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Joe Sansalone

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Everything posted by Joe Sansalone

  1. Joe Sansalone

    Change Views (2017 vs 2020 Server)

    I also noticed something in Quality Central that referred to a similar issue. Updated to latest versions of IB2017 and IB2020 just recently (per Sriram's suggestion) .. still same problem. I use IBX. Just recently used FireDAC because of FDEventAlerter/Subscription/DataMerge ability. Is updating a dataset in IBX via Subscriptions/events similar to how FireDAC does it? Where can I read up on IBX and Subscriptions?
  2. Joe Sansalone


    Hi, I'm using the TFDEventAlerter with a Subscription (Interbase) for any update, delete or insert on a table. The FDQuery has CachedUpdates set to True. It was working fine but then during testing, error: "[FireDAC][Phys][IB]subscription transaction not found" after an event was received from Interbase to notify of a change to the table. Does anybody know WHY this would happen? The first change to the table gets propagated correctly. The 2nd change results in above error. Using Delphi 11. Connecting to remote Interbase 2017.
  3. Joe Sansalone


    Interbase 2017 server, with Change Views Generic sample Delphi 11 does NOT handle deletes properly. But changing the server to IB2020 makes it work. Any work around?
  4. Joe Sansalone


    It seems to be related to having another FDConnection - even though other connection is not being used. When other connection component is taken off the data module, the FDEventAlerter successfully updates the FDQuery. I just need to figure out why DELETEs are not being merged into the FDQuery???
  5. Joe Sansalone

    mismatch? SDK 15.2, iOS device 15.3

    Hi, Would a mismatch of SDK (15.2) to device (15.3) possibly cause something not to work? When I test an app on the iPhone, everything works except audio doesn't play. And the code to make audio play worked on previous iOS. I checked over and over and the code is correct. Could the SDK/device iOS version mismatch be the problem? (15.2 SDK vs 15.3 device) Joe
  6. Joe Sansalone

    mismatch? SDK 15.2, iOS device 15.3

    My mistake - forgot about those references to icon files.
  7. Joe Sansalone

    mismatch? SDK 15.2, iOS device 15.3

    I did file a report in QP. I downloaded the zipped test project and it opens fine in Delphi IDE and builds. I'm running Delphi 11 on Windows 11 ARM via Parallels on macOS (ARM). What error did you get?
  8. Joe Sansalone

    mismatch? SDK 15.2, iOS device 15.3

    Tested an Xcode project that generates tones in the same way that my Delphi app does. Works on my iPhone 12 via Xcode (audio is heard). BUT Delphi app doesn't work on device.
  9. Joe Sansalone

    mismatch? SDK 15.2, iOS device 15.3

    I stripped down the app to the bare essential that doesn't work. In other words, the audio is not playing (using AudioToolbox, rendering audio samples via code). Attached is the project. Audio Problem Test.zip
  10. Joe Sansalone

    mismatch? SDK 15.2, iOS device 15.3

    It worked on iOS 10, iOS 9. Yeah I checked that the mute button is not switched. (it's not bone-headed to suggest that, as I TOO have done things like that lol) I can reproduce the "no audio" problem on my iPhone 12 (iOS 15.3). I'm going to TRY running something in Xcode that is very similar and see what happens. I'll update asap. NOTE: I'm using AVAudioSession and Audio Unit (Output, RemoteIO) - i.e. using AudioToolBox
  11. Hi, I used some CoreAudio translated files back in Delphi 10 (Seattle) and they worked great. Now, in Delphi 11, they compile but there's a problem with the audio .. no audio is produced. So I'd like to see the original Apple source code for these functions/structs etc, in order to make sure that I have the correct translation to Object Pascal. Where do I get the source for the AudioToolbox framework? Does XCode come with source? Joe
  12. I have an HTTP Server application that was compiled with Delphi 10.4.2 running fine on Windows 2019. I also have Delphi 11 running on Windows 11 (ARM) via Parallels on a macbook pro (M1). The exact same source code compiles without error, using Delphi 11. BUT when running (Delphi 11 app) on both Windows 11 or Windows 2019, does not receive HTTPS correctly - SAME INDY version. When SSL is not used, the app receives correctly BUT using REST components to initiate HTTPS outbound, the receiving external server will complain that some POST parameters are missing. I'm wondering if ALL of this is due to unsupported Windows 11 ARM???
  13. Joe Sansalone

    Windows 11 (ARM) - strange behavior

    That's a good question. Both Indy and the REST (non-Indy) components are affected. So it seems to be something at a lower level. It's a guess.
  14. Joe Sansalone

    Do REST components use Indy?

    Do REST components use Indy? I'm using Delphi 10.4.
  15. Hi, I've used IntraWeb on its own. I'd like to know if I can use it within an already existing server application. Do I drop the IWStandAloneServer onto a datamodule and then add IWForms ? Joe
  16. Hi, Using Rest Client components. Shouldn't EHTTPProtocolException catch a HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable? I expected that a 500 unavailable error would raise a EHTTPProtocolException. But instead, the below code did NOT catch that error and my higher level code caught it .. but it's not the behavior I wanted. I need to catch it locally. Is this a bug? My alternative is to broaden the Exception that I catch locally. Joe ======================= code ===================================== try FRESTRequest.Execute; except on E:EHTTPProtocolException do begin if Assigned(FLog) then FLog.WriteTimeStamp(lctHTTP, lptImportant, 'ModifyCall API: error executing request'); result := false; raise ETwilioCallError.Create('HTTP protocol exception'); end; end;
  17. Joe Sansalone

    REST Client: HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable

    Got it. Thanks.
  18. Hi, I'm doing my best to configure Delphi IDE on Windows 11 ARM, running in Parallels on an M1 Pro. Normally in the code editor, ctrl + hovering over code underlines procedures/types/etc that can be clickable and then once clicked goes to the appropriate definition unit etc. However, with Parallels, ctrl + hovering doesn't underline anything UNTIL the mouse is clicked. A bit annoying .... ANY SOLUTIONS TO THIS? 2. Mouse travel up/down is a little fast ... I think there's a solution to this too. Any help would be much appreciated Joe ---> UPDATE: Setting to "Optimize for games" in Parallels made it better!
  19. Joe Sansalone

    M1, Parallels, Delphi IDE: ctrl + hovering ???

    I have the base model "M1 Pro" 8 core/14 GPU 14" MacBook. (similar single-core to the M1, but faster multi-core) Running Windows 11 ARM via Parallels. Delphi 11. Delphi IDE runs very smoothly. And like you mentioned it's an Intel x86 so it's going through the emulator in order to run on ARM. IF Embarcadero were to produce a ARM version of the Delphi IDE, I suspect that it would be about 2.5x faster. I compiled the same program in Delphi for macOS twice. One for macOS Intel (goes through Rosetta 2 emulator) and the other for macOS ARM. The ARM version ran 2.8x faster. (3.5x faster if using Metal API) From what I read the "windows emulator" is about the same performance slowdown like Rosetta 2 (apple emulator). NOTE: Sometimes I'll notice something takes a little longer (in Delphi) than my windows machine ... but it's small difference. My windows machine is just a 2-core but I run Windows 7 on it. Hope this helps.
  20. I'm interested in using the Metal API to perform parallel tasks. I know how to use TThread and TTask. Use them all the time. I'd like to play around with using code running on the GPU. In this case Metal API. Does anyone know of sample code using Metal API to perform calculations? Joe
  21. Joe Sansalone

    Indy HTTP server

    Why does it work for days and then it doesn't? Strange. It's the same instance. I don't change anything. I'll install Wireshark on the server. Thanks for your help.
  22. Joe Sansalone

    Indy HTTP server

    I got the PROBLEM again - HTTP Server stops responding. This time I logged OnConnect, OnHeadersAvailable, OnException, OnCommandError events as well as the usual OnCommandGet, OnCommandOther. There was NO activity in the above events when the problem occurred. Below is the log from Twilio's server which sends a request to my server (live.projectone.ca) : ======================================================================================== MESSAGE An attempt to retrieve content from https://live.projectone.ca/Phone returned the HTTP status code 502 SSL/TLS Handshake Error Error - 11220 SSL/TLS Handshake Error During SSL/TLS negotiation, Twilio experienced a connection reset. Possible Causes Incompatible cipher suites in use by the client and the server. This would require the client to use (or enable) a cipher suite that is supported by the server. Possible Solutions Verify cipher suites in-use are up to date. Twilio-supported ciphers can be found here Use compatible version of TLS, Twilio supports TLS 1.0,1.1,1.2. ============================================================================================ After closing/starting the application again, everything was fine. Is it possible that there's a newer version of Indy that fixes this problem? I'm thinking of running without SSL to see if this problem occurs. Joe
  23. Joe Sansalone

    Indy HTTP server

    Ok got it. When I update to latest Indy version (either with next Delphi 11 or manually), I will make sure to change my code. Thanks!
  24. Joe Sansalone

    Indy HTTP server

    NOTE: Twilio server receives SMSs sent to a phone number that resides in their network. They then send an HTTP request to my server indicating that they received an SMS and they put the contents of the SMS in the Body parameter. Here is an example of receiving an SMS (i.e. text on a cellular phone) Hello followed by 2 different smiley face emojis, received by Twilio and sent as a request to my server: Unparsed Param: Body=Hello+%F0%9F%98%85%F0%9F%A4%A3 Parsed Param: Body=Hello ð???ð?¤£ This is perfectly fine. But, I found that then I need to do this when receiving: Text := IndyTextEncoding_UTF8.GetString(ToBytes(aRequestInfo.Params.Values['Body'], IndyTextEncoding_8Bit)); in order to SEND the same SMS with the same Hello and 2 smiley faces using the REST components: FRestRequest.Params.AddItem('Body',TIDURI.ParamsEncode(aText, IndyTextEncoding_UTF8) , TRestRequestParameterKind.pkGETorPOST, [poDoNotEncode]); If I code it the regular way, it doesn't work. It sends the outgoing SMS with Hello .. but the 2 smiley faces are weird characters instead of 2 emojis.
  25. Joe Sansalone

    Indy HTTP server

    I forgot to mention that each section in the CommendGet event has been tested quite a bit with no known problems. I'll have more HTTP logs the next time. Just realized that even though Checkbox.IsChecked simply accesses a boolean and does nothing else, it's possible that Windows OS may require that only the UI thread does this?? Although I thought it was because of thread-safety and avoiding weird collisions of updating the UI. In any case I have changed that code.