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Everything posted by domus

  1. domus

    ANN: Skia4Delphi v3.4.0

    I'll continue testing nevertheless. I'm mainly interested in exploring the animation possibilities using SVG. Could you tell me if the SVG component allows run-time created animations, like dynamic path creation and altering of SVG parameters (as opposed to loading file-based SVG animations)?
  2. domus

    ANN: Skia4Delphi v3.4.0

    Tested with over 3000 rotating rectangles, with assigned bitmaps. FMX still runs very smoothly, but Skia was jerky (even with GlobalUseSkiaRasterWhenAvailable = False). With 200 rotating rectangles, I have the impression Skia is smoother. All very subjective observations, of course. Not certain if any of this information is useful.
  3. domus

    ANN: Skia4Delphi v3.4.0

    Now it's flying again! However, is Skia still being used for bitmaps when this is set to False?
  4. domus

    ANN: Skia4Delphi v3.4.0

    That was it! Many thanks! Odd that this wasn't necessary in the first test project. However, while the test (just rotation bitmaps) runs very smoothly in standard FMX, it comes to an absolute crawl when I set GlobalUseSkia := True.
  5. domus

    ANN: Skia4Delphi v3.4.0

    Installed fine (Windows 10) and worked fine in first project test. When I try a second project, I keep getting "skia library could not be loaded". These are tiny one-unit test projects. Anyone have any idea what I'm overlooking? Thx.
  6. domus

    Change the background color of a TEdit

    The problem with FindStyleResource is that the style needs to have been applied first, otherwise it will indeed return nil. I often issue an ApplyStyleLookup before using FindStyleResource, unless I'm absolutely positive that the control has already been rendered with the style. But I admit, even an ApplyStyleLookup is no guarantee that the style has been applied. The control needs to be correctly parented, etc. etc. Since there really isn't any phenomenal documentation, a bit of witchcraft is involved. And absolutely everything could change again in the next version. I learned that the very hard way. EMBT, today, is all about code breaking and upgrade nightmares.
  7. domus

    Change the background color of a TEdit

    Back in the days of XE2, this was as easy as TRectangle(Edt.FindBinding('background')).Fill.Color := claYellow; Today, ai caramba! You'd have to put an extra TRectangle inside the style, just below the "background" element, set its StyleName to "rect", set HitTest to false, set Align to Contents and then access it through TRectangle(Edt.FindStyleResource('rect')).Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Yellow; I'm sure they'll soon find even more devious ways to scare people away from FMX.