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  1. tobenschain

    Indexes.Count is zero 

    Can't figure out why I can process Module Data but not BudSys, BudSys works after I create it but not after I exit BudGen.
  2. tobenschain

    Indexes.Count is zero 

    Can't figure out why BudSys_DB.Indexes.Count is zero BudSys_Con := TFDConnection.Create(nil); with BudSys_Con do begin Params.DriverId := 'SQLite'; Params.Database := sys_dir^+'BudSysDB'+'.sdb'; ExecSQL('PRAGMA locking_mode = NORMAL'); ExecSQL('PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF'); Open; end; if BudSys_DB=nil then begin BudSys_DB := TFDTable.Create(nil); BudSys_DB.TableName := 'BudSysDB'; BudSys_DB.IndexFieldNames := 'key'; BudSys_DB.Connection := BudSys_Con; BudSys_DB.Open; end;
  3. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    Many thanks for the example.
  4. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    I needed: try FDQuery1.ExecSQL('insert into MyTab(code, name) values (:code, :name)', [100, 'Tokyo']); except on E: EFDDBEngineException do begin // E.Message - Actual error message. For the DBMS messages only Message property is used. // E.ErrorCode - DBMS-specific error code. // E.Kind - DBMS-independent error code and other properties. if E.Kind = ekUKViolated then ShowMessage('Please enter unique value !'); raise; end; end;
  5. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    This is what I do Module_DB.Close; Module_DB.Disconnect; Module_Con.Close;
  6. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    Created, Copied and Deleted
  7. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    <<Have you checked what PRAGMA locking_mode is returning?>> I use: ExecSQL('PRAGMA locking_mode = NORMAL'); <<Can you delete the file before opening any connection?>> The file is being created.
  8. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    I tried Module_Con.Close; Didn't help
  9. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    I wasn't qualifying the Close statement
  10. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    if I try to delete the file manually it says it's still in use by the program
  11. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    The file should be gone.
  12. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    Using SQLite Module_DB: TFDTable; Module_DB.Close; Module_DB.Disconnect; SysUtils.DeleteFile('Test.DB');
  13. tobenschain

    how to delete TFDTable after open

    I am unable to delete a TFDTable after creating it. I tried Close and Disconnect.
  14. I'm getting "no such table" on the second.
  15. tobenschain

    FindNearest doesn't work

    good to go thanks