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Everything posted by matrix1233

  1. Hi, Am trying to execute a simple application (Demo1) with Python4Delphi on MacOs Catalina so i tried two Method: Method 1: - Compiling Demo1 on Windows to - Target OS : Darwin - Target CPU i86_64 => Demo1 app is generated correctly and when i move it to Mac and i execute it i have a Error ( Error: could not map symbol "Py_DebugFlag" ) Method 2: - Installing Lazarus on MacOs with Python4Delphi and executing the Demo1 (of corse i added the correct path to the lib ) : => Demo1 when start it generate the same Error (See the screenshot below) How can i correct this ? Thanks
  2. Hi, I installed the last version of python on my Mac With python 3.9.i have the same error => I installed a second time python4lazarus to test with python3.9 and it's work ==> Now i added another test : 1 - Installed Python4lazarus (with working demo1) 2 - using Demo1 with library of lazarus and changing the file PythonEngine.pas (lazarus) with the PythonEngine.pas (python4Delphi) and i have the same error ( Error: could not map symbol "Py_DebugFlag" ) so the problem is on this file . At this time i do not have access to access to Delphi for MacOS. i will test when i will have access as soon possible.
  3. The strange think is if i install python4lazarus( https://github.com/Alexey-T/Python-for-Lazarus/) it's work. i will install now python3.9 and i will test
  4. Hi if i comment from Import('Py_DebugFlag') to Import('Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag') i have : and if you means that i have to comment from Import('Py_DebugFlag') to Import('PyGILState_Release') i have this error :
  5. Now i have Error on Py_VerboseFlag (please see the screenshot below)
  6. Yes it's the latest version installed on Lazarus Windows and Lazarus MacOs (just for info When i change the target (to compile on windows) of lazarus installed on Windows it's work )
  7. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    Hi, Am using Lazarus(FPC) and am trying to execute the Demo29 (work perfectly on delphi). the problem when i open Image and i Execute (Use Device Context Unchecked) the program go to the end and Image1.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(_stream); raise an exception Wrong Image Format if (Image1.Picture.Graphic = nil) or Image1.Picture.Graphic.Empty then raise Exception.Create('You must first select an image'); PythonEngine1.ExecStrings(Memo1.Lines); _im := MainModule.ProcessImage(ImageToPyBytes(Image1.Picture.Graphic)); if not chkUseDC.Checked then begin // We have to call PyString_AsStringAndSize because the image may contain zeros with GetPythonEngine do begin pargs := MakePyTuple([ExtractPythonObjectFrom(_im)]); try presult := PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords( ExtractPythonObjectFrom(MainModule.ImageToBytes), pargs, nil); try if (P = nil) or (PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(presult, P, Len) < 0) then begin ShowMessage('This does not work and needs fixing'); Abort; end; finally Py_XDECREF(pResult); end; finally Py_DECREF(pargs); end; end; _stream := TMemoryStream.Create(); try _stream.Write(P^, Len); _stream.Position := 0; Image1.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(_stream); finally _stream.Free; end; end else begin Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SetSize(Image1.Width, Image1.Height); _dib := Import('PIL.ImageWin').Dib(_im); Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SetSize(Image1.Height, Image1.Width); _dib.expose(NativeInt(Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle)); end; How can i correct that ? Thanks .
  8. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    Hi, i stored MainModule.screenshot() to a variable _im like you asked and it doesn't work (See the first code below) but when i change the line where pResult are affected with presult := PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(ExtractPythonObjectFrom(MainModule.screenshot()), nil, nil), it work on lazarus . (See the second code below) . i think that ExtractPythonObjectFrom are only needed to do the job and adding PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords is not needed in this case but lazarus have some bugs .. we can perhaps correct this ? var _im : Variant; _dib : Variant; i:integer; pargs: PPyObject; pResult :PPyObject; P : PAnsiChar; _stream:TmemoryStream; Len : NativeInt; SPython:TstringList; begin SPython:=TstringList.Create; SPython.Add('from io import BytesIO'); SPython.Add('from PIL import ImageGrab'); SPython.Add('def screenshot():'); SPython.Add(' im = ImageGrab.grab()'); SPython.Add(' stream = BytesIO()'); SPython.Add(' im.save(stream, "BMP")'); SPython.Add(' return stream.getvalue()'); SPython.Add('screenshot()'); PythonEngine1.ExecStrings(SPython); _im:=MainModule.screenshot(); with GetPythonEngine do begin try pResult := ExtractPythonObjectFrom(_im); if (PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(pResult, P, Len) < 0) then begin ShowMessage('This does not work and needs fixing'); Abort; end; finally _stream := TMemoryStream.Create(); try _stream.Write(P^, Len); _stream.Position := 0; Memo2.Lines.add(_stream.Size.ToString); Image1.Picture.LoadFromStream(_stream); application.ProcessMessages; finally _stream.Free; end; end; end; var _im : Variant; _dib : Variant; i:integer; pargs: PPyObject; pResult :PPyObject; P : PAnsiChar; _stream:TmemoryStream; Len : NativeInt; SPython:TstringList; begin SPython:=TstringList.Create; SPython.Add('from io import BytesIO'); SPython.Add('from PIL import ImageGrab'); SPython.Add('def screenshot():'); SPython.Add(' im = ImageGrab.grab()'); SPython.Add(' stream = BytesIO()'); SPython.Add(' im.save(stream, "BMP")'); SPython.Add(' return stream.getvalue()'); SPython.Add('screenshot()'); PythonEngine1.ExecStrings(SPython); with GetPythonEngine do begin try presult := PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(ExtractPythonObjectFrom(MainModule.screenshot()), nil, nil); if (PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(pResult, P, Len) < 0) then begin ShowMessage('This does not work and needs fixing'); Abort; end; finally _stream := TMemoryStream.Create(); try _stream.Write(P^, Len); _stream.Position := 0; Memo2.Lines.add(_stream.Size.ToString); Image1.Picture.LoadFromStream(_stream); application.ProcessMessages; finally _stream.Free; end; end; end;
  9. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    yes i see! .. between Delphi and Lazarus the result of execution are different for example this code below With Delphi work perfectly and with lazarus it doesn't work and it say that ( 'This does not work and needs fixing' ) generated by the test on PyBytes_AsStringAndSize. Any idea for this example why it's different ? var _im : Variant; _dib : Variant; i:integer; pargs: PPyObject; pResult :PPyObject; P : PAnsiChar; _stream:TmemoryStream; Len : NativeInt; SPython:TstringList; begin SPython:=TstringList.Create; SPython.Add('from io import BytesIO'); SPython.Add('from PIL import ImageGrab'); SPython.Add('def screenshot():'); SPython.Add(' im = ImageGrab.grab()'); SPython.Add(' stream = BytesIO()'); SPython.Add(' im.save(stream, "BMP")'); SPython.Add(' return stream.getvalue()'); SPython.Add('screenshot()'); PythonEngine1.ExecStrings(SPython); with GetPythonEngine do begin try pResult := ExtractPythonObjectFrom(MainModule.screenshot()); if (PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(pResult, P, Len) < 0) then begin ShowMessage('This does not work and needs fixing'); Abort; end; finally _stream := TMemoryStream.Create(); try _stream.Write(P^, Len); _stream.Position := 0; Memo2.Lines.add(_stream.Size.ToString); Image1.Picture.LoadFromStream(_stream); application.ProcessMessages; finally _stream.Free; end; end; end;
  10. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    Thanks, it's work!
  11. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    any solution ?
  12. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    the problem is not P, i think that is just MainModule.ImageToBytes like i explained above .. any idea ?
  13. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    i think that the problem is on MainModule.ImageToBytes because on Delphi when i try to display it to a memo (Memo3.Lines.Add(MainModule.ImageToBytes); ) i have <function ImageToBytes at 0x00000000068DDCA0> but when i try the same code on Lazarus i have nothing . any idea how can i resolve on lazarus ?
  14. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    if p := nil then i have the msg 'This does not work and needs fixing' if (Image1.Picture.Graphic = nil) or Image1.Picture.Graphic.Empty then raise Exception.Create('You must first select an image'); PythonEngine1.ExecStrings(Memo1.Lines); _im := MainModule.ProcessImage(ImageToPyBytes(Image1.Picture.Graphic)); if not chkUseDC.Checked then begin P := nil; // We have to call PyString_AsStringAndSize because the image may contain zeros with GetPythonEngine do begin pargs := MakePyTuple([ExtractPythonObjectFrom(_im)]); try presult := PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords( ExtractPythonObjectFrom(MainModule.ImageToBytes), pargs, nil); try if (P = nil) or (PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(presult, P, Len) < 0) then begin ShowMessage('This does not work and needs fixing'); Abort; end; finally Py_XDECREF(pResult); end; finally Py_DECREF(pargs); end; end; _stream := TMemoryStream.Create(); try _stream.Write(P^, Len); _stream.Position := 0; _stream.SaveToFile('test.jpeg'); // Image1.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(_stream); finally _stream.Free; end; end else begin Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SetSize(Image1.Width, Image1.Height); _dib := Import('PIL.ImageWin').Dib(_im); Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SetSize(Image1.Height, Image1.Width); _dib.expose(NativeInt(Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle)); end;
  15. matrix1233

    Problem with FPC

    Hi the file is saved and his size is 197k and the content is "þîþîþîþîþî.." (from the begin to end)