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Everything posted by FPiette

  1. 10.4.2 is near the end of beta. Maybe wait a little bit unless you take the update subscription (You should).
  2. FPiette

    ICS Whois Client

    The instead of asking always the same question, retrieve the whole data and then ask a specific question related to parsing text data. That new question should NOT even mention WHOIS nor ICS since it is related to parsing text data. And do NOT ask this question here in ICS dedicated forum, ask in a general purpose forum (Could be on DelphiPraxis other forum or StackOverflow). One last recommendation: Do NOT create new accounts here and there you will just makes people angry (That's mostly the same people answering everywhere and they will recognize you).
  3. Are you used to work with C++ Builder or are you a newbie? If you are used, I would suggest you create YOURSELF a new component package and add TWSocket.pas to it and then add all missing units. This could be tedious. The using that new package (install it) you then try a fist example using on TWSocket.
  4. FPiette

    (Hole) align hole inside the panel form 1

    You should better explain what is the problem.
  5. FPiette

    (Hole) align hole inside the panel form 1

    And do not post the same question here and on StackOverflow. The same pleoples are answering anyway.
  6. Would be interesting to check if the decrypting functions of each library is able to decrypt encrypted values generated by other libraries.
  7. Just move the cursor near the top of your source file, locate the "uses" keyword and add System.Math in the list. Delphi automatically add the units required for the components you drop on the form but not for other general purpose functions, data types, variables,... There are a huge number of units such as System.Math. You should really learn how to use the error messages that the compiler gives to fix your code by searching in the help files (F1 key) or the documentation website http://docwiki.embarcadero.com (available from the "help" menu item in the IDE.
  8. As I said, it is always better to have error messages. And this error is very clear: you are using an identifier "Tan" which is not declared. This error is always telling you that you either use something that doesn't exist (typo error) or you forgot to add a unit to the "uses" clause. You then have a look at the documentation and here you'll discover that trigonometric functions are defined in a unit name System.Math. Just add it to your uses clause.
  9. You should tell which error you get or which incorrect answer (along with the correct answer)! Maybe you forgot that trigonometric functions take their argument expressed in RADIAN, not in DEGREE.
  10. FPiette

    How to crash the ICS web server

    It is valid to provide an IP as an integer. Would be solved if parsing make use of int64.
  11. FPiette

    Find groups for current windows user

    Use NetUserGetLocalGroups. And look the answer of this question to know how to call it.
  12. I don't think so. This is a highly desirable feature to be able to use an existing indentifier. There are rules that the compiler follow. And as @Rollo62 said, you can always use fully qualified names to designate what you want to.
  13. FPiette

    Convert two Integers to a DateTime??

    TDateTime is a floating point number counting days since 31/12/1899. If you want to convert a number of hours and minutes to a TDateTime (This will not really be a date and a time but a duration), the unit DateUtils has some interesting constants: OneMinute and OneHour (among others). Using those constants, you can convert like this: var Duration : TDateTime; begin Duration := OneHour * Hours + OneMinute * Minutes;
  14. Hello, I'm writing a few applications related to map and track handling. I have written routines to handle GPX files, GDB files and geodesic calculations. Everything work OK but now I want to better organize the code in folders and in the way identifiers are named. As you may know, I'm a French speaking native and as such my English is poor. In French, the best word to describe the general category my software fits is "cartographie". This term translates to "cartography" in English. But the English word "mapping" also translate to "cartographie" in French. According to Cambridge dictionary, "cartography" is the science or art of making or drawing maps. In the same dictionary, "mapping" is the activity or process of making a map. My software doesn't make maps, it uses maps. It handle (read, build, edit, save, display) tracks and way points recorded by a GPS. My question is should I use the term "Cartography" or "Mapping"?
  15. FPiette

    Mapping or Cartography, that's the question

    I don't think it is. "Routing" will no find a route between two locations as does a car GPS. It is oriented toward hiking (cycling, running,...) and use topomaps which are not routable.
  16. FPiette

    Mapping or Cartography, that's the question

    The recording of locations along a "trail" is a named a "track". See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Edit_GPS_tracks or this: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/550463#specs (Search for "track"). As see as an application, my software could be viewed as a "track editor". As seen as a library, it is set as all the components and functions to build a track editor, and this include interactively showing a map (or topomap) on screen.
  17. FPiette

    Mapping or Cartography, that's the question

    Another way to see my problem is to think about what would be the category of someone searching for the software I described. Where would you search for a library able to load a GPX or GDB file and show it interactively on a map (I use OpenStreetMap)? Where would someone search for an application to create tracks (Something similar to Garmin MapSource or BaseCamp)? By "where" I mean which keyword if only one has to be given.
  18. FPiette

    Mapping or Cartography, that's the question

    OK. Do you have any suggestion then? @Diego Muñoz argument is also good.
  19. FPiette

    How to fix "Warning'

    To remove that warning, go to menu, project, options, building, Delphi compiler, hints and warnings and expand output warnings and set platform symbol to false.
  20. FPiette

    Delphi book

    There is a new Delphi book in FRENCH. It will be useful to all people wanting to learn object oriented programming using Delphi. The books is based on Delphi 10.3 Community Edition but of course is also very good for all other editions and recent versions. To be noted: the author make use of UML schemas to illustrate OOP. The book is mostly oriented to Windows with VCL but also includes two chapters introducing FMX. https://www.editions-eni.fr/livre/delphi-10-3-programmation-orientee-objet-en-environnement-windows-9782409024665
  21. FPiette

    Uniqueness and Security of domain name

    You could check for a resource that is only accessible from within the intranet. You could also connect to a share only accessible in your intranet, using a user/code password correctly hidden in the DLL. Of course this would not stop a real hacker, but the casual user will be barred.
  22. FPiette

    record with null-terminated string

    Are you trying to read an existing file format or are you trying to design your own to store your own data? We can only help you correctly if you tell us what you need to do! Telling us a problem you get with a solution you imagined for a problem we don't know is not the best track to the real solution.
  23. FPiette

    record with null-terminated string

    You want a typed file, right? Then you cannot have any dynamic type in the record which makes the file. A string is a dynamic type. Instead use an array of characters with specific length: THeader = packed record flags : integer; dummy : integer; name: array [0..25] of Char; padding: integer; end; You could add a property or a method to the record to transform that array of characters to a string for ease of use. Don't forget that characters are 16 bit unicode since Delphi 2009. If you need 8 bit characters, use AnsiChar instead. Also not that I used the keyword "packed" so that the compiler do not insert padding data for alignment for better performances.
  24. If I understand well, you have first created a blank VCL project. Compiled it and ran it. It works as expected. Now you added one TButton on the form and wrote NO code, compiled and go NO error compiling. When you run the project, nothing happens. Not even a form flashing. Is it what you've done? If you have not done that, please do it now and tell us if it works.
  25. FPiette

    Strange mouse scroll-bars behavior

    Could you show a minimal reproducible example of the behavior you observe? Publish the .pas and .dfm so that we can easily check if we reproduce the behavior here.