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Everything posted by timfrost

  1. Something seems to have stolen Shift-F9 in my 11.3 IDE. It's extremely annoying because I have a keyboard with function keys on the left, so it is a left-hand-only action which has become automatic. Does anyone have any ideas about who might be the culprit? I am aware of tools which claim to display the owner of all shortcuts, but they seem over-complex as well as limited to certain types of shortcut only, so the learning effort might be wasted. Alternatively does anyone know of an IDE plugin which can change the setting? Both my F9 and Shift keys (and I have two of each to choose from on this keyboard) appear normal in a test FormKeyDown event, and F9 on its own works as expected in the IDE.
  2. timfrost

    Keyboard shortcut stolen

    Thanks, that was it. I had tried to recall anything new I had installed, but had forgotten a Snagit upgrade last weekend, and also that this probably caught me two years ago when I last upgraded. Getting too old!
  3. timfrost

    pasfmt out now!

    In England, at least, I understand the word as "holding to one's own opinions and ideas too strongly"; "obstinate"; "unwilling to be corrected"; "inflexible". In other words, not the most desirable qualities I need in a tool which will be adjusting and improving whatever I have carefully written. But I accept that this may just be an accident of translation which is not intended for this context.
  4. timfrost

    Application won't start

    SysInternals Process Monitor may be more useful than Process Explorer, to get a log of every file and registry access in the system. Filter the log for your process only, to avoid being overwhelmed.
  5. timfrost

    Anyone using Clever Components?

    I am still using parts of Clever Components but for a simple HTTP Client I have long used the Delphi WinInet component and did not bother to change this when I started with Clever about ten years ago for some other protocols. Both WinInet HTTP Client, and the Clever protocols I use, work fine on Windows 11 for me.
  6. Does Sysinternals PROCMON reveal what the IDE is waiting for or trying to do?
  7. timfrost

    Anyone using Clever Components?

    I have used a Clever Components support ticket (I have never had any other way to contact them) to send Sergey a link to this thread and ask him to comment.
  8. timfrost

    Anyone using Clever Components?

    Clever Components is one of our software-library suppliers who used MyCommerce to process payments. We last paid for annual support/updates renewal in March this year, which may have just squeezed through to Clever before Digital River went quiet; or may not. Reading how other vendors have been affected makes me wonder if Clever have been starved of funding also.
  9. timfrost

    ANN: SVGIconViewer

    When I try to run the pre-built executable linked from Github, on Windows 11, I get either a runtime error 217 or a crashdump, depending on the current directory of the exe.
  10. I would try Process Monitor from SysInternals, filter on the bds.exe process name, and check what it's 'last words' were before dying. It may give you a clue.
  11. timfrost

    Avoid parameter evaluation

    I cannot believe how complex this discussion has become! All to avoid having a tiny unit with four boolean variables defined in the interface, along with a GetLogLevel function which can be called when needed, and then writing, for example: if LOGINFO then log(MyComplexStringExpression); if LOGALL then Log(AnotherExpression); This seems to meet all the criteria of readability, simplicity and efficiency.
  12. timfrost

    Anyone using Clever Components?

    I have used bits of their Internet Suite for over a decade. Looking back over the few tickets I have opened, the response time has varied between two and ten days. Not much more than it used to be when Sergei just responded to e-mails. I agree the help file is a bit primitive but they also have a large library of examples and tutorials for the Internet Suite on their site and on Github. I know nothing about their other products, but the ones I use are pretty solid. For this reason, and the fact that I have the source code, I have never really worried about where their offices are, or how many people are in the 'Clever Components Team' which appears under Sergei's e-mail signature.
  13. timfrost

    Release or Debug?

    Bravo! And please do not abandon a simple source download, for people like me who dislike having to struggle to work around an unnecessary version-control system to get what I need.
  14. timfrost

    Delphi 12 is available

    The ability to exclude areas from formatting is one of the many reasons why I have always used: {(*} GExperts Code Formatter {*)}
  15. timfrost

    MMX 15.1.8 build 2580: Possible Source Indexer Bug?

    It's an IDE feature. Add or delete a file to the project, and conditions and includes in the units list in the DPR are changed in various ways. I opened a quality ticket a couple of years ago and was told it was by design, because 'Delphi manages the DPR file' and can override manual settings.
  16. SysInternals Process Explorer can show the path and version resource of each loaded DLL in a process.
  17. timfrost

    Cross-platform Application Help for FMX and VCL

    Sounds good, but raises some questions: Is this an alternative to ewriter files or an eventual replacement? Can you summarise the advantages/disadvantages of one over the other? How much change is needed in Delphi VCL applications, or in my help build procedures, to switch to using Ziphelp? And does a download of Ziphelp attract the usual Windows 'block' on zip files?
  18. timfrost

    Unit dependency viwer

    A delight to use, and very helpful to see project relationships. I also like your encouragement of exploration without needing documentation - I found that clicking on things was more than sufficient to reveal more secrets.
  19. timfrost

    String literals more then 255 chars

    Could you not just have an option to leave things the way they are, and still support Yukon? For people like me, long time users of GExperts formatter, who find it an absolutely essential tool and who will have no problem in resolving never to use a triple quote for its new purpose.
  20. timfrost

    Project Options -> Version Info aka. dproj madness

    In my experience the bugs in the project settings hierarchy have varied from version to version, but never gone away entirely.
  21. I personally would use Mitec System Information Component Suite, because I already use it for many of its dozens of other information sets. It is probably overkill if you only need this one enumeration, but it's excellent value if you also need more. https://www.mitec.cz/msics.html
  22. timfrost

    Cecking Application Execution

    With the Windows API you can find information about your own process from its process ID, and in this "process information" is the process ID of the parent process that started your process. From this you can find whether the name of that process is Explorer or EXE1 (or something else). If you are not familiar with all this the API calls can appear quite complicated - look for examples in Delphi of using the Windows ToolHelp API, which includes the functions you need, and for which Delphi provides an interface in Winapi.TlHelp32. There are plenty of code examples around which you can copy but someone else may be able to give you a link to code that does exactly what you need.
  23. timfrost

    Hosting a console in a Delphi Application

    Yes, you are right. This code is so old that I had forgotten that GetProcessWindow is in a library function I borrowed from somewhere else, and which as you say uses EnumWindows. And thanks for the Raymond Chen link; luckily no problem has ever surfaced and this small program is anyway about to be dropped because it is used to configure a service which has reached EOL.
  24. timfrost

    Hosting a console in a Delphi Application

    In one of my applications I also need just to show a console window in a tab or panel, and I also have no need to capture its output. It's a rarely used option, not a central part of the application. You can get the command window handle by calling GetProcessWindow(pi.dwProcessID), where pi is the PROCESS_INFOMATION available after calling Create Process; and then calling SetParent to set the parent of the command window as your target component. You will also need to call SetWindowPos with the command window handle to position and size the command window over the target component. It's not very pretty, and there may well be more elegant ways to do this, but it is simple, and has been sufficient for me over several Delphi releases up to and including 11.
  25. timfrost

    optical character recognition

    Winsoft have two OCR solutions for Delphi, one using a DLL and one the Windows RT OCR API. https://www.winsoft.sk/ocr.htm and https://www.winsoft.sk/rtocr.htm. I have not tried either, but they do have a demo and are reasonably priced with no ongoing usage charges.