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Edisson Sávio Maciel

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  1. Edisson Sávio Maciel

    How can I implement DLLs in my code?

    Hello Kas Ob, I have tried to implement the suggestion that you did for my simple problem. I am sending the program with such implementation. Could you see if there is something wrong? This program compile and create the .exe, but it did not generate the solution. Best regards, Edisson Sávio. Abstract_Classes_Test2.pas DATAS1.dat Test2.dpr Tets2_DLL_Exports.dpr
  2. Edisson Sávio Maciel

    How can I implement DLLs in my code?

    Hello Kas Ob, I did some simple tests based on the scheme that you gave me and I am sending a version that compile and generate the executable file (.exe), but it didn't give the expected solution. Could you see and find the error in this implementation? Thank you for your help, best regards, Edisson Sávio. Abstract_Classes_Test1.pas DATAS1.dat Test1.dpr Test1_DLL_Exports.dpr
  3. Edisson Sávio Maciel

    How can I implement DLLs in my code?

    Hello Kas Ob, I have done a small code using the information of the Cantù's book. Could you see if there is any error? I wait your response, best regards, Edisson Sávio. Abstract_Classes.pas Implemented_Code.pas Maximum_Code.dpr Maximum_Code_DLL.dpr
  4. Edisson Sávio Maciel

    How can I implement DLLs in my code?

    I have read the two references you sent me, but in my code I am using Class variables and according to Marco Cantù book, I need to implement a base unit with the abstract Classes, a implementation unity with my routines and a DLL file with the CALLs to these routines. If there is something wrong please tell me? Best regards, Edisson Sávio.
  5. Edisson Sávio Maciel

    How can I implement DLLs in my code?

    Hello Kas Ob., when I try to execute the first routine of my code, the compiler gives the information of "Acess Violation" and finishes the execution. I am using Class variables and I only found this topic in the Marco Cantù "Bible Delphi 3". Can you hlep me?
  6. Hello people, my name is Edisson Savio and I am interested in implementing DLL libraries in my code. I work with simulation of numerical methods applied to reentry physical problems. I have implemented my actual code in PASCAL language using Class variables as start point. I have sucess in such implementation. Now, I am interested in using DLL libraries and after a research in this topic, my unique idea was based on the work of Marco Cantù in "Bible Delphi 3" and I have implemented in such way. I have created the base unit and the implementation unity, as well as the DLL routine. When I put this one to run, my code doesn´t execute the first implementated routine. I would like to know if there is someone who can help me in this task? I wait for your help, best regards, Edisson Sávio.
  7. Meu nome é Edisson Sávio e eu estou implementando um código em PASCAL pelo Delphi 10.4 da Embarcadero. O meu código é para simulação de problemas físicos de reentrada. Já implementei o código usando o PASCAL avançado do Delphi, estou agora querendo implementar ele usando a ideia de bibliotecas DLL do delphi. Eu li na Bíblia Delphi 3 sua sugestão para implementar DLL's com a criação de duas unities: a unit base e a de implementação mais o código da DLL para chamar as rotinas da implementação. Eu tentei rodar um caso básico e deu erro de "Acess Violation". Eu gostaria de saber se você pode dar dicas de onde eu encontraria este tipo de erro? O problema não me parece ser memória pois eu já testei aumenta-la. Eu fico aguardando seu retorno, obrigado, Edisson Sávio.