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Everything posted by jus

  1. Hi, i'm using Delphi 2007 and I want to put some graphics stuff into background tasks. The result of that function is a TBitmap. On higher Delphi versions there is seems a Async method with OnTerminate. But how can I retrieve the TBitmap result from a lowlevel task after finishing in the main thread? Thank you in advance! jus
  2. ok, thank you for your help. Finally I decided to use the sending object concept from the \OmniThreadLibrary\tests\23_BackgroundFileSearch. It seems to work in my Delphi 2007. Here is my implementation for the case if someone has a similiar topic: unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ImgList, ComCtrls, OtlCommon, OtlTask, OtlTaskControl, OtlEventMonitor, OtlComm, OtlThreadPool; type TForm1 = class(TForm) ListView1: TListView; ImageList1: TImageList; OmniEventMonitor1: TOmniEventMonitor; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure OmniEventMonitor1TaskMessage(const task: IOmniTaskControl; const msg: TOmniMessage); private fStarttime: DWORD; FilesCount: Integer; FMessageDispatch: TOmniEventMonitor; procedure HandleTaskTerminated(const task: IOmniTaskControl); procedure ListFileDir(Path: string; FileList: TStrings); public { Public-Deklarationen } end; const PrintPreviewPixelSize = 100; MSG_THUMB_CREATED = 1; var Form1: TForm1; procedure CreateThumbnailFromFileOTL(const task: IOmniTask); procedure DoCreateThumbnailFromFileOTL(const task: IOmniTask; const FileName: String); implementation {$R *.dfm} uses Jpeg; type TCustomMessageObject = class BmpFile: TMemoryStream; FileName: String; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; procedure CreateThumbnailFromFileOTL(const task: IOmniTask); var FileName: String; begin FileName := task.Param['FileName']; DoCreateThumbnailFromFileOTL(task, FileName); end; procedure DoCreateThumbnailFromFileOTL(const task: IOmniTask; const FileName: String); var InBmp: TBitmap; OutBmp: TBitmap; CustomMessageObject: TCustomMessageObject; Picture: TPicture; begin CustomMessageObject := TCustomMessageObject.Create; InBmp:=TBitmap.Create; OutBmp := TBitmap.Create; Picture := TPicture.Create; try InBmp.Canvas.Lock; OutBMP.Canvas.Lock; CustomMessageObject.FileName := FileName; Picture.LoadFromFile(FileName); InBmp.Width := Picture.Width; InBmp.Height := Picture.Height; InBmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Picture.Graphic); InBmp.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; OutBMP.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; OutBmp.Width := PrintPreviewPixelSize; OutBmp.Height := PrintPreviewPixelSize; SetStretchBltMode(OutBMP.Canvas.Handle, HALFTONE); StretchBlt(OutBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, PrintPreviewPixelSize, PrintPreviewPixelSize, InBmp.Canvas.Handle , 0, 0, InBmp.Width , InBmp.Height , SRCCOPY); OutBmp.SaveToStream(CustomMessageObject.BmpFile); finally Picture.Free; InBmp.Canvas.UnLock; OutBmp.Canvas.UnLock; InBmp.Free; OutBmp.Free; end; task.Comm.Send(MSG_THUMB_CREATED, CustomMessageObject); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; ListItem: TListItem; FileList: TStringList; FScanTask: IOmniTaskControl; begin FStarttime:=gettickcount; ImageList1.Height := PrintPreviewPixelSize; ImageList1.Width := PrintPreviewPixelSize; ListView1.LargeImages := ImageList1; FileList := TStringList.Create; try ListFileDir('d:\a\2010.10\70\', FileList); FilesCount := FileList.Count; for I := 0 to Pred(FileList.Count) do begin FScanTask := CreateTask(CreateThumbnailFromFileOTL, 'CreateThumbnailFromFileOTL') .MonitorWith(OmniEventMonitor1) .SetParameter('FileName', FileList.Strings[i]) .Schedule; end; finally FileList.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.HandleTaskTerminated(const task: IOmniTaskControl); begin end; procedure TForm1.ListFileDir(Path: string; FileList: TStrings); var SR: TSearchRec; begin if FindFirst(Path + '*.jpg', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then begin repeat if (SR.Attr <> faDirectory) then begin FileList.Add(Path + SR.Name); end; until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); end; end; procedure TForm1.OmniEventMonitor1TaskMessage(const task: IOmniTaskControl; const msg: TOmniMessage); var CustomMessageObject : TCustomMessageObject; ResultBMP: TBitmap; ListItem: TListItem; ItmIndex: Integer; begin if msg.MsgID = MSG_THUMB_CREATED then begin CustomMessageObject := TCustomMessageObject(msg.MsgData.AsObject); ResultBMP := TBitmap.Create; try CustomMessageObject.BmpFile.Position := 0; ResultBMP.LoadFromStream(CustomMessageObject.BmpFile); ImageList1.Add(ResultBmp, nil); ListItem := ListView1.Items.Add; ListItem.ImageIndex := ImageList1.Count-1; finally ResultBMP.Free; CustomMessageObject.Free; end; Caption := IntToStr(ImageList1.Count)+' / ' + IntToStr(FilesCount); if ImageList1.Count = FilesCount then begin Caption := IntToStr(ImageList1.Count)+' / ' + IntToStr(FilesCount) + ' total time '+ IntToStr(Gettickcount - fStartTime)+' ms'; end; end; end; { TCustomMessageObject } constructor TCustomMessageObject.Create; begin inherited; BmpFile := TMemoryStream.Create; end; destructor TCustomMessageObject.Destroy; begin BmpFile.Free; inherited; end; end. There is one thing I didn't solved. If I close the App during creating the thumbnails there would be some access violations. How would you extend the program to terminate the tasks and delete the threadpool queue? jus ListViewMiniThread.zip
  3. ok, maybe it would be clearer with code. unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ImgList, ComCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) ListView1: TListView; ImageList1: TImageList; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private procedure ListFileDir(Path: string; FileList: TStrings); public { Public-Deklarationen } end; const PrintPreviewPixelSize = 100; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses jpeg; procedure CreateThumbnailFromFile(const FileName: String; var OutBmp: TBitmap); var Picture: TPicture; InBmp: TBitmap; begin OutBmp.Assign(nil); Picture := TPicture.Create; try Picture.LoadFromFile(FileName); InBmp:=Tbitmap.Create; try InBmp.Width := Picture.Width; InBmp.Height := Picture.Height; InBmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Picture.Graphic); OutBmp.Width := PrintPreviewPixelSize; OutBmp.Height := PrintPreviewPixelSize; SetStretchBltMode(OutBmp.Canvas.Handle, HALFTONE); StretchBlt(OutBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, PrintPreviewPixelSize, PrintPreviewPixelSize, InBmp.Canvas.Handle , 0, 0, InBmp.Width , InBmp.Height , SRCCOPY); finally InBmp.Free; end; finally Picture.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; ListItem: TListItem; FileList: TStringList; BmpOut: TBitmap; begin ImageList1.Height := PrintPreviewPixelSize; ImageList1.Width := PrintPreviewPixelSize; FileList := TStringList.Create; try ListFileDir('d:\a\2010.10\', FileList); BmpOut := TBitmap.Create; try for I := 0 to Pred(FileList.Count) do begin CreateThumbnailFromFile(FileList.Strings[i], BmpOut); ImageList1.Add(BmpOut, nil); end; finally BmpOut.Free; end; finally FileList.Free; end; ListView1.LargeImages := ImageList1; for I := 0 to ImageList1.Count - 1 do begin ListItem := ListView1.Items.Add; Listitem.Caption := 'Image' + IntToStr(I); ListItem.ImageIndex := I; end; end; procedure TForm1.ListFileDir(Path: string; FileList: TStrings); var SR: TSearchRec; begin if FindFirst(Path + '*.jpg', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then begin repeat if (SR.Attr <> faDirectory) then begin FileList.Add(Path+SR.Name); end; until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); end; end; end. Currently I have a method called "CreateThumbnailFromFile" (see above) which convert a jpeg file into a bitmap for adding to an TImageList. In my original method it does a little bit more, but it doesn't matter. My intention is to put the CreateThumbnailFromFile method to a background task something like for I := 0 to Pred(FileList.Count) do begin CreateTask(CreateThumbnailFromFile(FileList.Strings[i], BmpOut)); end; and in the OnTerminate I can add the BmpOut (TBitmap) to the TImageList. The thing I don't know is how can I retrieve the BmpOut (TBitmap) in an OnTerminate method in OmniThreadLibrary? Could anyone can give me a hint? ListViewMini.zip