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Everything posted by LairdTurnerSpecial

  1. LairdTurnerSpecial

    iOS Project - Setting Runpath Search Path

    Hi! I'm trying to use a framework in an Delphi iOS App. If I deploy it in the root folder everything works fine but I want to put the framework in a Frameworks-Folder in the bundled app. Is there a way to tell the linker of delphi the Runpath Search Path via a switch? Thanks! regards René
  2. LairdTurnerSpecial

    Linking to a static ARM64 lib FMX iOS

    Hi! I have a static lib 'lib.a' with objective-c code in it. The exports can be seen via nm lib.a. To make a wrapper for delphi I followed the common pattern with the trick to add loader func at the end of the unit. unit iOSapi.libtest; interface uses Macapi.ObjectiveC, iOSapi.Foundation; const libSD = 'lib.a'; PREFIX = '_OBJC_CLASS_$_'; type ProductManager = interface; ProductManagerClass = interface(NSObjectClass) ['{893A533F-E103-4898-A5CC-73185803FFF0}'] function GetInstance: ProductManager; cdecl; end; ProductManager = interface(NSObject) ['{FF519D81-5CF0-4ADF-B37B-2E965EB858A7}'] end; TProductManager = class(TOCGenericImport<ProductManagerClass, ProductManager>) end; implementation procedure libSDLoader; cdecl; external libSD name PREFIX + 'ProductManager'; end. For simplicity I've created a base app for iOS. Where I call TProductManager.OCClass.GetInstance; in the FormShow event. When I start the app in debug mode I get an 'EObjectivceC' Exception with the message that the Objecive-C-Class 'ProductManager' was not found. Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong? regards
  3. LairdTurnerSpecial

    Build a iOS Static library to use in Delphi

    Hello! I want to create a static library in Xcode an then use it in Delphi. Then I've imported the library via const LIB_Name = 'libDName.a'; // const LIB_Name = 'libDName.a'; function deviceName: NSString; cdecl; external LIB_Name name 'deviceName' dependency 'c++'; { do not localize } But when I want to use the function with Name := NSStringToString(deviceName); I get the following error: [DCC Fehler] E2597 Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: Error: "_deviceName", referenced from: __ZN4Main10deviceNameEv in Main.o; ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 Any suggestions? Thanks! regards
  4. LairdTurnerSpecial

    Build a iOS Static library to use in Delphi

    This solution works great! Thank you! But any suggestions for the general "problem" to program a static library in xcode for use in delphi? Thanks!
  5. LairdTurnerSpecial

    Build a iOS Static library to use in Delphi

    The library is found! For testing I've copied it directly to the root of the project. If it was'nt I would get other failures. I've tried to change the result type but I get the same failure [DCC Fehler] E2597 Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: Error: "_deviceName", referenced from: __ZN4Main10deviceNameEv in Main.o; ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 Is there a trick or copiler setting in xcode to set?
  6. LairdTurnerSpecial

    Record Mic-Audio iOS (iPad, iPhone)

    Hi! I wand to build an application were I can route the audio from the internal mics to an buffer. I've build some extensions to the current wrappers from Embarcadero for AVAudioSession, Audio.Toolkit etc. Currently I'm able die initialize an AudioSession, create the appropriate routes and select a specific mic and create an AudioUnit. Everything seems to be okay. No function returns me an error, When my app starts on the iPhone I get a message that my app whants to access the mic. but the audiorender callback doesn't get called. Can somebody help me with my problem. Have someone programmed something similar. Thanks! kind regards René