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  1. Just FireDAC, in Windows. But problem was solved in the mean time. Cheers! Dom
  2. While the documentation site is down, would anyone know why it's a problem using an Int64 with an Sqlite database? Int64 values written to Sqlite Integer fields seem to be problematic (truncated to 32-bits). Manually changing all field properties to .AsLargeint, on the other hand, throws a "type mismatch" exception at application startup. All Sqlite integer fields are supposed to support 64-bit values. (don't bother, solved by manually using BIGINT in creation of table)
  3. Odd. Maybe the parent was temporarily visible...? Maybe another mechanism involved. Or I should just update the library.
  4. Can't find that method for WebView2. Deprecated...?
  5. That worked. Apparently it's a known issue, causing many headaches: https://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2022/Jul/14/Fighting-WebView2-Visibility-on-Initialization Many thanks! Saved me a lot of time!
  6. That helps a lot and was more or less my inkling. I'm proceeding in that direction now. It's just a tad frustrating that it all worked fine, until that very last bit of changing SW_SHOW into SW_HIDE. What SO is concerned, a hundred years ago, when it took off, you could start out asking a question and then (collaboratively) polish it over time, until it became something you could put inside Encyclopedia Britannica. Today, if your question doesn't immediately resemble an Encyclopedia Britannica entry, you have to put on donkey ears and sit in the corner for ten minutes (or, in SO terms, get downvoted). Discouraging.
  7. (had the audacity to ask this in StackOverflow, which was a mistake, so trying here) I know, a very esoteric and specific question, but I'm spending ages trying to figure out why none of the navigation events get triggered when I'm trying to get a web page capture inside an app that was launched with ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar('WebpageFetcher.exe'), nil, nil, SW_HIDE), while they do get triggered when using SW_SHOW. Tried using both WVBrowser1.CreateBrowser(WVWindowParent1.Handle) and WVBrowser1.CreateWindowlessBrowser(WVWindowParent1.Handle). Both work perfectly when using SW_SHOW, but I'm guessing that because the main form is hidden when using SW_HIDE, the OnNavigationCompleted and OnCapturePreviewCompleted are not triggered. However, OnDOMContentLoaded does get triggered in all cases. Overlooking something very basic, I'm sure. I don't need to see any form, just get the capture. Might it be that, when using SW_HIDE, the app doesn't have a proper messaging loop running and these events don't get propagated...? If anyone has any pointers, appreciated.
  8. domus

    Allowed to install CE on two PCs?

    So, it was in the EULA and I managed to not see that. Thanks again, Remy!
  9. I have tried to find this online, but was unsuccessful. Would anyone know if it's allowed to install a Community Edition of Delphi on two separate PCs simultaneously? (PC and laptop) Many thanks. Cheers, Dom
  10. Excellent approach. I'll give it a try. Thanks!
  11. That's the problem. I'd need to write a plugin that listens to the external app... Thanks and cheers.
  12. That's indeed a way to get me started. Totally forgot about ShellExecute being an option here. Thanks for that! If anyone would know of a way to navigate to a certain procedure or class, or line number, I'd be grateful to receive that knowledge. But it's probably all documented somewhere in the Tools API documentation and I should just resort to reading it.
  13. Would anyone know of a way for an external app to jump to a certain unit and position inside the IDE? Like, unit "Main.pas", line 100. Many thanks for pointers.
  14. Just happened again. In text mode, I thought the form looked perfectly defined, with all bitmap data present, but at a closer look, the bitmap data was a lot smaller than should be. When switching back to the form, it's all gone. Also when compiling and running. Odd.
  15. Of course. Would just be nice to find the cause, instead of having to remedy the effect each time.