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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Stop/Abort Form creation..

    Hi Thomas, I'm afraid I don't know where/how to do that. Can you show me an example or two please? Regards & TIA, Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    Class "abcdef" not found. error??

    Hi Team, D11.3. I have a multi component App with several tabs on a form. All works as designed/expected. Recently I have tried to add a button or a label or something else o one of the tabs, it builds OK but when run I get a 'Class "abcdef" not found.' error with "abcdef" being the added component. It's not peculier to the tab either, it happens if I just want to add a component to the form. Anybody seen this before? Is it a known issue? Have I reached some limit? Is there a cure? Regards & TIA, Ian
  3. Ian Branch

    Class "abcdef" not found. error??

    I FOUND IT!!! For whatever reason I had the following order at the start of the unit.. type .... .... private .... .... const .... .... public .... .... end; Something in me said this didn't look/feel right so I changed it to type .... .... private .... ... public .... .... end; const .... .... and all is fine now. Exactly why I had the const in the private section, I can only specualte that I was trying to make the consts private...... FWIW, this is the const declaration.. const sNoSvcEmail : string = 'There is no Service Email Address recorded in the Company data!'; sNoCorpEmail : string = 'There is no Corporate Email Address recorded in the Company data!'; sPrintMsg : string = 'The Job Ticket not in the correct status for this print function!'; // The following are for IndexOrd. aIndexOrd : array of string = ['Job #', 'Customer Ref.', 'Job Status', 'Account Code', 'Job Type', 'MSN', 'ESN', 'User ID', 'Account #', 'Customer #', 'Service #']; aSortOrder : array of string = ['JobNo', 'CustomerRef', 'JobStatus', 'AccountCode', 'JobType', 'MSN', 'ESN', 'UserID', 'AccountNo', 'CustomerNo', 'ServiceNo']; Anyway, all good now, I can add components again to my hearts content. Thank you all for your interest and suggestions/contributions. Very much appreciated. Regards, Ian
  4. Ian Branch

    Class "abcdef" not found. error??

    I am suspecting the latter. I removed all the plugins and the issue still occurred.
  5. Ian Branch

    Class "abcdef" not found. error??

    No they aren't inherited. I tried creating a brand new form, adding all the components and code as per the original and got the same issue in the new form. 😞 Strange.
  6. Ian Branch

    Class "abcdef" not found. error??

    Hi Uwe, It's a case of 'I don't know what to tell you' that might help/clarify the issue. 🙂
  7. Ian Branch

    Class "abcdef" not found. error??

    As far as I can tell, yes. But the button was just an example, it doesn't seem to matter what extra component I put on the form.
  8. Hi Team, I have jpegs saved into TTable Blob fields. 1 per record. How do I extract and print that jpeg to the PCs Printer please? I have made several 'attempts' without success. Regards & TIA, Ian
  9. Ian Branch

    Working with PDF files??

    Hi Team, D11.3. I need to be able to load a .pdf file to a TTable blob field, and display the blob/pdf on a form. I can load the .pdf to a blob field no problem, but I can't figure out how to display it. It would be nice if there was the ability to zoom in/out for viewing. I would expect the display .pdf to change as the TTable changed records. Looking for suggestions/ideas. Regards & TIA.
  10. Ian Branch

    Class "abcdef" not found. error??

    Hi Thomas, Hmm.. food for thought. It is only happening on one form out of 20 in the project. It also happens to be the most complex form. I presume you are referring to the Components name property? i.e. it was blanked for some reason. I would have thought that would have stopped it from compiling, let alone running.. It happens if, for example, I copy an existing button already on the form. Builds OK but as soon as I try open that form with say a Button1.enabled := true;, I get the error. :-(
  11. Ian Branch

    Working with PDF files??

    I have, and have looked at that, but it has too many limitations att. I need zoom in /out plus some other caabilities that I have mentioned to Bruno.
  12. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Hi Team, One last aspect. I don't need to att, but if the Customer asks, where/how would I incorporate a printersetup dialog so they could select the printer and parameters? Regards & TIA, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Success!!!! I looked at the contents of the link and there were two things not in our code. Title & Copies. I took a punt and added a Title. "LPrinter.Title := 'Test';" and it all works. 🙂 I don't know if this is a Win11 thing or a Printer thing, but it is at least resolved. Thank you all for your contributions and p2k for your patience. Regards, Ian
  14. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Nope. That didn't work. I can see it in the queue but it isn't printing. 😞
  15. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Yep. Same result.
  16. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    No progress at all for the printing of the image. It just sits there in the printer queue. No privilages needed.
  17. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    I can see them in the Printer Queue as they print.
  18. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Yup. 🙂
  19. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Yep. Did that. All works fine. It is a LAN connected Printer. Word, PDF, emails, etc all print OK. I can print a jpg from IrfanView fine.
  20. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Drivers reinstalled. Same issue. 😞
  21. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    I have just implemented you code. procedure TJobTicketsForm.btnPrintImageClick(Sender: TObject); var // temp for memory works... LPrinter : TPrinter; LJPEG : TJPEGImage; LJPEGStream : TMemoryStream; LBitmapToResize : TBitmap; begin LJPEGStream := TMemoryStream.Create; LJPEG := TJPEGImage.Create; LBitmapToResize := TBitmap.Create(1, 1); try // my field BLOB with only "JPEG" files!!! any other raise an exception!!! // header: ($FF, $D8, $FF); // 255, 216, 255 (dmC.jtImages.FieldByName('JTImage') as TBlobField).SaveToStream(LJPEGStream); // LJPEGStream.Position := 0; LJPEG.LoadFromStream(LJPEGStream); // //Memo1.Text := format('JPEG: %dx%d', [LJPEG.Width, LJPEG.Height]); // if not (LJPEG.Empty) then begin LPrinter := TPrinter.Create; try LPrinter.PrinterIndex := -1; // current printer ( if any one ??? ) LPrinter.Orientation := poPortrait; //TPrinterOrientation(integer(not chkbxPortrait.Checked)); // // try resize to fill the page on printing... MyResizeBitmap2({ } LJPEG, { } LBitmapToResize, { } GetDeviceCaps(LPrinter.Handle, HORZRES), { } GetDeviceCaps(LPrinter.Handle, VERTRES), { } True); //chkbxScaled.Checked); // //Memo1.Lines.Add(format('JPEG loaded: %dx%d', [LJPEG.Width, LJPEG.Height])); // LPrinter.BeginDoc; LPrinter.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, LJPEG); LPrinter.EndDoc; finally LPrinter.Free; end; end; finally LBitmapToResize.Free; LJPEG.Free; LJPEGStream.Free; end; end; Same result. No printing.. Could well be my printer. Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    I was but no longer. No file.
  23. Ian Branch

    Print a jpeg from a table blob field?

    Hi Team, I cheated a little bit here and have this att.. procedure TJobTicketsForm.btnPrintImageClick(Sender: TObject); var bmp : TBitmap; jpegimage : TJPegImage; outputrect : TRect; i : Integer; sFilename : string; begin // sFilename := 'TempImage.jpg'; if TFile.Exists(sFileName) then TFile.Delete(sFileName); (dmC.jtImages.FieldByName('JTImage') as TBlobField).SaveToFile(sFilename); // jpegimage := TJPegImage.Create; try jpegimage.Loadfromfile(sFileName); bmp := tbitmap.Create; try bmp.assign(jpegimage); i := 1; while ((i + 1) * bmp.Width < printer.pagewidth) and ((i + 1) * bmp.Height < printer.pageheight) do Inc(i); outputrect := Rect(0, 0, i * bmp.width, i * bmp.height); try printer.Orientation := poPortrait; printer.begindoc; PrintBitmap(bmp, outputrect); except printer.abort; raise; end; printer.enddoc; finally bmp.Free; end; finally jpegimage.free; if TFile.Exists(sFileName) then TFile.Delete(sFileName); end; end; It appears to work. The file is created and it contains the right image. On the disk, TempImage.jpg is only 200KB If I look at the Print Queue it has the file, 38.4MB, ostensibly printing but the printer is doing nothing.. 😞 .
  24. Ian Branch

    Working with PDF files??

    Customer is using Win 7. 😞 He also is still using IE and can't change that because of other Legacy applications. 😞