I'm using Embarcadero® Delphi 10.3 Version (update 3).
I have a sqlite db connected to a TBGrid via TFDConnection, TDataSource and TFDTable.
Connection and populating the grid is done in runtime.
Journal_DBGrid.Visible := false;
DBGrid.Visible := true;
DBSource.DataSet := NamnTabell;
The data source (DBSource) is connected to different db's during execution, selected with different button.
The problem is with the Caption of columns for the DBGrid object in the example.
I have also an other grid 'Journal_DBGrid' which has it own TDataSource and db-table, but it has not the problem I'm describing below.
I have opened and activated all components in order do be able to see the result during development. I can change the caption for different fields, and it displays correctly in the grid, but during runtime the column header shows the db fieldname and not the caption I want.
Any ideas where the problem is?