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Posts posted by microtronx

  1. Hi All,


    If we have a XML element in an XML-file with more than 32k size, we got a RangeError in delphi. I tried to write a issuereport on https://github.com/kattunga/NativeXml/issues/9 but it seems that this page is not active.

    has someone a better solution than following lines:


    function TsdBufferWriter.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint;
      Idx, Siz: integer;
      // index in the source buffer
      Idx := 0;
      // remaining size
      Siz := Count;
    	  while FRawPosition + Siz >= FChunkSize do
    		Move(TByteArray(Buffer)[Idx], FRawBuffer[FRawPosition], FChunkSize - FRawPosition);
    		dec(Siz, FChunkSize - FRawPosition);
    		inc(Idx, FChunkSize - FRawPosition);
    		FRawPosition := 0;
    	  // copy the raw buffer
    	  Move(TByteArray(Buffer)[Idx], FRawBuffer[FRawPosition], Siz);
      inc(FRawPosition, Siz);
      Result := Count;

    It seems that this works only for a speficic datasize. Any ideas / hints to make it better?



  2. We have been utilizing ReportBuilder for over a decade and have never encountered any insurmountable issues.

    The support provided is commendable, and we have successfully developed numerous additional features for their "RAP" - the runtime scripting engine to create functionalities for our special needs.

  3. 16 hours ago, Remy Lebeau said:

    In that case, you could just get rid of the offending StrToInt() altogether:

    procedure TFormSimpleVariable.ButtonShowValueClick(Sender: TObject);
      //x := StrToInt('x');
      LabelResult.Caption := 'The value of x is ' + IntToStr(x);

    But that doesn't jive with what @357mag is asking for in the first place.

    Yes I know, but I was unable to fully comprehend the question.

  4. On 4/28/2023 at 7:10 PM, 357mag said:

    I've got a program that asks the user to enter a value (in an Edit box) and then when he clicks on the Show Value button, the Label should say "The value of x is " plus whatever value he entered in the Edit box.


    But Delphi is complaining saying "x is not a valid integer value."


    I don't know what's wrong with my code but here is what I've got:


      FormSimpleVariable: TFormSimpleVariable;
      x : integer;
    {$R *.dfm}
    procedure TFormSimpleVariable.ButtonQuitClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure TFormSimpleVariable.ButtonShowValueClick(Sender: TObject);
      x := StrToInt('x');
      LabelResult.Caption := 'The value of x is ' + IntToStr(x);



    simply change your line from


      x := StrToInt('x');



      x := StrToInt(inttostr(x));

    crazy, but will work. But I do not understand why someone would do this :classic_biggrin:

  5. 1. try: Updated with Webinstall ... started doing something, uninstalled getit packages and delphi, installed delphi and registered some dlls + closed setup ... 

    Starting Delphi does not show anything.


    2. try: Same with ISO-install 


    3. uninstalled manually everything, deleted everything from delphi from install-path and started ISO install again ... now successful

  6. 1 hour ago, Ian Branch said:

    Hi Team,

    Philosophical discussion.  Bit like which word processor is best.

    Is it better to have all the Database related components TEngine, TSession, TConnection, TTables, TQuerys, etc, in a datamodule or scattered around the forms..

    Pros & Cons - Ready... Go!!

    Hi Ian,


    on our mainapp we have one tDataModule with tEngine, tSession but we create all other tTables and tQuery etc. in runtime on each form.

    This is different when we have threads: for each thread, we create a seperate tSession

  7. If your entries can be saved within a varchar field, I would use a table with at least these fields:

    id - autoinc

    type - varchar

    name - varchar


    With such a table, you can filter by type ... use this list/lookup in different areas and add / delete entries as needed. Adding i.e. a field "sorted" (integer) would makes it possible to order them in your list as needed.

  8. 8 hours ago, Angus Robertson said:

    The Magenta TMagRas component will connect to any VPNs created by Windows, although I stopped testing it several years ago when the last public dial-up internet service in the UK closed, despite what the web page says, source code is now free from my download page. 




    Hi Angus,


    there is no possibility to download the tMagRas component sources ... or I was not able to find that page 😉

  9. 1 hour ago, programmerdelphi2k said:

    maybe be better review your "query" parameters to avoid excessive records on cxGrid, or send it in "batch" to screen! cxGrid can define how much records can be loaded by time!

    Yes cxgrid can be configured, but if you need the grid in GridMode=FALSE to use special functionality (filtering, grouping, sorting, etc) the grid needs to load all data ... and this makes it harder for us.

    thanks for you suggestion.

  10. Hi Folks,


    is it possible to have multiple MainThreads with multiple tApplication instances within one application? Something like this:


    procedure TForm2.bNewApplicationFormClick(Sender: TObject);
    	vapplication.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
    	vapplication.CreateForm(TForm2, vnewform);

    I'm searching for a way, having multiple forms with different MainThreads in runtime instead of having multiple application-instances (exe files) started.

  11. On my side the IDE 11.2 with latest patch hangs minimum 1-2 times per day, without the possibility to save changes.


    That means, all changes since last saving are lost! This is crazy because Delphi was not for free.


    I try to click to "Save All" every x minutes but mostly if I forgot this for some minutes because of a big project ... work of >30 minutes gets lost and I have to start from scratch.



  12. Hi folks,


    after searching a lot for different possibilities, Alexander remembered me that we can use his components (https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/) to create very simply pdf files on the fly.

    If you search for a component to create PDF files without much code from HTML (incl. using images files) use this code:

    thtdocument.HTMLtoPDFFile(ahtmlstring:string; aPDFfile:string);

    Thanks to @Alexander Sviridenkov for his wonderfull components.


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