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Everything posted by Magno

  1. I tried a simple new project, drop the required, following this example: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Tutorial:_Using_a_REST_DataSnap_Server_with_an_Application_and_FireDAC (same above) So I get an error (as the title of this thread suggests) when running the following method: function TServerMethods1.GetDepartmentNames: TFDJSONDataSets; begin // Clear active so that query will reexecute. FDQueryDepartmentNames.Active := False; Result := TFDJSONDataSets.Create; // The "TFDJSONDataSetsWriter" class provides static "ListAdd" method. // It uses reflection to convert results of the query into "TFDJSONDataSets". TFDJSONDataSetsWriter.ListAdd(Result, FDQueryDepartmentNames); end; The unique difference is that the FDQueryDepartmentNames has another name and points to a similar very simple table with a "select * from users".
  2. I thought someone could understand, I am trying this: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Tutorial:_Using_a_REST_DataSnap_Server_with_an_Application_and_FireDAC Have any table and need to create a function to return its result. The program is complaining that I should provide a valid standard storage (I am using http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/FireDAC.Stan.StorageJSON.TFDStanStorageJSONLink) About the examples, there are a lot over there, as I told: not working. So whats the catch? Any tip?
  3. I need to "compress" a barcode type Code128 print with a termal printer. The size needed is 3.5cm. I have a TImage with a size that if I print it works as it should. The Printer form I am using has a kind of TImage so I can move the image using TImage.Picture, but I supposed that once I stretch the report form image it could be printed, but no. The final rendered image gets "cutted" or lost the quality. I really dunno how to fix it.
  4. As the printer is under Windows drivers, I will try do figure out how to get its DPI. Actually it is using the desktop VGA (72dpi). I've even tried setup to 300 and no changes. This is what I need to know how to.
  5. How does the TGeocoder really works? From where it get the address? Google API? I cannot found an answer. The doc is not sufficent: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Mobile_Tutorial:_Using_Location_Sensors_(iOS_and_Android) As the GPS only will deal with coordinates and not with address string stuff, so the app needs to convert from to and it is required a database (local, api, etc) to make the geo reverse.
  6. So, it uses the Google API at end, as I supposed. Thank you guys!!!
  7. I was already able to upload an appx to MS Store, but for some reason my building is now always done as Ad-hoc! How can I set again the correct distribution type? Should exist an easy way there at Configurations->Application Store | Ad-hoc | Normal Where do I change that options? At Project->Options->Deployment->Provisioning only let me configure, but not choose the correct build to go. Frustrating 😞
  8. Magno

    Distribution type for Appx with Rio

    Ok, it seems to be a bug. I have to try more than one time (more than 10x) until it "fix" from ad hoc to app store. I did, but it is a pain.
  9. Magno

    Distribution type for Appx with Rio

    I simply cannot upload the new appx because even if I choose the provisioning to Application Store, save, build, deploy it is generated as Ad-hoc.... No one have a clue?
  10. Hello! I am trying this: NetHTTPClient1.ContentType := 'application/json; charset=utf-8;'; NetHTTPClient1.AcceptCharSet := 'ISO-8859-1'; NetHTTPClient1.Post(URL, PARAMS, nil, TEncoding.UTF8); To post to an URL. It works, but words like "ação" are being received as "acao". How correctly I could fix that? Thank you! EDIT: Missing set UTF8Encode( text )
  11. Hello people! Well, this is new. With 10.3.0 my app was working fine, but now when I try to access an address like http://thewebsite..ddns.net the URL won't open and I get net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED. I will happen with some devices, mine is running Android Pie and work correctly, my friend and the client also running Android Pie and getting that error. Any clue?
  12. Thank you for all information!! I will test it and let you know! EDIT: Solved!!!! Thank you!