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Everything posted by gkobler

  1. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    OK, will check what i can do
  2. gkobler

    DevEx VCL Components & VCL Styles??

    DevExpress have his own Styles, i use this for my programs. I don‘t know i you use the Delphi Styles if it works with it
  3. A new version is available V1.6.0.166. This version now supports FB5 release candidat 1. Visit our Homepage and download the Trialversion: https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  4. gkobler

    Firebird - Monitor 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0

    A new version is available. Visit our homepage and download the demo version. https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  5. gkobler

    TMS VCL UI Pack Installation Question

    It‘s weekend now, may you have to wait for a working day until you will get answer
  6. gkobler

    Firebird - Monitor 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0

    A new version is available. Visit our homepage and download the demo version. https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  7. gkobler

    Delphi 12CE and SQLite

    i'm not sure, but FireDAC are not available in CE edition https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/firedac
  8. Try the follow SELECT NF.DOCUMENT, CAST(SUM(NF.TOTAL) AS INTEGER) AS TOTAL FROM NF GROUP BY NF.DOCUMENT This also can happens with functions SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX...
  9. gkobler

    Firebird - Monitor 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0

    A new version is available. Visit our homepage and download the demo version. https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  10. You will find the backup file at the FB-Server PC!
  11. gkobler

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    You have to enable the checkbox at the Installer. You wil find the checkbox at bottom right (may you have to scroll down)
  12. gkobler

    What is your Update Process?

    I had to do a complete reinstall. Be careful when installing third-party components. I have had problems with TChart Pro, Devart, DevExpress, Fastreport. After installing TChart Pro 2024.41, I get the following messages when starting Delphi. I think I have to wait for a new version of TChart. I also reinstalled the PAServer on my Mac mini with the latest OS and XCode, but when I started the PAServer, I received a message that the installation was defective.
  13. gkobler

    sending email with oauth2

  14. Yes, sometimes it is necessary, especially in connection with RS232 data transfers, for example. Some of the devices that still have an RS232 are really quite old.
  15. gkobler

    Anyone using Clever Components?

    i use the Database Comparer VCL components. I had an update subscription, but after I paid for another year and never received an update or answers to my support tickets, I decided to cancel the subscription. I can continue to work with the components since I have the source code.
  16. gkobler

    TTreeView and CustomDraw

    I have a problem with my TTreeView Component, i have add my own methode OnCustomDraw Sender.Canvas.Brush.Color := clGreen; Sender.Canvas.Rectangle(ARect); Sender.Canvas.FillRect(ARect); DefaultDraw := True; Just to draw a green background for test purpose. This code is working well as a VCL-Form App, but as a nested form from as follow TYPE TMainFrame = CLASS(TFrame) When i use them in a WelcomePage Plugin, it does not work. It just drawed the white Background, also the Color Property is ignored. Does anybody has a hint for me?
  17. gkobler

    TTreeView and CustomDraw

    OK, a good approach. The color is just a test, I want to draw a background and call the following code. IF Assigned(BorlandIDEServices) THEN BEGIN LColor := (BorlandIDEServices AS IOTAIDEThemingServices).StyleServices.GetSystemColor(Color) END ELSE BEGIN LColor := clNone; END; (WelcomePagePluginService AS INTAWelcomePageBackgroundService).PaintBackgroundTo(Sender.Canvas, Sender, LColor, cCaptionOpacity);
  18. gkobler

    TTreeView and CustomDraw

    Have created a demo (see attached file). Demo are based on the basic WP demo project. Open the project group TestWPTreeView. When you compile the WP-Plugin, and install it you will see the backgroud are not painted. But when you run the VCL-Program it does. I hope this makes my question clear. TestWPTreeView.zip
  19. gkobler

    Firebird - Monitor 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0

    A new version is available. Visit our homepage and download the demo version. https://fbm.gksoft.ch
  20. D12.2 has now the „focus mode“, may it‘s that what you need?
  21. I made som test with my mRemoteNG program. https://mremoteng.org/ I can't see any blinking code editor at my RDP connection.
  22. If everyone thinks the others are already doing it, then nothing will happen. So if the error bothers you so much, maybe you should open the RSP. The problem has also stressed me out more, but after uninstalling Bookmarks and Navigator it hardly affects me any more. That's why I haven't bothered to create an RSP. Incidentally, I have always had good experiences with the resolution of my RSP. I also have a support contract. First I create an RSP and then when it is confirmed I report it to support, they have always been able to solve the problem and integrate it into the next version.
  23. So how is Embarcadero supposed to know that there is a problem that needs to be fixed?
  24. Are there an open RSP for that case?