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Mahdi Safsafi

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Everything posted by Mahdi Safsafi

  1. Mahdi Safsafi

    IOTAProcess.ReadProcessMemory / .WriteProcessMemory

    ReadProcessMemory does an internal check at the end of the operation. If it fails an exception is thrown then. On the right road 🙂 No idea but I doubt if it was ... I mean ToolsApi documentation is very poor
  2. Mahdi Safsafi

    function reference feature for Delphi source code

    LSP does not fit with GExperts philosophy ! GExperts is a plugin that supports older versions perfectly. Adopting LSP means ... you know !
  3. Mahdi Safsafi

    Multiple two UInt64 modulo

    Yes that's right but Karatsuba has its own applications and would be great for BigInteger. But for OP I think that's too overhead compared to native HW multiplication.
  4. Mahdi Safsafi

    function reference feature for Delphi source code

    I clearly understand the requirement. What I discussed with you is different thing than what I suggested to Thomas. My answers were based on your statement which used a word output (BTW you still didn't explain what you mean by that) that makes me think to binary graph.
  5. Mahdi Safsafi

    function reference feature for Delphi source code

    Yes that's true and I'm aware about that. In fact my DebugEngine is powered by detailed map file. It just seems to me that you didn't understand my comment. So here I explain again : Typically you only need the binary image (exe, dll) to generate the graph of functions ... map is just a sugar that gives additional information(location, ...). Sure DelphiAST doesn't give you that out of the box ... Although you need to make some effort.
  6. Mahdi Safsafi

    function reference feature for Delphi source code

    I use external debugger heavily and all what I need to find references to a given function is the executable only ... map/pdb is just a sugar. If map wasn't that in your mind ... what's the actual one ? if you parse all units you can than get the information.
  7. Mahdi Safsafi

    function reference feature for Delphi source code

    Agree ! The output ... you mean map file ?
  8. Mahdi Safsafi

    function reference feature for Delphi source code

    Definitely true ! However I've some useful information for anyone that is interested: CnWizards and typically Bookmarks (by David Millington) use DDetours to intercept some functions and paint their stuffs. David on his blog gave a good explanation on how to do that on two part: Part1: https://parnassus.co/mysteries-of-ide-plugins-painting-in-the-code-editor-part-1/ Part2: https://parnassus.co/mysteries-ide-plugins-painting-code-editor-part-2/ BTW, this was the motivation behind developing chained hook for DDetours v2(because CnWizards and Bookmarks couldn't work correctly if they were active together at the same time) 🙂 1) You can use DelphiAST (by Roman Yankovsky) to parse the unit. 2) If I recall correctly on the days were the Delphi community was on G+, someone (I think it was Stefan gleinke) he made a plugin that displays all symbols and types location for all Delphi units ... Unfortunately all what I remember is that the plugin supposed to work as a cache.
  9. Mahdi Safsafi

    Filter Exceptions expert and IOS / Android apps

    My expectation is a failure because in the last commit I saw, GetVmtOffset didn't implement offset(vmtParent, vmtClassName) for iOS/Android. function GetVmtOffset(Process: IOTAProcess; Offset: TVmtOffset): Int64; begin {$IFDEF IS_WIN32_ONLY} Result := GetVmtOffsetWin32(Offset); {$ELSE} { Each platform should have corresponding constant value. } case Process.GetProcessType of optWin32: Result := GetVmtOffsetWin32(Offset); optWin64: Result := GetVmtOffsetWin64(Offset); // implement others... else raise Exception.Create('Please implement me.'); end; {$ENDIF} end;
  10. Mahdi Safsafi

    Having fun with Delphi

    This doesn't sound problematic for me. A specialized string is expected to follow string rules hence same implementation details. After all that's what it designed for.
  11. Mahdi Safsafi

    Having fun with Delphi

    What about something like that ? type TURL = type string; TURLHelper = record helper for TURL function AddFile(const AFile: string): TURL; function AddDir(const ADir: string): TURL; end;
  12. Mahdi Safsafi

    Detecting update versions in defines

    @Vincent Parrett AFAIK there is no way ! The far thing I could get from dcc32 --version was the CompilerVersion. I also scanned all source files and it appears that none of them declare an update version. So what about writing a simple expert plugin that detects the update version at runtime and defines some macros, and then you can test for those macros at compile time ?
  13. Mahdi Safsafi

    Detecting update versions in defines

    The path must be fully qualified (includes full unit). {$IF declared(System.TObject.Foo)} foo {$ENDIF}
  14. Unfortunately, I’m not in a position to discuss your internal design for the great mORMot library. So literally I’m just going to speak theoretically. You used a DRNG instead of PRNG(LCG or whatever) -because you wanted a true RNG- to initialize an entropy source(ES) right ? What I’m seeing here is that your implementation breaks two fundamental rule of RNG : uniform distribution and unpredictable sequence ! How ? by counting 0 as TRN. This technically makes your ES vulnerable for backdoor ! - An attacker may predicate 0 just because he knows that when RDRAND fails, it returns 0. - What if he is knowing how to make RDRAND fail ? Now your ES is filled with zeros ! Intel didn’t describe all the circumstances that may lead to a failure. All what we know for now is a failure is expected if RN is not available didn’t pass the self-test ? In fact many people questioned Intel intentions when it putted some pressure on Linux kernel to use RDRAND/RDSEED … Eventually many concluded that a 3rd party (NSA?) was involved and may predicate/influence the output !!! Just google for the reason why the Linux kernel chipped out RDRAND/RDSEED. If you permit me, I’d like to give some suggestions: - Change the implementation by checking for CF and doing 10 time attempt when CF=0. I believe this will cost nothing compared to the additional security you get. BTW, that’s what Intel recommends: - Add another (optional) way to initialize the ES : e.g : CSPRNG, OS random data.
  15. Not so ! Short answer : 0 is not granted to be a random value on all architectures. Long answer : https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/blogs/rdrand-do-i-need-to-check-the-carry-flag-or-can-i-just-check-for-zero.html
  16. Mahdi Safsafi

    Range checking in library code?

    Many compilers typically inserts some validations routines but all can be disabled (optional). Contracts are also optional. range checking for c++ vector can be enabled/disabled using some macro (its enabled by default for Debug and disabled for Release). So IMHO, I think it's better to follow the tradition and let the user decides whether he wants to compile with range checking or not. Personally I enable it under the debugger and disable it for Release.
  17. Thanks Lars ! Just one small thing : the last URL that points to MS is invalid.
  18. There're a lot of place where an AV must be used/expected by tests to ensure a logic consistence. An example would be to test if a ROM structure holds at a given time ! Simply you can't use a comparison with an initial value because a write with the same initial value will make your test pass successfully. Another example is from madExcept instantly crash on buffer, if you want to validate that functionality, your test must expect a hardware exception when running overrun/underrun! The point is : its all fine if those exceptions are expected to happen whether being hardware or software ! The not fine is when you expect your test to throw an exception and it does not !
  19. While the library's concept is very interesting and worth investigating it, however, I found it incompatible with the Delphi language(at least in its current specs). In other word : what applies to c++ does not necessary apply to Delphi (the reverse holds as well). For example, the library has a sealed architecture ! Being based on records, it means that you can't roll easily your own collection based on the existing one (at least in the way we know all) just because the current status of the language does not permit record inheritance. In the other hand, RTL/Spring4D are more flexible in this area. Another thing, a quick look at the Heap manager, it appears that its based on the ordinal memory manager, in other word: a memory manager on the top of another memory manager. This technically may cause all sort of memory troubles.
  20. Mahdi Safsafi

    What's the correct way to free an object in C++Builder?

    I believe X->Free() is coming from the Delphi compatibility and is only used when importing Delphi object. Meaning it works only with TObject descendant. On the other hand delete X is a standard c++ operator that works with all objects whether they descend from TObject or not. On this page, there is an explicit note that says :
  21. Mahdi Safsafi

    Removing breakpoints

    View -> Debug Windows -> Breakpoints -> Delete all breakpoints.
  22. It's really hard to tell but from what you described I think you're facing a memory corruption, I'd say a stack corruption -based on the raise; fails, raise exception; works- I recommend the following things: - First, what happens if you omit the LogErrors call ? does the AV gone ? - Second, use madExcept and activate instanly crash on buffer this will help spotting heap corruption by over boundary. - Third, put BP on raise statement and fall into RaiseAgain an see what line/instruction is causing the AV.
  23. Mahdi Safsafi

    Filter Exceptions expert and IOS / Android apps

    Please Thomas, check your Gexperts tickets.
  24. Mahdi Safsafi

    Filter Exception causing debugger errors

    You can get that info from the Parsed structure (see GetExceptionObjectNew) like this : type TExceptionInformation = array [0 .. 14] of UInt64; // this is a UInt64 and not NativeUInt as RTL ! PExceptionInformation = ^TExceptionInformation; var Params: PExceptionInformation; P := @Parsed[0]; Inc(P, $A8); P := PPointer(P)^; // -----> Internal Exception record (not like RTL record !) Params := (Pointer(PByte(P) + $30)); // -----> ExceptionInformation params. I guess, you will need to adjust GetExceptionObjectNew to return the new extra information.
  25. Mahdi Safsafi

    Filter Exception causing debugger errors

    Indeed everything is explained in SysUtils.GetExceptionObject. But I don't understand why Delphi IDE treats AV for 32bit/64bit differently.