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Darian Miller

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Everything posted by Darian Miller

  1. These is one of Helix Teamhub's targets - as you can grant access to third party users and limit access to specific repos/branches. I hadn't seen Versionshelf before. The multi-repo offering is definitely cool. But a new user to their site would see that they had one blog post in 2017 and nothing since. I'd assume the offering from a solid company like Perforce would be preferred, depending on number of users and budget. It does help to make this Helix Teamhub an interesting offering.
  2. But it's not just a source repository. It has 70+ third-party integrations and offers tickets, milestones, kanban, wikis, code reviews. Other features like webdav file sharing, and multiple authentication enhancements like single sign-on, authorization by branch level. For those that want to host it themselves, there is a on-premise edition available. It's like a private GitHub repo with many features, including SVN support. It allows a mix and match of SVN, Git, and Mercurial repositories so if you are working with multiple teams with different types of repos you can support it with one system. If you only have 3 developers, and if your repo is under 1GB, then it might be something to look into so you get out of hosting it yourself and you get all the tools/integrations for free. I tried it out last night and the Wiki markdown support was OK, but the pages were all presented in a single list - there didn't seem to be the concept of child pages like on Azure Devops so I don't think I'll use it. Regardless, it's an interesting offering.
  3. Darian Miller

    RAD Studio 10.3.3 now available

    Ah yes, corrected
  4. Darian Miller

    RAD Studio 10.3.3 now available

    Web- based installer for free users is at: https://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30894
  5. Darian Miller

    Delphi 10.3.3 has been released

    Plus an update to no longer require users to restart their app when changing from light to dark themes on iOS: https://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30899
  6. I started up a new blog recently and just added a quick article on using SVG with TPath. I didn't know how easy it was to do in FireMonkey: https://www.ideasawakened.com/post/simple-svg-images-in-delphi-applications
  7. Darian Miller

    SonarCube Plugin for Delphi

    If you would commit to some spending some money on their commercial version, the SonarSource guy might be worth a contact to help push things along. Olivier Gaudin, CEO/Co-Founder. (first.last@sonarsource.com) Too many people directly pleading for a free add-on would likely diminish the cause, but if there is money to be gained behind the suggestion, then it would probably help.
  8. Darian Miller

    SonarCube Plugin for Delphi

    Last time I tried his, it worked for me, but it's been a while. Note: please vote for a SonarSource supported plugin here: https://community.sonarsource.com/t/add-delphi-language-support/5492/15 I believe we have more votes than any other new feature request. But last time I contacted their CEO, he said "it wasn't on the roadmap for now". Maybe if we get enough votes that will change his mind... Darian
  9. Darian Miller

    Who's gonna be at EKON 23?

    Hopefully next year for me.
  10. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Which tool(s) are you utilizing for unit-testing code to be used across all platforms?
  11. Darian Miller

    Check what Patches I have installed, or not?

    I had this idea brewing for a bit, so while working on another project, I put together some info on 10.3+ in a Github Wiki as a start. Since a new EDN portal is coming with 10.3.3, perhaps this won't be needed to be populated for older versions....I might do so if the EDN portal is underwhelming, or if I just want all the info in one place and I have more time: https://github.com/ideasawakened/DelphiKB/wiki/Delphi-Master-Release-List
  12. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Including FMX client screen testing and full mobile compiler support?
  13. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Thanks. I obviously didn't dig too deep... started a new Unit Test project and selected platform and there was Win32/Win64/MacOS platform options only. I'll definitely dig in deeper! Thanks
  14. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Related: Jolyon has some recent articles on his blog, and a new SmokeTest 2.0 tool on GitHub: https://github.com/deltics/deltics.smoketest He's apparently currently building a whole new set of tooling for Delphi 7-10.3, including a Nuget for Delphi: http://www.deltics.co.nz/blog/
  15. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    There are plenty of differences beyond basic code checks... File I/O, socket implementation, authentication, database drivers, etc. Also - many people test GUI interactions with DUnit which is VCL based. There needs to be a FMX based version. Then you have the whole interaction with running tests on a different system than what you are developing on and providing feedback to the developer. Then of course you'd want to run all the tests automatically with Jenkins or some other tooling so now the C/I system also needs to build/run/report/monitor tests on different platforms. You should also be running tests across different versions of each platform. I assumed that there was a solution for actual cross platform testing for Delphi. I did find this today: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dunitfmx/ Project description: "DUnit translation to FMX and Mac OS X" with an additional note: "When project finish, it shall work for run unit test in Windows and Mac OS X. And of course for Android and IOS too." But this repo hasn't been updated in 5 years. I started building my own custom tooling and the more I sketched it out, the bigger the project got so I thought I'd pause and post a simple question to see what sort of responses I'd get.
  16. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Well, that's what I was getting at... full support isn't built-in. Do you test FMX client applications on Android this way?
  17. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Also related, DUnitX says Cross platform currently supporting: Win32,Win64 and OSX Compilers. https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/DUnitX
  18. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Is there FMX support for client-side testing? I must have missed something obvious - wouldn't be the first time. Can you share a simple test project for all platforms?
  19. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Do you use it today on Linux/Android/iOS?
  20. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Cross platform, as in Win32/Win64 sure...
  21. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    From what I understand, DUnit is Win32/Win64/MacOS 32-bit only.
  22. Darian Miller

    Unit testing cross platform code

    Any plans to support more platforms in Delphi? I don't use FPC at all.
  23. Darian Miller

    Check what Patches I have installed, or not?

    As long as you repeat them in the right order, I assume it work out fine as you will end up with all updates. But, it also might be a good opportunity to rebuild from scratch. What I have been considering building is a resource for every hotfix for every version, listed in order. Today it's a mess to try to go back and figure out how to properly install an older version and get all updates. I am waiting until their new EDN portal is released - hopefully they will have that ability built-in.
  24. Darian Miller

    Check what Patches I have installed, or not?

    AFAIK, since some patches are manually installed (files copied to a folder), currently there's no automated way of knowing if you have all the patches installed. Use this list of patches and go through each one to manually verify: https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/rad-studio-delphi-and-c-builder-10-3-2-list-of-patches I imagine someone could write a tool to scan your installation and tell you which patch level you are at...
  25. Darian Miller

    JSON string value

    So when the test suite was executed, were the other 3-4 issues documented as problems to be fixed in System.JSON?