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Everything posted by SwiftExpat

  1. Anaconda shows to be 64 bit, what platform are you targeting in Delphi?
  2. SwiftExpat

    ExtractFilePath v TDirectory.GetCurrentDirectory

    My experience it is one of these: command line is different dir than exe Short cut start in:
  3. Data Heuristics part 2 of 3 is available in the TMS blog and resumes with the stoy: Your presentation begins in 18 minutes and your review of the dashboard identifies a defect in the bar chart, missing data for 2019. Marshal enables you to quickly check some basic configuration and SQL results to identify the defect. On Nov 15, 2022 I will be presenting in a live webinar with TMS to show how Marshal can be used to solve some last minute issues with this dashboard and ensure a successful presentation. https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/blog.asp?post=1008 The compiled demo apps and source code are available here with a brief explaination about how they are built. https://github.com/SwiftExpat/RunTime-ToolKit/tree/main/Samples/FNCChart Please sign up for the webinar and join us to learn how Marshal can benefit you. I do appreciate feedback either here, GitHub, LinkedIn or email. 
  4. SwiftExpat

    Font Family selector component needed for FMX

    Commerical from TMS FNC UI Pack. https://download.tmssoftware.com/doc/tmsfncuipack/components/ttmsfncfontnamepicker/ Tradiational picker as well https://download.tmssoftware.com/doc/tmsfncuipack/components/ttmsfncfontdialog/
  5. SwiftExpat

    App is faster in IDE

    Sounds like file locking given that you are using MSAccess as the DB. My 2 suspects are connection deadlock or virus scanner locking the database. How many query components do you have on the form? Are they all set to connect at startup? If this is Firedac, use FDMonitor to trace activity and see where the delay is. Start simple, open Task Manager and observe cpu and disk activity. What process is at the top of CPU consumption. If the system is idle cpu and idle disk then it is waiting for something to timeout.
  6. SwiftExpat

    IDE it's not working anymore

    Worth a try: SFC /ScanNow https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/sfc
  7. SwiftExpat

    Change the order of loading??

    I will write a minimal example for myself, your answer above makes sense. I assume it looks something like this, where the list is ordered based on insert and never gets sorted. Should be easy enough to test. TDictionary<procedure, TList<TExpert>>
  8. SwiftExpat

    Change the order of loading??

    Have you experimented enough with this to understand is this just the load order on initial startup or does it also affect execution order?
  9. @Daniel -- just to test if this works Just checking to see if anyone else is or is not getting @ notifications? I receive notifications for quote and reactions, but did not receive when someone @ mentioned me. Has this ever worked?
  10. SwiftExpat

    @ mentions not working - has it ever?

    Thanks for testing, I will look at the post again, maybe the poster typed incorrectly.
  11. SwiftExpat

    Program credentials on Citrix

    The simplest is to create a standard user on your machine and then debug it.
  12. SwiftExpat

    Program credentials on Citrix

    What does not work on Citrix? Ultimately you have to hunt down where the access denied is and then avoid that. Could be file access, registry or API access.
  13. SwiftExpat

    Application Position & Size

    TFrame should have CurrentPPI. To me that frame should be using grid panel (aligned client) with 3 columns, nest a grid panel in the 2nd column to layout all those number / spin edits. Let the grid panel / alignment / align with margins do the work, the re-sizing gets a lot more natural after that.
  14. SwiftExpat

    Hiring-related question: Delphi + javascript ?

    The question is how long are you willing to wait for that learning to happen? Most projects bring in a large team for startup then thin down, that is why you are getting the stack of resumes which seem to be bad fits. The term "full stack" developer is around a lot, but for the last 15+ years the stack has been larger than most can learn, myself included. Try thinking of it in phases, start with a larger team then thin it down. Be warned, your dev's are going to want to jump ship as soon as the job does not fit the current market trend.
  15. SwiftExpat

    Application Position & Size

    Short answer, during form create a scale to dpi is done. If you create the controls after that method, you have to re-size them for dpi. Try Vcl.Controls.TControl.ScaleForPPI
  16. SwiftExpat

    Returning lists from Python to Delphi

    I can see you want to optimize this, but where is the real bottleneck that prevents you doing this in real time? What part is slow that is visible to the user? Post this code, some people might give you some optimizations. Always a minimal working sample to discuss will help you get better answers.
  17. I am a systems administrator and with every upgrade there is always risk and someone's system becomes unusable. To avoid some grief here is a pre-check list of the basics from a system level to help put together a back out plan. 1. Full backup via system image As always, data loss is unacceptable and not being able to roll back is unacceptable. Take a system image. 2. Source files - Branch or Backup I plan to branch my projects for the first few days in 11.2 so I have a rollback. Anything that is not in source control should obviously get a snapshot via zip or backup software. 3. Registry export reg export HKCU\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0 Pre_11_2_BkUp.reg Always have a backup, and read the release notes / known issues before you upgrade. No need for good luck with this upgrade, you have a back-out plan !
  18. SwiftExpat

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Libray path for 32 bit was retained. All other platforms got reset to a default IDE install. Not the worst but...
  19. SwiftExpat

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Did the same and had to re-install my GetIt packages. Default directory and using the ISO installer.
  20. SwiftExpat

    import generates divide by 0 error

    This will likely fix your error: https://github-wiki-see.page/m/Embarcadero/python4delphi/wiki/MaskFPUExceptions
  21. SwiftExpat

    How to force update to label during a loop

    Wrap it with begin / end update label1.beginupdate label1.text := ... label1.endupdate
  22. You should probably review the NIST guidelines, no need to randomize the data, just fill it with 0 & 1. NIST uses the word pseudorandom a lot. Good summary: https://www.bitraser.com/article/use-nist-hard-drive-erasure.php Reference: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-88r1.pdf Writing some strings in parallel might be a lot faster, I believe you have 8 channels on most controllers, so you can probably get 4-5 writes in parallel. This is only true if you write sector by sector, the OS controls where that file is placed. You would have to write 1 file the size of the free space to make that true in your scenario.
  23. SwiftExpat

    Exception call stacks on Windows with only a few LOCs

    This is what I was thinking as well, just calculate an offset. Not sure it is worth the effort, maybe in the future. A quick google did turn up some results but all seemed to require elevated privileges, which makes sense given what ASLR is trying to provide.
  24. SwiftExpat

    Exception call stacks on Windows with only a few LOCs

    Your comment got me to remember ASLR in 11. Removing ASLR makes it work correctly. For anyone else interested, it is the 2nd to last option in Linking.
  25. SwiftExpat

    Exception call stacks on Windows with only a few LOCs

    Stack Trace: Operation aborted (EAbort @ $A53294) Stack trace: $00A53294 $00A532A0 $00A532AC $00A57D8F $75F9FA29 $77EB7A9E $77EB7A6E StackTraceSample.map