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  1. Hello! I have installed D12 Community version, after struggling with Android SDK, at the end now I have installed both 33 and 34. I also have D11 installed but as nothing was working before I remove the SDK from D11 as my intention is move to D12. With that said, after installed everything I opened a sample to give a test and something is off. I have downloaded the JDK 21 (Eclipse Adoptium [C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-] but anyways: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/embarcadero/dexer/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 I can understand that my java runtime is using an older version and to add more confusion I also will have a version 17 on C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk- plus a JDK for C:\Program Files\Java... Now, how can I fix that? Of course I would like to have only one version of the SDK. SOLVED: I uninstalled every Java JDK installation and had sure to have only one, fixed some system environment variables, reconfigured the SDK path and done
  2. I guess title says all, I put a TEdit/TMemo on a form, copy text from any source, and after by using the Control-V it won't paste, but of course if I right click a standard popup shows up and I can paste. Is possible to make the FMX controls to accept it? I can intercept the keyboard, test if the data is text, populate the text control, at first shot it will change the value of the control, not wanted behavior at all, like the popup it should fill at the caret/cursor position. Am I forgetting something here?
  3. My program should run with Linux, when connecting to MySQL, using Firedac, I am having the error below: Error: [FireDAC][Phys][MySQL]-314. Cannot load vendor library [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so]. Hint: check it is in the PATH or application EXE directories, and has x64 bitness. The message is sent by my own program, here I attempt to load the lib and having this issue. I had a similar issue when working with MacOS but I was able to fix it. The software is the same I have running with MacOS. Any tips on what I could check? I am running Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-105-generic x86_64) I followed every single step from https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Connect_to_MySQL_Server_(FireDAC)
  4. Yes, but for that I would to be sure the TRESTRequest is doing the exactly thing the Rest debuger does. I will follow this.
  5. I need to send for the Google's support how my program is sending the request for it's API but I have only the parameters. I need that because my lib to use Programmable Search Engine is working but I am getting different results from when in the public search https://cse.google.com using my own parameters (using credentials you can search and use as a test too). So I need that information, if possible. If not possible, by using the Delphi's REST Debugger I could be sure that the TRESTRequest is doing the same?
  6. Thank you very much!!! I works 😁
  7. Hi all, I followed this link https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Connect_to_MySQL_Server_(FireDAC) but I couldn't find that libmysqlclient.dylib file. The files which comes with the package are completely different. That Embarcadero's link is already outdated. This is the 1st time I am trying to create a MacOS program that requires using of MySQL connection. I am creating a CLI program and attached a data module, so at OnCreate I am doing that: {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FDPhysMySQLDriverLink1.VendorLib := '.\libmysql.dll'; {$else} FDPhysMySQLDriverLink1.VendorLib := '/usr/local/mysql-connector-c++-8.0/lib64/libmysqlcppconn.dylib'; {$ENDIF} I am not sure if that's the way I can change the vendor in runtime, anyway I have no error when running with Windows, however besides not be able to understand what is the correct dylib to MacOS, as I told before, there isn't any libmysqlclient.dylib file. I am running a Mac with OS Ventura.
  8. Hi! Well I am struggling on this, maybe it's late and I am tired enough, I'd appreciate any help with. Below my function: type TReadings = record Time: Integer; Flex: Boolean; Message: String; end; function GetReadings: TReadings; var JSonObject: TJSONObject; JSonValue: TJSonValue; JsonArray: TJSONArray; ArrayElement: TJSonValue; s: string; begin Result.Message := ''; Result.Time := 0; Result.Flex := false; // example of a json s := '{"A":0,"B":0,"C":1,"D":0,"K":{"T":"X","acc":81,"max":116},"result":[{"type":{"TP":30.3,"message":'+ '"Added successfuly"},"time":503,"flex":"yes"}]}'; JSonValue := TJSonObject.ParseJSONValue(s); JsonArray := JSonValue.GetValue<TJSONArray>('result'); for ArrayElement in JsonArray do // how do I could read message, time and flex values? JSonValue.Free; end; I need to read that 3 values inside the array. So far I can move the array into the JsonArray but I don't know how to extract the values. Of course I could made a string parse and solve the issue, but I am will be glad if I can fix it using that Json classes to populate the result record. Again, thanks for any help.
  9. Yes I has and I thought to move to a TList, but this way is working too! Thank you!!
  10. Worked like a charm!!! I didn't though using arrays lol.. I love programming because of this! I will convert back to my real code. I just want to check all the behavior, but so far so good. Thank you very much for you time!!
  11. I am attaching a simple functional demo I just did with the code I am using. It has 3 buttons, one to select the source node, other to the destination (target) and the copy button itself. I works fine, but not if you try to copy a "father" node into it's on child, no problem to copy into another branch, like the 2nd image in the initial message here. I am really happy if you can help me because I am struggling for about 2 days on it, maybe a technique to make the node "understand" where it should stop when it's into the same branch, because only seeing if the node is nil isn't enough as by the recursive method we will have always something to iterate with this specific case and it will blow the memory. Maybe casting a class into the Data, or mark its pointer memory address, I dunno what could be the best. I am still trying something here. CopyTreeView.rar
  12. I need to do it programmatically, I will try use your idea to see if I can do it now, but I tested and was able only to move and not adding or inserting. Thanks!!!
  13. Yes, Delphi 4.... Let's go, if you can help. I have a tree view with some nodes, like below I need to, eg., copy the select node (1.1.1) into ! I've trying to figure out how to accomplish this. I already have a copy/past function that works well if no such complex copy is required, like copy a top node into a lower child node. The recursive function goes crazy with this lol I found some solutions but mostly will use newer version of Delphi so it won't work. One of the solutions I found was that: https://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/showcode.php?id=1876 But it won't allow me to copy into the same branch from a top level. I would appreciate any help on this!
  14. Magno

    Is TEdit bugged with mobile? Since when?

    Nice! That's exactly the issue. So when user enter the edit I change to Platform, he lefts I change back to Platform, as a workaround.
  15. Magno

    Is TEdit bugged with mobile? Since when?

    Normally other apps would use different frameworks from FMX. This very app I am creating, as I already told, will work when changing the ControlStyle to Platform, but if I do it one of the issues is related to z control, like bellow: