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Everything posted by uligerhardt

  1. uligerhardt

    Anon methods passed as event handlers?

    FWIW: If I have to adapt the interface of the routine anyway I would make it into a (non-static) class method of a dummy class and stay completely inside of the type system.
  2. uligerhardt

    IcoMoon font with TText

    What does AddFontResource return?
  3. uligerhardt

    IcoMoon font with TText

    What does "doesn't work" mean for you? Computer exploding? Hard drive formatted? I just created a FMX app with this: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin AddFontResource('C:\Users\uli\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projekte\IcoMoon\IcoMoon-Free-master\Font\IcoMoon-Free.ttf'); SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0); Text1.Font.Family:= 'IcoMoon-Free'; Text1.Text:= #$e900; Text1.TextSettings.FontColor:= TAlphaColorRec.Red; Text1.TextSettings.Font.Size:= 32; Text1.TextSettings.HorzAlign:= TTextAlign.Trailing; end; And I get a red house. I'm not sure if it matters that font file name and family are the same in my sample.
  4. uligerhardt

    IcoMoon font with TText

    I guess something like ex_load.Intro.Text.Text := #$e900; should work.
  5. uligerhardt

    HELP: Using C++ .dll in Delphi

    You didn't specify a calling convention. This is probably cdecl like in MXIO_GetDllVersion. Another poular choice is stdcall.
  6. I use a "len" variable too. So I'd say you show exactly the right level of pedantry.
  7. Does the compiler show any "undefined"warnings for records at all?