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Nico Preto

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  1. Nico Preto

    Detect shake gesture on IOS

    Hi, any suggestions to detect shake gestures on iOS?
  2. Nico Preto

    TDialogService.MessageDialog translation

    Thank you! Works like a charm!
  3. Nico Preto

    TDialogService.MessageDialog translation

    This code works on iOS and Android?
  4. Nico Preto

    TDialogService.MessageDialog translation

    Any tip to translate TDialogService.MessageDialog method? Thanks
  5. Nico Preto

    Share message with Discord

    Hi To share a message with whatsapp we need only open a link like whatsapp://send?text=My Message And with discord, any idea? Thanks
  6. Nico Preto

    Application.MessageBox in multiples monitors

    Thanks guys
  7. I'm using Application.MessageBox in my project. When used in multiple monitors, when called then message appears every time in the primary monitor. But I need the message centered in the current visible form. Any idea?