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Everything posted by gkobler

  1. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Solved in build 26: Now you can setup the settings
  2. We are pleased to present the new version 2 of the Firebird Monitor with “Trace and Audit”. We are currently offering a 10% discount on the purchase of a license until the end of June 2024. The coupon code is "Discount10". With “Trace and Audit”, they are able to record and evaluate every single event in the database. Visit our homepage and download the demo version. https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  3. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    It's on my todo list. 😉
  4. gkobler

    Writing if statement in the Code Editor

    Sometimes scale settings more than 100% makes problems. Try it with 100%
  5. gkobler

    IDE freezing

    Does anyone have the same problem as me when selecting several components (visible as well as non-visible) on a form in the IDE. Either by Ctrl-clicking or just with the mouse and then pressing Ctrl-C, the CPU output of the BDE.exe task goes up and the IDE is blocked/freezing. You can then only end the task and have to restart the IDE. The problem has existed for some time, but since D11, D12 and D12.1 it happens more and more frequently.
  6. gkobler

    IDE freezing

    Have installed Parnassus Navigator, will try to deinstall them.
  7. gkobler

    IDE freezing

    this is what process explorer shows when the IDE hangs
  8. gkobler

    IDE freezing

    Good sugestion, will try it. You can wait for hours.. the IDE still hangs
  9. gkobler

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    After Install D12.1 it looks like ok, but all win64 path settings are lost 😞 Hade to reinstall my 3-party components
  10. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    New version 1.0.5.B25 are available. At the moment just for D12
  11. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    OK, I have also seen that the registry is updated immediately. I was of the opinion that this only happens when the IDE is closed. So I can insert a refresh button.
  12. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    i told you there are some event from the ToolsAPI where i can update the list
  13. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    But the registry is only updated/written when Delphi is closed, so you have no change while Delphi is running.
  14. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    I don't really understand your question. Because when the IDE is started, the registry is read out, then every change is recorded via an event and updated in the rescent files. Therefore a refresh of the registry is not necessary.
  15. I have installed FB3 as a service. FB2.5, 4.0 and 5.0 are also installed, but i run these version not as a service it runs as program with different port configuration. So i can run different FB-Server versions at the same time. Port 3040: FB2.5 3050: FB3.0 (default) 3060: FB4.0 3070: FB5.0 The follow code runs PROCEDURE TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); VAR FDIBInfo: TFDIBInfo; AVersion: TIBInfo.TVersion; BEGIN FDPhysFBDriverLink1.VendorLib := 'D:\Temp\fbclient32_500.dll'; FDIBInfo := TFDIBInfo.Create(Self); FDIBInfo.Protocol:= ipLocal; FDIBInfo.DriverLink:= FDPhysFBDriverLink1; FDIBInfo.UserName:='SYSDBA'; FDIBInfo.Password:='masterkey'; FDIBInfo.Port:= 3070; FDIBInfo.GetVersion(AVersion); ShowMessage(AVersion.FServerStr); END; But it detects the wrong Server version, the result are allways the follow WI-V3.0.11.33703 Firebird 3.0 The code line FDIBInfo.Port:= 3070; has no influence on the execution. Is this possibly an error or is generally only the FB version of the installed Windows service queried? Are there a better way to detect the FB-Server version? I use Delphi 12.0.1
  16. In the meantime, I have come up with a solution. I have debugged something in the library. I found out that if the protocol is set to "ipLocal", the port is not taken into account. You have to change the protocol to "ipTCPIP" and set the host to "localhost", then it works. Follow the final code FUNCTION TfrmMain.GetFirebirdServerInfo: boolean; VAR FDIBInfo: TFDIBInfo; AVersion: TIBInfo.TVersion; AConfig: TIBInfo.TConfig; BEGIN Result := False; IF (teFirebirdInstallPath.Text = '') AND (teFirebirdVersion.Text = '') THEN BEGIN FDIBInfo := TFDIBInfo.Create(Self); TRY FDPhysFBDriverLink.VendorLib := teVendorLibrary.Text; FDIBInfo.Protocol := ipTCPIP; FDIBInfo.DriverLink := FDPhysFBDriverLink; FDIBInfo.Host := 'localhost'; FDIBInfo.Port := spePort.Value; FDIBInfo.UserName := teUsername.Text; FDIBInfo.Password := tePassword.Text; FDIBInfo.GetVersion(AVersion); teFirebirdVersion.Text := AVersion.FServerStr; FDIBInfo.UserName := teUsername.Text; FDIBInfo.Password := tePassword.Text; FDIBInfo.GetConfig(AConfig); teFirebirdInstallPath.Text := AConfig.FServerPath; Result := True; FINALLY FDIBInfo.Free; END; END ELSE BEGIN Result := True; END; END;
  17. I use the FB5 dll 32bit version. FDPhysFBDriverLink1.VendorLib := 'D:\Temp\fbclient32_500.dll'; FB3 would be the follow FDPhysFBDriverLink1.VendorLib := 'D:\Temp\fbclient32_311.dll'; I renamed the dll as follow FB3.0.11 32/64bit -> fbclient32_311.dll / fbclient64_311.dll FB4.0.4 32/64bit -> fbclient32_404.dll / fbclient64_404.dll FB5.0.0 32/64bit -> fbclient32_500.dll / fbclient64_500.dll
  18. Stupid... the other solution would basically work, but it doesn't pay attention to the port
  19. How can i use this without to connect to a specify database?
  20. Thanks for that hint. Have change it, now all version runs a service But unfortunately it still doesn't solve my problem
  21. A new version is available V1.6.0.166. This version now supports FB5 release candidat 1. Visit our Homepage and download the Trialversion: https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  22. gkobler

    Firebird - Monitor 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0

    A new version is available V1.6.1.171. Support for FB5 and HDPI. Visit our Homepage and download the Trialversion: https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  23. Did you have a task called "adb.exe"? When yes kill it? I had the same problem in the past. Although I had only worked on one VCL project. I don't remember which Delphi version the problem occurred with.
  24. gkobler

    TFDUpdateSQL Problem

    I'm migration a project from FB4 to FB5, i use a TFDQuery and a TFDUpdateSQL component. My project runs without any problems. I have updated the database from FB4 to FB5 now. Now i got a problem, when i update a Field in my table. The follow exception are rises Im Projekt Project2.exe ist eine Exception der Klasse EFDDBEngineException mit der Meldung '[FireDAC][Phys][FB]-312. Genau update affected [0] Zeilen, [1] wurden angefordert' aufgetreten. and Im Projekt Project2.exe ist eine Exception der Klasse EFDException mit der Meldung '[FireDAC][DApt]-400. Update-Anweisung updated [0] anstelle von [1] Datensatz. Mögliche Ursachen: Aktualisierungstabelle hat keinen Primärschlüssel oder Zeilenbezeichner, Datensatz wurde von einem anderen Benutzer geändert/gelöscht' aufgetreten. The data field are not updated. When i now set the property UpdateOptions.CountUpdateRecords to False, i just got the first exception and the fiel are updated to the table. What can i do to avoid the exception? I think the problem should be in the TFDUpdateSQL Component, but something must be changed from FB4 to FB5? Thanks for any hint Gregor