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Everything posted by salvadordf

  1. Some Windows users received a faulty Windows update with WebView2 Runtime 131 that broke the official way to check if the evergreen runtime is installed in the computer. Microsoft stopped the deployment of that update and then released a fix but some computers may still have the broken runtime. In the case of WebView4Delphi this update caused the GlobalWebView2Loader.StartWebView2 call to return false because it couldn't find the WebView2 runtime on the system. As a temporary workaround, set GlobalWebView2Loader.CheckFiles to FALSE before the GlobalWebView2Loader.StartWebView2 call. Read this issue in the feedback repository for more details.
  2. salvadordf

    App does not start anymore on macOS Sequoia (due to sandbox restrictions?)

    Perhaps it needs to be signed. Read this article.
  3. salvadordf

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    CEF4Delphi and WebView4Delphi must be reinstalled too.
  4. salvadordf

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    I installed it. All my components seem to work fine... Is the AI feature new? I disabled it anyway...
  5. salvadordf

    Navigator disappeared from GetIt

  6. salvadordf

    Delphi 11.3 CEF4Delphi

    The last answer of this link has the easiest solution for this case.
  7. salvadordf

    Delphi 11.3 CEF4Delphi

    Thanks Peter! I only have one Delphi version per system and I didn't notice this issue.
  8. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    I just published a new project in GitHub called WebView4Delphi. WebView4Delphi allows you to embed Chromium based web browsers in your Delphi or Lazarus applications using the WebView2 runtime. It uses the latest stable version of the WebView2 nuget package 1.0.1054.31. I used many of the tricks I learned creating CEF4Delphi and you will notice many similarities if you used it. I still have to write the documentation but you can build the available demos to see it working in VCL, FMX and Lazarus apps. There are a few things pending like the "windowless mode". It's being distributed with a simple MIT license so anyone can do whatever s/he wants with it. https://github.com/salvadordf/WebView4Delphi
  9. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    In case there are extra problems read this.
  10. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    The BPL files should be created in $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Bpl and not in the WebView4Delphi\packages directory. Perhaps the "Package output directory" option is not set to $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Bpl Open the Tools -> Options... menu option and then select the "Environment options -> Delphi options -> Library" node in the left tree view. There you can check the "Package output directory" value. If you can't modify that setting try adding the WebView4Delphi\packages directory to the search path.
  11. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    Build WebView4DelphiVCLRTL.bpl, WebView4DelphiFMXRTL.bpl, WebView4DelphiVCL_designtime.bpl and WebView4DelphiFMX_designtime.bpl individually (in that order) or download the latest WebView4Delphi version from GitHub. I recently fixed a project order issue in the project group file thanks to the information on this thread. This Wiki article has all the details to install WebView4Delphi in Delphi.
  12. salvadordf

    WebUI4Delphi available at GitHub

    I just made public the WebUI4Delphi open source project at GitHub. WebUI4Delphi is a WebUI wrapper, which allows you to use any web browser as a GUI, with Delphi in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend. WebUI doesn't embed a web browser. It just connects your Delphi application with the installed web browser using a fast protocol so you can use HTML5 as part of the GUI. WebUI4Delphi can be used in 64 bit Delphi applications for Windows. Linux and MacOS support needs testing. There are several VCL, FireMonkey and console demos. https://github.com/salvadordf/WebUI4Delphi
  13. salvadordf

    WebUI4Delphi available at GitHub

    I don't know Sciter but after reading a few things it looks similar. You should ask the WebUI developers to get a better answer but Sciter seems to have a lot more features.
  14. salvadordf

    TWebBrowser Edge Engine Unavailable

    Yes. CEF4Delphi works on Windows, Linux and macOS. There are some unresolved issues in Linux but it works : https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ALinux
  15. salvadordf

    Call for Delphi 12 Support in OpenSource projects.

    FYI : I'm not a beta-tester but the latest Skia4Delphi code available at GitHub includes {$IF CompilerVersion >= 36} several times.
  16. The WebView2 feedback repository shows similar problems. I just tried to modify the TabbedBrowser demo to create the browser while WVWindowParent1 was not visible and the browser was created correctly. The navigation events worked even while the browser wasn't visible. Perhaps Microsoft fixed this recently.
  17. salvadordf

    Where is the link to register to the forum?

    Some suggestions : Use a custom captcha when registering new users. Some forum plugins allow you to create custom questions or things like that. Don't use any version of Google recaptcha. All of them were cracked ages ago. Some forums allow you to moderate the first messages of new users. This gives you some extra work but it blocks all spammers that registered manually. Some forums have plugins that block new users that try to use known spammers IPs, email addresses, etc.
  18. salvadordf

    How to clear the cache in TEdgeBrowser

    You can use these DevTools methods : Network.clearBrowserCache Storage.clearDataForOrigin If you decide to switch to WebView4Delphi then you can simply call : TWVBrowser.ClearCache TWVBrowser.ClearDataForOrigin
  19. salvadordf

    Automating Delphi FMX based application

    Try using Sikulix.
  20. salvadordf

    TWebBrowser: Remove Scrollbars not working

    Besides the JavaScript, HTML or CSS solutions you can also use the Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden method in the DevTools protocol: https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Emulation/#method-setScrollbarsHidden If you use CEF4Delphi use this code : procedure TForm1.HideScrollbars; var TempParams : ICefDictionaryValue; begin try TempParams := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New; TempParams.SetBool('hidden', True); Chromium1.ExecuteDevToolsMethod(0, 'Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden', TempParams); finally TempParams := nil; end; end; If you use WebView4Delphi use this code : procedure TForm1.HideScrollbars; begin WVBrowser1.CallDevToolsProtocolMethod('Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden', '{"hidden":true}'); end;
  21. salvadordf

    Click button from WVBrowser

    Run the MiniBrowser demo and navigate to that web page. Then click on the top-right button and open the DevTools window. Switch to the Console tab, type your JavaScript code and press enter to read the error message : document.getElementById("linkRefresh").click(); The problem could be something as simple as a syntax error or that page could have multiple documents because it could have several frames. In any case, debugging the JavaScript code in the console tab is the best solution before calling WVBrowser.ExecuteScript
  22. salvadordf

    Is there a component can help me automate web actions ?

    Try using a CEF4Delphi browser in off-screen rendering (OSR) mode. That mode allows you to simulate mouse, touch and keyboard events.
  23. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    I'm not sure if it supports Delphi 6 but I would also try Wke4Delphi : https://gitee.com/LangjiApp/Wke4Delphi
  24. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    I'm sorry but WebView4Delphi requires at least Delphi 7. If you need to test this component you can also use Lazarus or Delphi Community Edition.
  25. salvadordf

    TEdgeBrowser : "Unsafe attempt to load URL"

    It's not easy to use Chromium command line switches with TEdgeBrowser. Consider using WebView4Delphi instead and set GlobalWebView2Loader.AllowFileAccessFromFiles to true. You can also use the VirtualHostBrowser demo as a template for your application. It maps a local directory to a custom domain to load files from the hard drive.