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Everything posted by Yaron
After previously uploading a Delphi 10.2.3 to the google play store, I uploaded an APK compiled in Delphi 10.3. This triggered a warning message by the play store that some devices will no longer be supported by this build. My code hasn't changed... Does anyone know if this can be worked around so I can keep supporting these older devices?
I need to temporarily disable HDR to display a menu system when an HDR video is playing. It's been a bit of a chase finding out this is done, so I thought I'll share. There's documentation of how to do it with C++ here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53517128/query-if-hdr-is-active-on-windows But even Delphi 10.3.3 is missing "Winapi.DXGI1_6.pas". However, Searching for this file led me to MfPack (https://sourceforge.net/projects/mfpack/), which does carry up to date header conversions.
Responsive UI with heavy background threads running in idle priority
Yaron replied to Yaron's topic in General Help
@eivindbakkestuen: I have a 4 Core/8 Thread GPU and the CPU is not really tasked, I believe it's mostly disk I/O. @Fr0sT.Brutal: You missed the bit where I wrote that the mediainfo data is synched with a central scrape-coordination thread, so the main UI is only disturbed when all the data has been scraped. And yes, it can be analyzing 100's (even 1000's) of files, trying to do so for about 4 concurrently. -
Responsive UI with heavy background threads running in idle priority
Yaron replied to Yaron's topic in General Help
@Remy Lebeau Debugging multiple threads is very difficult (at least in D7) as the run-point seems to jump between the threads each time you advance one line (unless there's something I'm missing?) This is why I use a lot of debug log entries. I believe the code I pasted above doesn't synchronize anything with the main thread, it's passing data to another (scraping) thread which works (synchronizes) just fine when doing other heavy work unrelated to mediainfo. -
Responsive UI with heavy background threads running in idle priority
Yaron replied to Yaron's topic in General Help
Here are more details (it's somewhat big, but may help others in the future): 1. I have an Idle priority information-scraping thread so the UI won't be affected by the scraping process. 2. The scraping thread pre-creates & uses an idle priority TMediaInfoThread thread (see below). 3. The scraping activates the mediainfo thread. 4. This is the mediainfo's DLL pascal header file : https://github.com/MediaArea/MediaInfoLib/blob/master/Source/MediaInfoDLL/MediaInfoDLL.pas 5. And you can download the DLL here https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo/Download/Windows Code used to activate MediaInfo data gathering thread: MediaInfoThread.MediaName := MediaName; MediaInfoThread.ScrapeType := niVideo; MediaInfoThread.ResumeThread; // do other scraping related meta-data gathering (e.g. online DB lookup) while mediainfo is processing to maximize concurrently/performance. While MediaInfoThread.IsSuspended = False do Sleep(1); If MediaInfoThread.miResult = True then The MediaInfo thread code: Type TMediaInfoThread = Class(TThread) procedure execute; override; private FEvent : THandle; public ScraperThreadIndex : Integer; IsSuspended : Boolean; ScrapeType : Integer; MediaName : WideString; miResult : Boolean; miWidth : Integer; miHeight : Integer; miDuration : Double; miIcons : WideString; miMediaTAGs : TZPTAGRec; Closed : PBoolean; procedure ResumeThread; end; procedure TMediaInfoThread.Execute; begin {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','Thread Created, ID #'+IntToStr(ThreadID));{$ENDIF} FEvent := CreateEvent(nil, False, // auto reset False, // initial state = not signaled nil); ResetTagData(miMediaTAGs); ScrapeType := niVideo; IsSuspended := True; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','Thread Initially Suspended');{$ENDIF} WaitForSingleObject(FEvent, INFINITE); // Wait to start processing {$IFDEF LOC1ALTRACE} DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','Thread Initially Resumed'+CRLF); {$ENDIF} While (Terminated = False) do Begin {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','MediaInfo on "'+MediaName+'" (before)');{$ENDIF} miResult := MediaInfo_GetMediaInfoCache(MediaName,ScrapeType,miIcons,miWidth,miHeight,miDuration,@miMediaTAGs,ScraperThreadIndex); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','MediaInfo on "'+MediaName+'" (after)');{$ENDIF} If Terminated = False then Begin IsSuspended := True; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','MediaInfo complete, Thread Suspended'+CRLF);{$ENDIF} WaitForSingleObject(FEvent, INFINITE); // No more Work {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','Thread Resumed');{$ENDIF} If Terminated = False then ResetTagData(miMediaTAGs); End; End; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','Close event handle');{$ENDIF} CloseHandle(fEvent); If @Closed <> nil then Closed^ := True; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(ScraperThreadIndex)+'.txt','Thread Terminated');{$ENDIF} end; procedure TMediaInfoThread.ResumeThread; begin SetEvent(FEvent); IsSuspended := False; end; function MediaInfo_GetMediaInfo(FileName : WideString; ScrapeType : Integer; miData : PMediaInfoDataRecord; grabThreadID : Integer) : Boolean; var miHandle : Cardinal; sFormat : WideString; sFormatVersion : WideString; sFormatString : WideString; sProfile : WideString; sCodecID : WideString; sScanType : WideString; sDuration : WideString; aCount : Integer; vCount : Integer; I : Integer; mWidth : Integer; mHeight : Integer; mChannels : Integer; iWidth : Integer; iHeight : Integer; iChannels : Integer; iCodec : Integer; S : String; begin {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','MediaInfo_GetMediaInfo (before)');{$ENDIF} Result := False; With miData^ do Begin iconFormat := niNone; iconResolution := niNone; iconVideo := niNone; iconAudio := niNone; iconChannels := niNone; ResetTagData(TAGs); If MediaInfoLoaded = True then Begin {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','MediaInfoLoaded = True');{$ENDIF} miHandle := MediaInfo_New; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','MediaInfo Handle : '+IntToHex(miHandle,8));{$ENDIF} If MediaInfo_Open(miHandle, PWideChar(FileName)) = 1 then Begin {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','Open successful');{$ENDIF} Result := True; // Duration sDuration := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Duration' , Info_Text, Info_Name); mediaDuration := StrToFloatDef(sDuration,0) / 1000; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','Duration : '+sDuration);{$ENDIF} // File format {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','*** File Format ');{$ENDIF} sFormat := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Format' , Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','Format : '+sFormat);{$ENDIF} sFormatVersion := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Format_Version', Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','FormatVersion : '+sFormatVersion);{$ENDIF} sProfile := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Format_Profile', Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','Profile : '+sProfile);{$ENDIF} iconFormat := MediaInfo_FormatToNavIcon(sFormat,sFormatVersion,sProfile); If ScrapeType = niVideo then Begin // Video Codec & Resolution {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','*** Video Codec & Resolution');{$ENDIF} mWidth := -1; mHeight := -1; vCount := MediaInfo_Count_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, -1); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','Video Streams : '+IntToStr(vCount));{$ENDIF} For I := 0 to vCount-1 do Begin iWidth := StrToIntDef(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, I, 'Width' , Info_Text, Info_Name),-1); iHeight := StrToIntDef(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, I, 'Height', Info_Text, Info_Name),-1); If (iWidth > mWidth) or (iHeight > mHeight) then Begin {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Video Resolution : '+IntToStr(iWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(iHeight));{$ENDIF} mWidth := iWidth; mHeight := iHeight; sFormat := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, I, 'Format' , Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Format : '+sFormat);{$ENDIF} sFormatVersion := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, I, 'Format_Version', Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. FormatVersion : '+sFormatVersion);{$ENDIF} sProfile := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, I, 'Format_Profile', Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Profile : '+sProfile);{$ENDIF} sScanType := TNT_WideLowercase(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, I, 'ScanType', Info_Text, Info_Name)); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. ScanType : '+sScanType);{$ENDIF} sCodecID := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Video, I, 'CodecID' , Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. CodecID : '+sCodecID);{$ENDIF} iconResolution := MediaInfo_ResolutionToNavIcon(mWidth,mHeight,sScanType); iconVideo := MediaInfo_VideoCodecToNavIcon(sFormat,sFormatVersion,sCodecID,sProfile); mediaWidth := mWidth; mediaHeight := mHeight; End; End; End else Begin // Audio TAGs TAGs.tgTitle := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Track' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgGenre := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Genre' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgTrack := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Track/Position' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgArtist := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Performer' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgAlbum := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Album' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgYear := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Recorded_Date' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgAuthor := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'WrittenBy' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgComment := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Comment' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgURL := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Track/Url' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); TAGs.tgCopyright := UTF8Decode(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Copyright' , Info_Text, Info_Name)); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Encoded_Application', Info_Text, Info_Name); If S = '' then S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Encoded_Library' , Info_Text, Info_Name); TAGs.tgAuthor := UTF8Decode(S); End; // Audio Codec & Channels {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','*** Audio Codec & Channels');{$ENDIF} mChannels := -1; aCount := MediaInfo_Count_Get(miHandle, Stream_Audio, -1); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','Audio Streams : '+IntToStr(aCount));{$ENDIF} For I := 0 to aCount-1 do Begin {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Audio Stream');{$ENDIF} iCodec := -1; //sCommercialName := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Audio, I, 'Format_Commercial_IfAny', Info_Text, Info_Name); sFormatString := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Audio, I, 'Format/String' , Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Format String : '+sFormatString);{$ENDIF} sFormat := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Audio, I, 'Format' , Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Format : '+sFormat);{$ENDIF} sProfile := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Audio, I, 'Format_Profile', Info_Text, Info_Name); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Profile : '+sProfile);{$ENDIF} iChannels := MediaInfo_AudioChannelCount(MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_Audio, I, 'Channel(s)', Info_Text, Info_Name)); {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt',IntToStr(I)+'. Channels : '+IntToStr(iChannels));{$ENDIF} iCodec := MediaInfo_AudioCodecToNavIcon(sFormat,sProfile,sFormatString); If (iChannels > mChannels) or ((iconAudio = ni_codecDD ) and (iCodec in [ni_codecDTS,ni_codecDTS_ES,ni_codecDTS_HD_MA,ni_codecDD_TrueHD] = True)) or ((iconAudio = ni_codecDTS ) and (iCodec in [ni_codecDTS_ES,ni_codecDTS_HD_MA,ni_codecDD_TrueHD] = True)) or ((iconAudio = ni_codecDTS_ES ) and (iCodec in [ni_codecDTS_HD_MA,ni_codecDD_TrueHD] = True)) or ((iconAudio = ni_codecDD_TrueHD) and (iCodec in [ni_codecDTS_HD_MA] = True)) then Begin mChannels := iChannels; iconChannels := MediaInfo_AudioChannelsToNavIcon(mChannels); iconAudio := MediaInfo_AudioCodecToNavIcon(sFormat,sProfile,sFormatString); End; End; End; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','Close Handle');{$ENDIF} MediaInfo_Close(miHandle); End; End; {$IFDEF LOCALTRACE}DebugMsgFT('c:\log\MediaInfoThread_'+IntToStr(grabThreadID)+'.txt','MediaInfo_GetMediaInfo (after)'+CRLF);{$ENDIF} end; function MediaInfo_ProccessTAGdata(FileName : WideString; mRec : TZPFileClass; var albumArt : TBitmap) : Boolean; var miHandle : Cardinal; sImage : String; sDecoded : String; fStream : TMemoryStream; S : String; begin Result := False; If MediaInfoLoaded = True then Begin miHandle := MediaInfo_New; If MediaInfo_Open(miHandle, PWideChar(FileName)) = 1 then Begin sImage := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Cover_Data' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If sImage <> '' then Begin sDecoded := Base64DecodeString(sImage); Result := True; fStream := TMemoryStream.Create; fStream.Write(sDecoded[1],Length(sDecoded)); fStream.Position := 0; LoadDetectedImage(fStream,albumArt); fStream.Free; End; S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Track' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If S = '' then S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Movie' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If mRec.zplTAG.tgTitle = '' then Begin If S = '' then mRec.zplTAG.tgTitle := mRec.zplName else mRec.zplTAG.tgTitle := UTF8Decode(S); End; S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Genre' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgGenre = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgGenre := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Track/Position' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgTrack = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgTrack := FillZero(S,2); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Performer' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgArtist = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgArtist := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Album' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgAlbum = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgAlbum := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Recorded_Date' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgYear = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgYear := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'WrittenBy' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgAuthor = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgAuthor := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Encoded_Application', Info_Text, Info_Name); If S = '' then S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Encoded_Library' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgEncoder = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgEncoder := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Comment' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgComment = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgComment := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Track/Url' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgURL = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgURL := UTF8Decode(S); S := MediaInfo_Get(miHandle, Stream_General, 0, 'Copyright' , Info_Text, Info_Name); If (S <> '') and (mRec.zplTAG.tgCopyright = '') then mRec.zplTAG.tgCopyright := UTF8Decode(S); SendLCDs(2400,strNoMoreData); End; MediaInfo_Close(miHandle); End; end; -
I placed another copy of the DLLs under "Windows/SysWow64" and now it seems to find the DLLs. It would help debugging if calling "WhichFailedToLoad" or possibly the InnerException would return the GetLastError value from the LoadLibrary function.
Running the same code on the server, GetLastError returns #126 "ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND", however the OpenSSL DLLs are both in the same path as the running DLL and in the Windows/System32 folder.
I managed to debug the SSL DLL's LoadLibrary's GetLastError value and it's #193, which according to microsoft is "ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT". I don't belive the DLLs were corrupted, but just in case I downloaded the latest versions of the DLLs (v1.0.2.21) and no more errors on my local Win10 machine, but the Win2019 server is still triggering the same exceptions.
I did further testing and it's also failing outside of IIS, when running as a normal process on my local Windows 10 machine (which I also recently upgraded from Windows 7 where the code worked fine). So is this issue possibly specific to Windows 10/2019?
@Remy Lebeau I upgraded to a new server (Win2008 to Win2019) and now I'm getting the same issue (trying to send eMail via Amazon SES). This is inside an ISAPI 32bit dll that worked just fine when running under Windows 2008, but fails to send email when running under Windows 2019. I literally use the same code, same DLLs as the Win2008 machine, all DLLs (my DLL & SSL) are 32bit, everything else in the code works fine except for sending eMail using TLS (SSL). Inside IIS's application pool, the DLL is defined as 32bit, classic and "no managed code". When calling "smtp.send" (TIdSMTP), I get the following exception and additional info: 3/22/2020 10:00:49 AM [ 11854 ms] : SMTP Send Exception : SSL negotiation failed. 3/22/2020 10:00:49 AM [ 11854 ms] : Inner Exception : Could not load SSL library. 3/22/2020 10:00:49 AM [ 11855 ms] : WhichFailedToLoad : "Failed to load libeay32.dll." The DLLs are in the same folder as the ISAPI DLL, I also tried placing them in the Windows/System32 folder but it made no difference. Both "libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" are v1.0.2.19 and I'm using Delphi 10.3.3.
Using Delphi 10.3.3: My goal is to have a stable client/server remote control over TCP/IP that can automatically recover in cases where the network disconnects occasionally. I use a structure Remi suggested of creating a reading thread that tries to readln with a 1sec time out: FClient.OnDisconnected := OnDisconnect; FClient.IOHandler.ReadTimeout := 1000; // lets us exit the read operation after 1sec of inactivity While Terminated = False do Begin If FClient.Connected = True then Try FData := FClient.IOHandler.ReadLn(IndyTextEncoding_UTF8); Except // catch exception & update UI Try If FClient.Connected = True then FClient.Disconnect; except on E: Exception do Begin // Catch disconnect exception End; end; End; End; I have a client PC connected to a router via cable and the server PC connected to the same router via WiFi. After connecting the client to the server, I disconnect the server's wifi access and absolutely nothing happens (I waited over a minute). The OnDisconnected event isn't triggered, calling FClient.IOHandler.ReadLn doesn't return any exception and FClient.Connected remains True. If I then try to call FClient.IOHandler.WriteLn, within about 10 seconds a "Socket Error # 10054 - Connection reset by peer" exception is raised on the ReadLn code about (not on the WriteLn function). In that exception, I call "If FClient.Connected = True then FClient.Disconnect" which raises another "Socket Error # 10054 - Connection reset by peer" exception. Finally, my code loops to the beginning and then the same exception is triggered on the initial "If FClient.Connected = True" line. Obviously, I'm not handling things correctly, I wasn't expecting "If FClient.Connected" to raise exceptions and I was hoping the OnDisconnect event to trigger, but are there other pitfalls I might be missing?
I recently upgrade my main development machine from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The major thing I noticed is that executing my app under the debugger is slower and file access (on an SSD drive) also seems impacted even though benchmarks show that read/write/io speeds are identical to Windows 7. Is this something anyone else encountered and possibly found a solution?
I'm not using a VM.
I don't think so, my versions of Delphi & Windows already include the fixes for that issue. I'm starting to think it may be the real-time protection that I had disabled in Win7 and is more difficult to disable in Win10.
What is the best approach you would recommend for creating log files with output to multiple files and input coming from multiple threads (some threads writing into the same log file) with a volume that can reach 1000's of entries per second? Everything is running in a single process, so Critical section locks can be used and log entries must be flushed so they won't be lost in RAM if the process crashes.
Best approach to Multi-file, multi-thread debug logging
Yaron replied to Yaron's topic in General Help
Wouldn't inter-process communication severely lag this process? -
Firebird SQL return rows only if a sub-string exists within a specific column
Yaron posted a topic in Databases
I prepared to post a question on how I can do this, but I actually reached a solution on my own while contemplating on how to best phrase the question and code. Since I searched and couldn't find good documentation on how to do this, I decided to post my solution here: Imagine a table with columns: NAME , TAGS , etc ... The TAGS column contains a string with multiple unique identifiers, for example "tag0001|tag0002|tag0003|tag0004". I'm only getting rows with a TAGS column that contains a sub-string I'm looking for (a specific tag) : sTAGUID := 'tag0002'; dbQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM CARDS_TABLE WHERE (POSITION(:taguid,TAGS) > 0) ORDER BY LOWER(NAME) ASC;'; Try dbQuery.Prepare; dbQuery.ParamByName('taguid').AsString := sTAGUID; dbQuery.Open; If dbQuery.RecordCount > 0 then While dbQuery.Eof = False do Begin New(nEntry); ExtractCardQuery(dbQuery,nEntry^); cardList.Add(nEntry); dbQuery.Next; End; finally dbQuery.free end; -
I would like to integrate Ad support for my Delphi 7 desktop application (I also have Delphi 10.3.3 which I could possibly use to create a DLL which would integrate into the D7 app). Has anyone here ever create a Delphi desktop app that's supported by advertising? This model is very prevalent in the mobile world, but on the desktop, I haven't found a lot of information. I could easily integrate google ads, but I believe they do not allow ads within desktop applications. Microsoft seems to allow Ads (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/store/monetize/ads-in-apps), but the API is designed for UWP apps (am I mistaken?) and I'm not sure how to go about the integration process. Do you suggest other Ad networks that would integrate nicely with Delphi?
For some reason, even when setting the TListView's control to not show the "Details" section, the text within the control is cut at about 80% of the width. I have "ListView.ItemAppearanceObject.ItemObjects.Detail.Visible = False" and "ListView.ItemAppearanceObject.ItemEditObjects.Detail.Visible = False". And "ListView.ItemAppearance" set to "ListItem" (which adds a ">" at the end of the line for some reason).
And update on Android's TListView RTL text appearing in reversed order?
Yaron posted a topic in Cross-platform
On Android, RTL text (e.g. Hebrew) appears in reverse order (letter order is reversed). Using the same code, & input (YouTube DATA API 3) and the text appears correctly in windows. I searched the web and the only reference I was able to find is a post from five years ago that says RTL is not supported and there is no roadmap entry for future support: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28494354/right-to-left-language-in-delphi-xe7-mobile-android Has anything changed since? -
I am sharing a video's URL from YouTube to my Android app. I do this using Android Intents by modifying the "AndroidManifest.template.xml", adding: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="text/plain" /> </intent-filter> Then in my app's form OnCreate event, I use: if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXApplicationEventService, AppEventService) then AppEventService.SetApplicationEventHandler(HandleAppEvent); MainActivity.registerIntentAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_SEND); TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TMessageReceivedNotification, HandleActivityMessage); Then HandleAppEvent looks like this: function TMainForm.HandleAppEvent(AAppEvent: TApplicationEvent; AContext: TObject): Boolean; var StartupIntent: JIntent; begin Result := False; Case AAppEvent of TApplicationEvent.BecameActive: Begin clientAndroidBecameActive := True; If clientAndroidActivated = False then Begin clientAndroidActivated := True; StartupIntent := MainActivity.getIntent; if StartupIntent <> nil then Begin HandleIntentAction(StartupIntent); StartupIntent := nil; End; End; End; end; end; And HandleActivityMessage looks like: procedure TMainForm.HandleActivityMessage(const Sender: TObject; const M: TMessage); begin if M is TMessageReceivedNotification then HandleIntentAction(TMessageReceivedNotification(M).Value); end; And finally, HandleIntentAction: function TMainForm.HandleIntentAction(const Data: JIntent): Boolean; var Extras : JBundle; sURL : String; begin Result := False; if Data <> nil then begin Extras := Data.getExtras; if Extras <> nil then Begin sURL := JStringToString(Extras.getString(TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_TEXT)); // Do something useful with the URL Extras := nil; End end end; My problem is there are occasions after sharing where an intent is duplicated, triggering once on the share and again when opening the app later on. Does anyone have experience with something similar?
Leaderboards and Game progress on Google Play Services
Yaron replied to Keda's topic in Cross-platform
There's this article: http://www.fmxexpress.com/leaderboards-and-achievements-with-google-play-game-services-in-delphi-xe5-xe6-xe7-firemonkey-on-android/ It's a bit outdated, but perhaps it would help.- 4 replies
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- google play services
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This happens on a particular project, Simply opening the project and clicking on "refactor" from the top menu causes the entire IDE to crash with "Embarcadero RAD Studio for Windows has stopped working, A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program.". The same thing happens if I do "Run -> Step Over" from the top menu followed by clicking the "search" top menu entry. In both cases the top menu's pop-up doesn't show up before the crash. Doesn't happen if I open another project, but can be reliably reproduced on the problematic (larger) project every time. Anyone encountered anything like this before? I'm not even sure how to track down this issue.
Leaderboards and Game progress on Google Play Services
Yaron replied to Keda's topic in Cross-platform
I was facing a similar issue with leaderboards and for cross-compatibility, decided to write a very simple back-end server of my own to maintain the leaderboard: Wrote it in Delphi+MARS and you can find it here: https://github.com/bLightZP/marsGameServices- 4 replies
- android
- google play services
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I have a usage case where my application scrapes a screenshot (thumbnail) from multiple video files in background threads. I grab the screenshot using a third party library. The problem is sometimes, the third party library will stall, usually due to a corrupt/incomplete media file where it tries to analyze the entire file (which can take upto 30 seconds). I have no way to notify the third party library to cease operations. This stalling can prevent my application from closing (It's waiting for threads to finish so the exit is clean) or even make the UI appear semi-broken because no thumbnails show up. I'd like to hear what you may have done to handle such cases?