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MikeMon last won the day on April 3 2020

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  1. No Android involved!!
  2. I’ve been using an RSA SSL certificate until now for my API server. However a new client is asking to use ECDH ciphers to connect to it. So, I’ve created an ECDH SSL certificate to make it happen. Haven’t had luck making it work yet!! FYI, the new certificate is loading fine.
  3. Actually I AM using sslvTLSv1_2.
  4. I'm using TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL and have tried using the CipherList above. It doesn't work. I get the following message: Error: 1053760: error:10000410:SSL routines: OPENSSL_internal: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE:..\..\..\..\src\third_party\boringssl\src\ssl\tls_record.cc:592:SSL alert number 40
  5. @Remy Lebeau Any guide on how I can set up the Datasnap REST server to accept ECDH (instead of or in parallel to) RSA ciphers without updating the default OpenSSL and Indy versions installed with Delphi to newer versions? FYI, I've already created the ECDH SSL certificate.
  6. Tx. I'll check it out. Tx!!
  7. Hi I'm using Delphi 12.2 Patch 2. I've set up a REST Datasnap server that uses HTTPS. Using Indy (installed during Delphi installation), it works fine for RSA certificates. Any guide on how I can set it up to accept ECDH instead of (or in parallel to) RSA ciphers? Moreover, are there any alternatives to Indy that use TLS1.3? BTW, I updated Indy to the latest version following the update instructions, but it messed up my Datasnap server. I had to uninstall and reinstall Delphi. 😞
  8. MikeMon

    Could not load OpenSSL library.

    Hi Installing the latest Indy following the instructions above (including the patch) messed up my Datasnap REST setup. I'm getting the following error: [dcc32 Fatal Error] APIWebModuleUnit.pas(13): F2051 Unit IPPeerCommon was compiled with a different version of IdCoderMIME.TIdEncoderMIME. Any ideas?
  9. MikeMon

    DataSnap REST Application

    Rename the server-side function to UpdateInsertFirma14. InsertFirma14 is for GET requests.
  10. Hi Is there an Interbase XE3 ODBC driver for Linux?
  11. MikeMon

    DevExpress VCL 23.1 & Delphi 12

    I am aware that DevExpress VCL 23.1 doesn't officially support Delphi 12. Has anyone found a workaround?
  12. The additional search match highlight "Foreground color" has no effect.
  13. MikeMon

    Quickreport for Delphi 11.1

    Does anyone know if there is a Quickreport version for Delphi 11.1?
  14. Anybody knows how to enable TLS 1.2 (or any other SSL version) in Datasnap? It seems to only have TLS 1 enabled. I tried using "TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.SSLVersions" to enable TLS 1.2 but it didn't work.
  15. What's the procedure to upload a new app version to Google play if you have changed the keystore file? When I'm uploading the new private key I created during the "opt in" procedure in the "App Integrity" screen of Google Play Console, I'm getting the following exception: "The private key does not match the certificate we know for this app". Basically, how can I update the certificate?