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Everything posted by FPiette

  1. You first have to INSTALL the components as stated in the ReadMe file. Before components are installed, you cannot open any form having one of the component without having the error you see. You need to click CANCEL or you'll have the component removed and of course tons of problems after. Restore the unit (pas and dfm) from the zip!
  2. What error message do you get? What do you mean? You have an unfinished beta version? Remove that version and install Delphi Community Edition which is free, you just have to request it. I already told you that several times and gave you the link to request it.
  3. You ask help. We gave you advises and told you what to do. You never follow what we say. Start everything from the beginning: download ICS from the Wiki. Read and follow the ReadMe file. Read again what I previously said and follow what I (and Angus) said. Stop changing Delphi version all the time use only the latest you have.
  4. STOP ATTACHING TEXT FILES AND SCREEN DUMP TO YOUR MESSAGES. Angus and I already told you to do so several times. READ ALL THE MESSAGES AGAIN. I won't help you until you restart from scratch and really follow ALL advises Angus and I gave to you. You are free to do how you fell it, but if you don't follow the rules, you will be alone and won't get any help from me.
  5. FPiette

    ICS for Linux?

    When I created ICS V10, the goal was to use only libraries that are installed in my Ubuntu 20.04 distribution. And it TWSocket is working now.. I started to plus OpenSSL into the code a few months ago but stopped because I had other work to do. You are really welcome to work on ICS V10, but please start with what I already done. I can make the current state available (SVN is not up-to-date because I don't like to push not working code). Let me know.
  6. You can put ICS in any base folder you like, but you must keep the directory structure in the zip file (or the subversion repository). Of cours you may dispatch the source where you like but then you must have deeper Delphi knowledge. We cannot help you if you don't copy the errors here (no screen dump please, just copy the plain text errors). Also when you have an error, you should show the code line where it occurs and a few before and a few after so that we understand where it is. I strongly recommend that you install the latest Delphi Community Edition which is free. I don't see any reason to continue with Delphi 7 or Delphi XE Starter. It is very difficult to support such old version that we don't have any more!
  7. FPiette

    PPPoW simply for Delphi XE Starter

    You are in the wrong forum. I already told you 3 or 4 times. I wonder why I still react to your messages! The correct forum is: https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/37-ics-internet-component-suite/
  8. FPiette

    PPPoW simply for Delphi XE Starter

    Post a NEW topic in ICS forum. One topic per issue you have. Use a subject appropriate to the issue described in the message. Don't forget to add the EXACT error messages you get. Follow the rules if you need an answer. No one will build your application for you. Only use the source code from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download and nowhere else.
  9. FPiette

    PPPoW simply for Delphi XE Starter

    I told you that I new that. You didn't! You used PPPoW. I don't think Delphi starter prohibit the use of ICS whatever version you use. Probably Delphi starter won't let you install components or add-on. Just don't install ICS components in the IDE but create all component in your code at runtime. Or better, request a free Delphi Community license currently you'll get a Delphi 11 license with "pro" sku features. BTW: PPPoE is probably NOT the way to communicate with your device. Read again my previous post. If you need help with ICS use the proper forum. Read again all my advice I gave you several times today. I'm tired of you refusing to do what I said.
  10. FPiette

    PPPoW simply for Delphi XE Starter

    I told you on ICS support forum (https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/37-ics-internet-component-suite) that you must use ICS downloaded from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download and nowhere else. The code that is on GitHub is terribly outdated or unofficial publication. I have no idea about what PPPoW is. I know PPPoE but not PPPoW. I doubt that PPPoE is the protocol used by your device. It is more likely a simple TCP connection or use UDP transmission or maybe is a HTTP server. You must find a technical description of the protocol used by your device. Ask the manufacturer.
  11. FPiette

    TWSocketServer stop accepting connections

    1) My last name is Piette, not Piere. 2) I don't use Google Translate to read your text, 3) I told YOU to use Google Translate to write in English. Your latest message is better but don't contain any actual precise question. And you don't follow what I have asked. And follow what Angus asked. I won't respond here any more. Use "Start new topic" link near the top of this page to start a new message with a proper title and a proper question. Don't attach text files with long logs or more details. Don't write too much details before we ask for it. Go to the point immediately: clearly explain what you are trying to do, what you already done, which Delphi version you are using, which ICS version, what are the error messages you get. I'm really trying hard to help you but you don't read the instructions that I (Or Angus) give you.
  12. FPiette

    TWSocketServer stop accepting connections

    OK, this is now almost correct. Forget about French translation. Use only English because I'm not the only one who can answer. What you will now do is to create a new post (not one more comment here) which clearly explain what you are trying to do, what you already done, which Delphi version you are using, which ICS version, what are the error messages you get (Never a long log file, go to the point) and more... Don't assume we know anything about your problem !
  13. FPiette

    TWSocketServer stop accepting connections

    Did you write your above message is Czech and then used Google Translate to get it in English? If you did, then Google Translate is very bad with Czech because I don't understand what you said. I'm not an English speaker either. My language is French but usually I understand English. But not your English 😞 I give up. Sorry.
  14. FPiette

    TWSocketServer stop accepting connections

    Sorry, but I don't completely understand what you wrote in quite cryptic language. You should probably write a clear message in your own language and use Google translate to translate it in English. Don't download ICS from GitHUB! Download from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download After download, you must install the components. You should NOT have ICS sources code from several different sources: it will cause many troubles. Before installing, make sure you deleted any previous source you have and all dcu and bpl files you may have created. After installation, begin with the samples programs in ICS distribution closest to what you need and make sure they compile without error and are working as expected. Only then start coding your own application using the samples as basis.
  15. FPiette

    TWSocketServer stop accepting connections

    Do you mean there is not unit in the uses clause for TWSocketServer? There is one : OverbyteIcsTWSocketS is used. If this is not your question, please try to better explain which problem you have, which code you are using for both client and server sides.
  16. FPiette

    Encrypt ini file

    Then you can use very basic scrambling technique. For example base64 encoding. Additionally to base64, you can apply a simple XOR of each character. This won't resist to any serious hacker but none of "normal" user, even with good computer knowledge will not pass that kind of scrambling. Base64 routines are available in Delphi RTL and is many software. XOR encryption is so simple, you can write it yourself in a few minutes. Alternatively, you can use stronger cryptography (Lots of libraries for Delphi, one is there : https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium) but then you need to hide the key somewhere (hardcoded in your program or store somewhere). You are almost back to the beginning.
  17. FPiette

    Encrypt ini file

    Are you looking for strong cryptography against hackers or simple data scrambling so the casual user won't be able to see the data?
  18. FPiette

    Opensource scripting language?

    A few years ago I used DWScript with great success. You can easily have variables and function from your host application exposed to the script. DWScript scriting language is easy to learn since it is almost Delphi language.
  19. FPiette

    Overload directive and Posix

    I don't understand: you mentioned Linux and Android. What I have done is for Linux. For Android, it should be be really different as the underlying Android OS is a Linux distribution. Processor if different (x64 vs ARM) but it shouldn't make any difference. Should it? Does my initial Linux package works for you (It works for me with D11)?
  20. FPiette

    OpenSSL Commands

    Warning: This is not a direct answer to your question. Instead of running OpenSSL command line tool from your Delphi application, you can directly call OpenSSL API. This is what ICS does. ICS covers a large part of OpenSSL API and call OpenSSL DLL. If you need help with ICS, the is a dedicated forum on this website : https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/37-ics-internet-component-suite/
  21. FPiette

    Clicking something in TEdgeBrowser

    I didn't explain what's your goal is behind this technical question. If it is for debugging, why don't you use the "inspect" feature of the browser? Right click on any item on a loaded webpage will pop a menu up. Then select "inspect" and a secondary window will open with the source code and the clicked item shown.
  22. In some application, I off-loaded the logging to another process which does the file I/O. The logging function write to a pipe connected to the logging application. This is even faster than writing directly to a file and no lock is required in the logging function in the main application : each thread opens his own pipe and different processes each has his own set of pipes.
  23. Any thread/process may create the file but must be prepared to handle "file already exists" error if another thread/process is creating the file one microsecond before. In that context, file already exists is not an error! Then every thread/process lock the file BEFORE writing or reading anything and unlock right after. Now the question is where to lock. File locking allow to lock one or more bytes, and even lock a non existent part of the file. There are several possibilities. The most important is that every thread/process must follow the same rule. 1) Lock the whole file and way past the end of file. 2) Lock a single bytes or a few bytes, usually the the file header, if any. 3) Lock from the byte at end of file for a large block. 4) Lock a single byte far away from end of file, at a fixed place that will never be reached. 5) Another file, maybe empty, is used to place the locks. Solution 1 is easy and the file is completely locked for everything except the one that placed the lock. This include any editor or even the "type" or "copy" commands of the command interpreter. This may be desirable... or not. Solution 2 is frequently used by database manager. Solution 3 will allow reading from a thread/process for the existing part of the file while another is appending to the file. Solution 4 is interesting in some cases because any reader/writer will be able to read/write to the file as usual but all aware of the locking will correctly write to the file without overwriting anything. This may be desirable... or not. Solution 5 is interesting because the file is never locked by thread/process aware of the locking scheme will safely read/write the file. There are probably other locking schemes. The developer has to carefully think about his intent and use case. And of course must fully understand how locking files works. The file locking is the base of multi user applications and exists almost since the beginning of computer software and databases. There are a lot of articles and books published on the subject.