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Rinzwind last won the day on January 9 2022

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  1. Rinzwind

    Menu captions with images are hard to read under Windows 11

    Mind you, even Windows 11 itself changed its context menu style after updating. It got rid of the ugly narrow blue thing discussed right here in this topic. Now it is just a normal gray hilite. Kind of ridiculous Embarcadero did not address this while having all that talk about Windows 11 theming. (while not really adding any modern controls like Windows 11 uses in its newer parts, which sadly shows that the capacity is just not there at the Delphi dev team).
  2. Rinzwind

    Menu captions with images are hard to read under Windows 11

    Seems like popupmenu's with icons are still custom drawn and do not match Windows 11 standard.
  3. Rinzwind

    Delphi 12 is available

    It's pretty clear Delphi is considered Legacy. It's only used for classic styled Windows software using the old GUI 1995 paradigms. We only see the same people here. No new and fresh people. Any new project that needs Pascal for whatever reason, I would do with Lazarus/FreePascal. Seems there is more progress over there. The global state of software development is in a sad state compared to 5e high days of the '90s. The efficiency of VB6 and Delphi 6. The RAD experience. The other specific database tools available. Foxpro. Now we have web apps with a zillion layers and frameworks that change every 1.5 years. Keep busy learning stuff that's out of date soon. Is there even any decent review out there of Delphi 12? I wonder what the boys and girl of FL Studio are thinking. That is one piece of complex and impressive software. Do some hang around here?
  4. Rinzwind

    code completion?

    Tried saving & compiling & running.. still issues with the most basic scenario. *Button1-> Also hovering over TObject now just gives a short 'Calculating...' tooltip, then nothing. Sounds all too familiar with previous versions. Anyone care to ask Embarcadero what is going on here?
  5. Rinzwind

    code completion?

    Thought let's try again in 11.2. It really is the most basic of tests. Start RAD Studio, new C++ Windows VCL project, drop a button, double click and try to get code completion to work correctly (*Button1->) It won't. or at least not as it should. They can't sell this right? And their blah blah about how much it was improved for C++... I also only get '... is being indexed' tooltips when hovering over any object ID. CTRL+click also does not take you to the VCL definitions. Is it working for anyone here? It seems to only work when I enable the classic compiler in project properties... flabbergasted about this quality level. Its been like this for years. They really don't sell C++ Builder anymore to anyone new to it?
  6. Rinzwind

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    Well well.. they seem to have that in common with Embarcadero. Just in a different way.
  7. Rinzwind

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    How would you compare Delphi to the offerings of Free Pascal and Lazarus? Anyone has real experience with using both? Why not use Free Pascal exclusively? Or is it lacking in some areas? Or you only use Delphi for old projects, and would choose Lazarus for new ones? Just curious to what the state is of both as viewed by 'expert' Pascal programmers. Please only reply if you have indeed a decent amount of experience in using both. One would think Delphi would have the better code editor/code writing help? But I am somehow doubting that. Someone can assure me? ;)
  8. Don't release one, it will be pirated in no time. Nothing as comforting as reading from real paper in a real book 😉
  9. ASM on position 8. Sure. "The number of hits determines the ratings of a language." How asm ends up on position 8? their list of included pages are too weird. Sharepoint.com ? Just redirects to ms. i first had the impression Tiobe stood for the number of queries in a month about a certain language, but apparently that's not the case. Pointless.
  10. Rinzwind


    Your CAPSLOCK is stuck.
  11. Rinzwind

    code completion?

    Yeah it selected classic because it was an example project which weren't updated. The "new" tooling still needs a lot of work this little trial showed me. Could as well have no code completion if it lags that much. They should embark on some new adventures, like support for D which is imho a much nicer and cleaner language than that horrible convoluted C++.
  12. Rinzwind

    code completion?

    Aah, it seems those errors and non-intellisense etc show case only with the classic 32 bit Borland C++ compiler, which happens to be selected by default for the 32 bit target . Then again, even using the 64 bit target, intellisense is way, WAY too slow to be usable. Code completion takes forever to show any suggestions (3 long seconds). Embarcardero is delusional if they think this is acceptable. Seems like no-one is using current versions of C++ Builder, aka a show of 'keeping up appearances'.
  13. Rinzwind

    code completion?

    Thought for fun let's quickly check the status of 11.1 I really wonder how the dare to publish the product like this. Open example project Notifications (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Samples\CPP\VCL\Windows 10 Notifications\Notifications.cbproj). Run, fine. Open Notifications.cpp. Lot's of 'errors' showns (while it runs fine), like 'vcl.h' file not found, unknown type name 'TComponent', etc etc. Trying code completions with MyNotification-> shows no class members at all. Am I missing something, or is this just the state it is in and C++ devs are expected to be impressed by this and try the product further? Nope...
  14. Rinzwind

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    Was talking about the background dropdown (which contains mountain mist) at Tools -> Options -> Welcome Page . It doesn't preserve the chosen option.