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Everything posted by PrimeMinister

  1. Hey guys, so for this program I'm writing I want to check a string grid for empty rows/rows with just spaces in them and then subsequently deleting them to clean the grids up a bit. I made a procedure that reads the fields from a specific table in a DB and into a corresponding string grid. While 13 of the 14 grids I have, read the records like they're supposed to from the DB, one single table doesn't read correctly, it reads the same amount of records again as empty rows when displayed on the grid. For example, let's say I have 3 records in the table in the DB and I read it into the grid, the records display properly but then they add 3 more rows with just spaces in them. My code for this so far: procedure TfrmPuntehou.IncreaseRowCount(grid: TStringGrid); begin //increases rows in grid grid.RowCount:= grid.RowCount+1; end; procedure TfrmPuntehou.WriteToList(tbl: TADOTable;grid:TStringGrid); var Row: Integer; i: Integer; begin tbl.Active:= True; Row := 1; // Populate cells Tbl.First; while not (Tbl.Eof) do begin grid.Cells[0,Row]:= IntToStr(Row); grid.Cells[1,Row]:= tbl.fields[0].AsString; grid.Cells[2,Row]:= tbl.fields[1].AsString; grid.Cells[3,Row]:= tbl.fields[2].AsString; Inc(Row); IncreaseRowCount(grid); Tbl.Next; end; tbl.Active:=false; //what I'm planning to do to alleviate this but I'm not sure to use in the conditions of the if // because if I say grid.Rows[i] = ''/grid.Rows[i] = ' ' then I get an error // for i := 1 to grid.RowCount - 1 do // begin // if () OR () then // begin // grid.Rows[i].Delete; // end; // end; end; Illustration of what I'm talking about: What is supposed to happen: What's happening (the records are inserted correctly, but there are unnecessary rows here for only 3 records. When exported to a CSV the empty rows are filled with spaces"): Thanks in advance for any help on this! Kind Regards PrimeMinister
  2. PrimeMinister

    Problem with clearing ADO Tables

    Hey guys, so I'm having a problem with my ADO Tables. I have a button in my program that is meant to clear all tables in the database related to the program when clicked but whenever I click it, it gives errors. (no matter how many times I change my code) Could it be a problem with my Data Module or what? (I'm not sure cause my button which saves stuff to the database, works perfectly without a hitch) How could I alleviate this? Code of my data module: const scConnectionString = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%pathtomdb%Racers.mdb;Mode=ReadWrite;Persist Security Info=False;'; var dmRacers: TdmRacers; implementation {%CLASSGROUP 'Vcl.Controls.TControl'} {$R *.dfm} procedure TdmRacers.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var path:string; begin path:=ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); conToDB.ConnectionString := StringReplace(scConnectionString, '%pathtomdb%', path, []); conToDB.Connected:=True; tbl1660.Active := True; tblXKarts.Active := True; tblTwoPointOne.Active := True; tblMidB.Active := True; tblMidA.Active := True; tblLateModel.Active := True; tblSprints.Active := True; tblV8.Active := True; tblHeavyMetals.Active := True; tblHotrods.Active := True; tblPinkrods.Active := True; tblStockrods.Active := True; tblMinis.Active := True; tblDevelopment.Active := True; end; Code from the form: public { Public declarations } MyCmd:TADOCommand; procedure EmptyTable(tbl:TADOTable;tablename:string); procedure ResetActiveProp(tbl:TADOTable); end; var frmEntry: TfrmEntry; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmEntry.ResetActiveProp(tbl: TADOTable); begin tbl.Active := True; end; procedure TfrmEntry.EmptyTable(tbl: TADOTable; tablename: string); var MyCmd: TADOCommand; begin tbl.Active := true; MyCmd.CommandText := 'Delete * from '+tablename; MyCmd.Execute; tbl.Active := false; end; procedure TfrmEntry.bmbClearClick(Sender: TObject); var i:integer; begin cbxGridSelect.ItemIndex:=-1; cbxGridSelect.Text:='Select a class'; edtRacerName.Clear; edtCarNumber.Clear; edtLicenseNum.Clear; i:=MessageDlg('Dialog cleared',mtInformation,[mbOK],0); end; procedure TfrmEntry.bmbClearDBClick(Sender: TObject); var i:integer; begin i:=MessageDlg('Are you sure you want to clear the Racers database? (all current data in the database will be lost.)',mtWarning,[mbOK,mbCancel],0); if i = mrOk then begin //clears entire database with dmRacers do begin EmptyTable(tbl1660,'tbl1660'); EmptyTable(tblXKarts,'tblXKarts'); EmptyTable(tblTwoPointOne,'tblTwoPointOnes'); EmptyTable(tblMidB,'tblMidB'); EmptyTable(tblMidA,'tblMidA'); EmptyTable(tblLateModel,'tblLateModels'); EmptyTable(tblSprints,'tblSprints'); EmptyTable(tblV8,'tblV8'); EmptyTable(tblHeavyMetals,'tblHeavyMetals'); EmptyTable(tblHotrods,'tblHotrods'); EmptyTable(tblPinkrods,'tblPinkrods'); EmptyTable(tblStockrods,'tblStockrods'); EmptyTable(tblMinis,'tblMinis'); EmptyTable(tblDevelopment,'tblDevelopment'); i:=MessageDlg('Database successfully cleared',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); //resets active property of tables ResetActiveProp(tbl1660); ResetActiveProp(tblXKarts); ResetActiveProp(tblTwoPointOne); ResetActiveProp(tblMidB); ResetActiveProp(tblMidA); ResetActiveProp(tblLateModel); ResetActiveProp(tblSprints); ResetActiveProp(tblV8); ResetActiveProp(tblHeavyMetals); ResetActiveProp(tblHotrods); ResetActiveProp(tblPinkrods); ResetActiveProp(tblStockrods); ResetActiveProp(tblMinis); ResetActiveProp(tblDevelopment); end; end else begin i:=MessageDlg('Clear aborted',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; end; Example of errors: Thanks in advance for the help! Kind Regards PrimeMinister
  3. PrimeMinister

    Problem with clearing ADO Tables

    Thx, I solved my problem now and thx to @emailx45 for trying to help as well 😀
  4. PrimeMinister

    Problem with clearing ADO Tables

    ok thx
  5. PrimeMinister

    Problem with clearing ADO Tables

    It was on this line MyCmd.CommandText := 'Delete * from '+tablename; So I changed my code to this: //clears entire database with dmRacers do begin MyCmd := TADOCommand.Create(Self); try tbl1660.Active := true; MyCmd.CommandText := 'Delete * from tbl1660'; MyCmd.Execute; tbl1660.Active := false; {EmptyTable(tbl1660,'tbl1660'); EmptyTable(tblXKarts,'tblXKarts'); EmptyTable(tblTwoPointOne,'tblTwoPointOnes'); EmptyTable(tblMidB,'tblMidB'); EmptyTable(tblMidA,'tblMidA'); EmptyTable(tblLateModel,'tblLateModels'); EmptyTable(tblSprints,'tblSprints'); EmptyTable(tblV8,'tblV8'); EmptyTable(tblHeavyMetals,'tblHeavyMetals'); EmptyTable(tblHotrods,'tblHotrods'); EmptyTable(tblPinkrods,'tblPinkrods'); EmptyTable(tblStockrods,'tblStockrods'); EmptyTable(tblMinis,'tblMinis'); EmptyTable(tblDevelopment,'tblDevelopment');} finally MyCmd.Free; end; But now the error is "Missing Connection or ConnectionString". I don't know what to do anymore...