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Everything posted by dwrbudr

  1. dwrbudr

    VCL Styles - Font Change (editing vsf style file)

    You should look in the Fonts section of Bitmap Style Designer, probably changing Fonts->WindowTextNormal will do the job.
  2. dwrbudr

    I would like blue not black

    Change Font.Color property
  3. I think it includes decoder for images as well. But probably you have to install the following extension since the container is HEIF, where the image itself is encoded in AV1. https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/heif-image-extensions/9PMMSR1CGPWG?hl=en-us&gl=us&activetab=pivot%3Aoverviewtab So, install both extensions and give it a try using TWICImage
  4. Probably you could use TWICImage to load AV1 files if this is installed: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/av1-video-extension/9MVZQVXJBQ9V
  5. dwrbudr

    Prevent Space bar from focusing on a button

    if Key = VK_SPACE then begin Key := 0; end;
  6. dwrbudr

    Delphi gitlab question

    Try this for a starting .gitignore - https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Delphi.gitignore The .dproj files are XML files which on project Save, Delphi sometimes "reorders" some of its XML nodes (probably a dictionary is used somewhere instead of lists). So you could get a modified .dproj file if you've just added a new line in the .dpr and pressed Save. In order to avoid that try to use Project Magician plugin for the IDE https://www.uweraabe.de/Blog/2018/05/17/keep-your-project-files-clean-with-project-magician/
  7. dwrbudr

    Where to turn off 'Whole words' searching?

    Not for me. This is very annoying bug!
  8. dwrbudr

    VCL-Bitmap rescaler

    The creation of the FImagingFactory is protected by a critical section. Is there anything else that shall be protected by a critical section, e.g. some other class variable or something else.
  9. dwrbudr

    VCL-Bitmap rescaler

    What makes you think TWICImage.Create is not thread-safe in recent Delphi versions?
  10. dwrbudr

    Working with PDF files??

    I haven't used that myself, but probably you could check that component: https://github.com/ahausladen/PdfiumLib
  11. Inspect Delphi's VCL.Forms.pas -> TTitleBar.GetCaptionButtonsRect -> DwmGetWindowAttribute
  12. dwrbudr

    VirtualStringTree as table - CheckBox in columns

    Inspect VirtualTrees.pas code and especially procedure TBaseVirtualTree.PaintCheckImage
  13. dwrbudr

    GExperts 1.3.22 experimental twm 2023-03-25 released

    Is it possible with GExperts to add a shortcut to close the current tab in Delphi IDE by using Ctrl+W?
  14. On the second question, yes you can use TListView like in that SVG Image Explorer tool, sources are in the Demo folder. https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/wiki/SVGIconExplorer
  15. Probably ImageEN should do the job, but it is not free. It has a lot of demos you can check.
  16. It is a Runtime-only package, so it cannot be installed. The packages you can install are the Design-time packages, in your case the ones starting with "dcl".
  17. Try to export the settings using the Migration Tool from the user account that Delphi runs OK and import them to the other account.
  18. The instrumenting profiler doesn't work with Delphi 11.2 or at least with some CPUs, so it is useless at its current state. Crashes everywhere or shows empty results. It seems the profiler is not maintained at all.
  19. dwrbudr

    How can i add a custom font to a windows fmx application

    I'm not familiar with FMX internals, but won't that work? AddFontResourceEx(AFileName, FR_PRIVATE, nil);
  20. dwrbudr

    Change 'DPI awareness' on runtime

    You should put an effort to make your application DPI-aware. Here's a PDF that could help you understand the basics: https://www.helpandmanual.com/downloads_delphi.html
  21. dwrbudr

    Change 'DPI awareness' on runtime

    Try SetProcessDpiAwareness(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE);
  22. dwrbudr

    Set colour for TStaticText with themes.

    Do you mean OS themes or VCL styles?
  23. dwrbudr

    TSaveDialog is not resizable with Styles

    They can be styled using VCL Styles Utils project. It uses DDetours to intercept WinAPI calls and set the colors/glyphs/etc. according to the current style. https://github.com/RRUZ/vcl-styles-utils
  24. dwrbudr

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    They say "Operating System Requirements", if it is not a requirement then why bother to write it at all.
  25. dwrbudr

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Those notes actually mention 11.1, so I'm wondering how I'm able to run 11.1 on Windows 8.1 64bit though....