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Everything posted by Andriy

  1. Hi. I use Delphi 7 +8.58 2 years. Every year I just add new pem and key files (my programs is old and It does not have new version) This year my program doesn't work. My ssl was old and I create new ssl. I bought 2 ssl - rapid and than cert. I changed version ssl. Not work. Test on site - https://www.sslshopper.com/ ssl is OK - with rapid and cert. OnGetDocument not called - browser get error - ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED. There are working breakpoints in my program: GetClientConnect GetSslSetSessionIDContext GetSslServerName GetSslHandshakeDone GetClientConnect GetSslSetSessionIDContext GetSslServerName GetSslHandshakeDone and then ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED My project now is down. Can you help me. Where I can found that error? Because I don't know why ics close ssl session. Today I create new project - with ics but ssl also don't work. IF load program from bad IP (IP<>domain name) ssl don't work and OnGetDocument working fine - but withot ssl. I will appreciate your help ssltest.zip
  2. Hi. What do you reccomend ics component for creating secure ftp server and also secure ftp clients. Week's backup for 200+ users. 1 user=1 own folder. (I use Delphi 7). Thx
  3. hi. Now It'is working fine. And thx for SslContext1.SslCertX509.ValidNotAfter - Now I use it with email notify in my projects. And I have still one qestion. What do you reccomend ics component for creating secure ftp server and also secure ftp clients. Week's backup for 200+ users. And what is this ftpmulti1 :) thx
  4. So. I installed 8.66 on D7. I got error - [Error] OverbyteIcsThreadTimer.pas(571): Undeclared identifier: 'AtomicIncrement'. Replace on InterlockedIncrement. Then REM all call X509Log because also Undeclared identifier +copy new ssl from 8.66 folder and ssltest demo working. Then I start old project with new those ssl files and working fine too. LOL :) Thank you very much for helping.
  5. I updated 2 ssl files to OpenSSL v1.1.1k Win64 for ICS, http://www.overbyte.be. But it's not help. "TLSv1.1 and SHA1" it's bad param in SslContex?? Maybe you know new good working parameters?
  6. Hi, thanks for the answer. free Let's don't work 1 years without renew and my service official and works for hospitals. I don't want to use self cert. Ok I will try to update to 8.66. Now I add logger to demo project and now I got all logs. Maybe these lines? 16:25:09:465 AlpnCB> Protocols: h2,http/1.1 16:25:09:465 ProtoMsg: None, State: SSLv3/TLS read client hello, Send, DataLen: 5, Data= 1503030002 16:25:09:465 ProtoMsg: TLS 1.2 Alert, Fatal: , State: SSLv3/TLS read client hello, Send, DataLen: 2, Data= 0278 16:25:09:465 007428D8 ICB> SSL3 alert write fatal no application protocol 16:25:09:465 007428D8 ICB> SSL_accept: error 1 in error 16:25:09:465 007428D8 BIO_read(sslbio, 0x18FCF3, 0) = -1 [20] 16:25:09:465 007428D8 BIO_should_retry(sslbio) = 0 [21] 16:25:09:465 007428D8 HandleSslError handle=284 [22] error:1417A0E2:SSL routines:tls_post_process_client_hello:clienthello tlsext 16:25:09:465 007428D8 TriggerEvent handle=sslFdClose 284 16:25:09:465 007428D8 NetworkError #10053 It's from any computers, from any browsers. I add full log file 1.log