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Everything posted by stijnsanders

  1. Aren't there compiler settings you could set so the 'Release' build would exclude RTTI, so you could still have it in the 'Debug' build?
  2. stijnsanders

    RSS feeds for new posts ?

    @Daniel, yes the URL https://en.delphipraxis.net/rssalltopics.xml/ looks exactly like what I was looking for.
  3. stijnsanders

    RSS feeds for new posts ?

    Haha! I no longer need TListView for displaying feeds: https://github.com/stijnsanders/feeder#feeder
  4. I once dabbled a bit in parsers and compilers, and also started on a Delphi parser, but never completed it. I've open-source what I got here: https://github.com/stijnsanders/dparse
  5. stijnsanders

    Delphi and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

    Those are all response headers, do you get to see the request headers as well?
  6. stijnsanders

    Delphi and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

    Basic Auth is, if I recall correctly, adding a request header 'Authorization' with a value of 'Basic ' followed by username+':'+password Base64 encoded. Do you have anything that is calling the API already, running locally, so you could use a browser debugger or Fiddler on and intercept the API call?
  7. stijnsanders

    Delphi and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

    That is a bit vague. Do you know how JCE is used to encrypt the REST API? If it's used behind the scenes to perform what is needed for the security of the https protocol, that should get handled by the transport layer.
  8. If I remember correctly, the main thing of magic beauty tweaking the Windows GUI happens in the CreateParams override. Many nice things happen there if you know what you're doing. I personally like the Params.WndParent field, (though modern Delphi versions since I learned about it have introduced "Application.MainFormOnTaskbar")
  9. stijnsanders

    RSS feeds for new posts ?

    https://en.delphipraxis.net/discover/38/ ??? You select 'items only' and 'topics' and still get replies? What I want is a list of new items only...
  10. stijnsanders

    RSS feeds for new posts ?

    What if one really wants to list only the new forum posts? I tried https://en.delphipraxis.net/discover/new.xml but that doesn't work.