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Everything posted by wuwuxin

  1. Hi @Lars Fosdal Thank you for the advice. The web service server I need to access - has a time out for user session (which simple string is used for SessionID), and I need a separate thread to keep heartbeating the session (by calling a dummy method using the SessionID) to keep it from timeout. I need to keep the session live for some reason.
  2. For a Web Service application, I would like to create ONE global instance of HTTPRIO, then access it from different threads to invoke remote methods (of the same Web Service server). Is this safe, or any potential issues?
  3. wuwuxin

    Is Delphi's HTTPRIO thread-safe?

    Thank you Dalija. Would it be OK to set the properties (e.g., WSDL URL) of HTTPRIO first, then share it among multiple threads? These threads won't change it properties, just use it to access the Web Service.
  4. I found Delphi 11 compiler also generates faster code. By re-run the Delphi test code for calculating 50000 digits of Pi, https://talk.remobjects.com/t/updated-benchmarking-oxygene-island-versus-delphi-c-c-and-net/19499 I found for the same Pi-Calculation code, Delphi 11 x64 - 31.684 sec, 6.2% speed improvement (over Delphi Rio) x32 - 33.880 sec, 3.2% speed improvement (over Delphi Rio)
  5. When building the lib with Delphi 11, I got the following warning: [dcc64 Warning] PythonEngine.pas(99): W1000 Symbol 'pidAndroid32Arm' is deprecated: 'Use pidAndroidArm32' [dcc64 Warning] PythonEngine.pas(99): W1000 Symbol 'pidAndroid64Arm' is deprecated: 'Use pidAndroidArm64' I guess - it is only cosmetic but can this be fixed?
  6. Delphi 11 - For inline variables, the code formatter would insert a break line after var - is there any fix for that?
  7. This is a weird problem that surfaced today after I updated Python4D to its latest. Delphi 10.4.2 A valid python source file, after loaded by Python4D, an extra character #1A will be append to it. Then next time the python source file is loaded by Python4D, it will complain invalid syntax at where the new char is appended (i.e, the end of the file). Anyone has encountered the issue?
  8. Thank you. I am scratching my head - let me investigate at what point that this weird character $1A is added.
  9. Thank you for the prompt attention, and sorry I should have be more clear - I meant by "VarPyth.Import(APySourceFile)" The character i meant is $1A
  10. Need to develop a custom sniffer application to detect Wifi and Bluetooth MACs in a train station, for the purpose of counting pedestrians. Is there any existing Delphi compoenent that can be used to that end? Thanks.
  11. IMyInterfaceBase = interface procedure A; procedure B; end; IMyInterface = interface(IMyInterfaceBase) procedure C; procedure D; end; intf_1: IMyInterfaceBase intf_2: IMyInterface; Are the following lines legitimate? (intf_1 as intf_2).C();
  12. @Kas Ob. Thank you very much for all your valuable inputs.
  13. @Kas Ob. I have more one question: what this "specific time" would be? Is it specified in the protocol?
  14. @Kas Ob. Thank you very much for such an insightful answer. Very helpful indeed.
  15. I want a class to be pure static, which doesn't allow instantiating (except through a static method for creating singleton). Is that doable in Delphi?
  16. @David Heffernan Thanks you. If Unit A is where the class (that has a class constructror) is defined, and Unit B is where the static class method is called (in Unit B's initialization section) - that is, Unit B references Unit A. Does that mean Unit A initialization come BEFORE unit B?
  17. wuwuxin

    RAD Studio 10.4.2 crashes upon exit

    @Nigel Thomas Thank you. I double checked - "Save project desktop when closing" was indeed turned off. It seems not relevant to the crashing? Anyway, thank you again.
  18. wuwuxin

    RAD Studio 10.4.2 crashes upon exit

    @Rob Truby Thank you for the heads up. What should I do to fix this - where I can turn off "auto saving desktop on exiting"?
  19. RAD Studio 10.4.2, Sydney. I have a solution group that includes a mixture of Delphi and C++ Builder projects. Upon closing the IDE, it will always crashes. If I remove those C++ Builder projects from the Group, then IDE will just work fine and not crash upon close. Anyone have the same problem?
  20. Yes. Indeed, the component just wraps DLL. For Delphi, the DLL is embedded in DCU file as a resource and loaded during runtime in some "hacking" manner. The final compiled exe looks as if does not depend on external DLL, except the DLL is actually embedded in the executable as resource.
  21. I have nSoftware Red Carpet subscription and has used their AMQP component. Pros: - Very well documented APIs, and very good technical support. Cons: - Expensive - No source code
  22. I need to develop a custom component, with its visual effect like below - those color bands should be able to be dragged to increase or decrease widths. This is certainly NOT a graphic-heavy component - I can use TPanel - that is, use TPanel for each band, and put all of them inside one parent panel. but I am not sure if that is the best way. Any suggestions?
  23. wuwuxin

    Need suggestion on developing a custom component

    I must say - in Magician's eyes, everything is simple. This is really cool, and opens a door for much creativity. Thank you again!
  24. wuwuxin

    Need suggestion on developing a custom component

    Thank you all for the advice, perspective, discussion. @Alexander Sviridenkov Please allow me to ask another question: is it doable to use HTML Component Library (HCL) to make a Property Grid, something like this: If so, do you think you might be able to provide some sample code illustrating that? I think that would be cool.
  25. wuwuxin

    Need suggestion on developing a custom component

    Exactly my impression - the HTML Component Web Site is quite confusing, about what that component is capable of . The samples/demos are good, but honestly, not visually impressive/captivating at all - no offense they all look something from the 1990's. Sorry. But from the "small" example presented with this thread, it seems quite (interestingly) powerful (thanks to @Kas Ob. for pointing to HCL's capability and to @Alexander Sviridenkov kindly providing detailed examples addressing my questions). Does HCL have the potential to be something like, WPF/XAML, or QT/QML? Maybe too much but the official website definitely underplays its potential power, while missing the range of more creatively exciting use cases.