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  1. I'm using TWSocket with C++Builder listening on port 80. WebServer->Addr = ""; WebServer->Port = "80"; WebServer->Listen(); Yes I know what you going to say. But. On my Windows10 64bit machine it works fine. I can enable it and disable it and so with no issues. And I can connect either locally ( or remotely and I get the connection and the browser receives the data I return. When I copy my exe upto a cloud server also Windows10 64bit - the socket Listens ( no errors ) but no connections ( locally or remote ) are received and when I close the socket, it doesn't close properly and I get an error if I try reopen the port, saying it's already in use. Any ideas ?
  2. Yes it looks well written, but it's only MQTT v3 - current is v5 - so some work needed to bring it up to the latest. I didn't delve to deeply, but I think it might be client side so it needs to connect to a broker. And yes lots of testing.
  3. No not aware of that. But I'll take a look. I can currently receive MQTT Publications and Subscriptions from devices and brokers, and I can connect to brokers on normal and ssl connections, to Publish and Subscribe. I can also connect and collect data from several third party IOT devices, that don't use MQTT and pick up live data using a TCP connection. This is the main reason for the connection to AWS, so the building data can be published to the cloud.
  4. Good news for a change. My app is communicating with AWS using SSL. I'm using the TSslWSocket with TSslContext and it's publishing MQTT data to the AWS, which has been verified by the client.
  5. I kept playing with my test app and finally got the same problem I had before, with the unresolved external. I got it by adding a THttpServer. My original program already had the HttpServer ( tested and working unfortunately ) so I had to remove it for now.
  6. Is there any documentation on what I need to do with TIcsIpStrmLog? Also looking through the Delphi example I notice an error, which won't fail because it is technically correct, just a copy and paste error. I'm assuming line 517 should be IpLogClient not IpLogServer, because that line already exists on 509.
  7. I missed 2 ErrCodes, that was one of them. This is the output with the extra info. Can I assume 0 is success ? I also added the TWSocket and TFtpClient to my test app, and that builds fine. I don't understand why I get the unresolved external with one and not the other.
  8. Well I recreated my test app eventually, 10.3 was not playing ball and I had to manually edit the project cbproj file to get it to compile. But it appears to work. So that's the good news. So now I return to my main project, edit the cbproj before I do anything, just to make sure I'm not wasting my own time. But when I compile ( clean first just to make sure ), I get the following linker error. The components I have in the project are, TWSocket, TSslWSocket, TSslContext & TFtpClient.
  9. I started to panic then, but I found it on the TSslContext. I'm creating my test app from scratch, just to make sure there isn't something in the old app that's causing me issues. I'll add a port edit and ALPN option to it as well, to test.
  10. WIth MQTT 1883 is unsecured and 8883 is TLS Question : Does the SslWSocket support ALPN ? I've just been reading on the AWS site that they have enabled connections on 443 and using ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) with a specific protocol name - x-amzn-mqtt-ca then changes the protocol to MQTTS I'll see if I can find out any more information
  11. Thanks, I'll have a play and see what comes up
  12. My mistake, thought IpStrmLog was a example project, not a component. Is there a Delphi example using this that I can have a look at ? I have modified my code to match that in OverbyteIcsSimpleSslCli1.pas, so the SslEnable is false in the component and before the call to connect. Then in the connect, I am setting SslEnable to True. ( Or it will when it gets called ) No change in the behavior of the app. Still no attempt to actually send anything to the network.
  13. The SslEnable and SslMode are set on the Socket The app has been "Connecting" for over 7 minutes with no further output. I can read Delphi without any issues, I'll have a look at TIcsIpStrmLog, I had not looked at it because it wasn't marked as Ssl
  14. Hi Angus, All the events in my test app are setup to put information in my InfoList so I can see whats happening. I need to establish a TCP connection to port 8883 as I'm connecting to a secure MQTT server, I can connect without issue on the unsecured port of 1883. I have all the certificates for the connection ( am I putting them in the right places is another question ? ). I am also monitoring the tcp traffic with WireShark and there is nothing at all from the app.
  15. OK. I upgraded to 10.3 - everything is good so far. Installed v8.66 - Compiled and installed without an issue. Opened my test app and rebuilt - Had to link in the new files, but no other issues. Run test app and nothing happens, whereas before with v8.26 it at least tried to connect to the server, now ( watching with WireShark ) nothing at all. What I'm trying to do is connect to an AWS Server on port 8883. So this is what I have using Rad Studio - C++Builder Basic FMX project, with a TSslWSocket, SslContext & IcsLogger. With a couple of edit boxes and a go button. See below. This is what I get when I click connect. This is the code behind the button I get no Error, and the app does nothing. With the previous version, the logger recorded this The logger isn't adding anything to the file