": null,' + EOL + ' "emisor": {' + EOL + ' "nit": "00932969-7",' + EOL + ' "nrc": "161310-4",' + EOL + ' "nombre": "RIVERA MELGAR, MARIA IDALIA",' + EOL + ' "codActividad": "79110",' + EOL + ' "descActividad": "Actividades de agencias de viajes y organizadores de viajes; actividades de asistencia a turistas",' + EOL + ' "nombreComercial": null,' + EOL + ' "tipoEstablecimiento": "02",' + EOL + ' "direccion": {' + EOL + ' "departamento": "08",' + EOL + ' "municipio ": "22",' + EOL + ' "complemento": "1 AV. SUR, FRENTE A CAJA DE CRÉDITO ZACATECOLUCA, DEPARTAMENTO DE LA PAZ"' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "telefono": "",' + EOL + ' "correo": "",' + EOL + ' "codEstableMH": null,' + EOL + ' "codEstable": null,' + EOL + ' "codPuntoVentaMH": null,' + EOL + ' "codPuntoVenta": null' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "receptor": {' + EOL + ' "nit": "02283005-7",' + EOL + ' "nrc": "138504-6",' + EOL + ' "nombre": "104-333 MILTON ODIR VALLADARES ACEVEDO",' + EOL + ' "codActividad": "94110",' + EOL + ' "descActividad": "Actividades de organizaciones empresariales y de empleadores",' + EOL + ' "nombreComercial": null,' + EOL + ' "direccion": {' + EOL + ' "departamento": "02",' + EOL + ' "municipio": "03",' + EOL + ' "complemento": "02283005-7"' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "telefono": "7774-1113",' + EOL + ' "correo": "carlosreyes210177@gmail.com"' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "otrosDocumentos": null,' + EOL + ' "ventaTercero": null,' + EOL + ' "cuerpoDocumento": [' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "numItem": 1,' + EOL + ' "tipoItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "numeroDocumento": null,' + EOL + ' "codigo": 3,' + EOL + ' "codTributo": null,' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "MESYGEST ANTICONCEPTIVO MENSUAL INYECCIÓN FECHA CALENDARIO",' + EOL + ' "cantidad": 1,' + EOL + ' "uniMedida": 59,' + EOL + ' "precioUni": 4.43362,' + EOL + ' "montoDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaGravada": 4.43362,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' "20"' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "psv": 0,' + EOL + ' "noGravado": 0' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "numItem": 2,' + EOL + ' "tipoItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "numeroDocumento": null,' + EOL + ' "codigo": 6,' + EOL + ' "codTributo": null,' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "TIAMINA B1 VIJOSA VIAL 10 ML",' + EOL + ' "cantidad": 1,' + EOL + ' "uniMedida": 59,' + EOL + ' "precioUni": 2,' + EOL + ' "montoDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaGravada": 2,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' "20"' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "psv": 0,' + EOL + ' "noGravado": 0' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "numItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "tipoItem": 3,' + EOL + ' "numeroDocumento": null,' + EOL + ' "codigo": 9,' + EOL + ' "codTributo": null,' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "PROGESTIN 100 (PROGESTERONA 100MG/ ML) SOLUCION INYECTRABLE",' + EOL + ' "cantidad": 1,' + EOL + ' "uniMedida": 59,' + EOL + ' "precioUni": 3.19469,' + EOL + ' "montoDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "ventaGravada": 3.19469,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' "20"' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "psv": 0,' + EOL + ' "noGravado": 0' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "resumen": {' + EOL + ' "totalNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalGravada": 9.62831,' + EOL + ' "subTotalVentas": 9.62831,' + EOL + ' "descuNoSuj": 0,' + EOL + ' "descuExenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "descuGravada": 0,' + EOL + ' "porcentajeDescuento": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalDescu": 0,' + EOL + ' "tributos": [' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "codigo": "20",' + EOL + ' "descripcion": "Impuesto al Valor Agregado13%",' + EOL + ' "valor": 13' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "subTotal": 9.62831,' + EOL + ' "ivaPerci1": 0,' + EOL + ' "ivaRete1": 0,' + EOL + ' "reteRenta": 0,' + EOL + ' "montoTotalOperacion": 10.87999,' + EOL + ' "totalNoGravado": 0,' + EOL + ' "totalPagar": 10.87999,' + EOL + ' "totalLetras": "Diez con 88/100",' + EOL + ' "saldoFavor": 0,' + EOL + ' "condicionOperacion": 1,' + EOL + ' "pagos": [' + EOL + ' {' + EOL + ' "codigo": "01",' + EOL + ' "montoPago": 10.87999,' + EOL + ' "plazo": null,' + EOL + ' "referencia": "",' + EOL + ' "periodo": null' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + ' ],' + EOL + ' "numPagoElectronico": null' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "extension": {' + EOL + ' "nombEntrega": null,' + EOL + ' "docuEntrega": null,' + EOL + ' "nombRecibe": null,' + EOL + ' "docuRecibe": null,' + EOL + ' "observaciones": null,' + EOL + ' "placaVehiculo": null' + EOL + ' },' + EOL + ' "apendice": null' + EOL + ' }' + EOL + '}' + EOL + '}'; end;
  2. Carlos_Reyes

    I need help with TRestRequest!

    clear! I have also done the test in the RestDebugger application but it always returns the same 404 code