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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Open IDE in DPI Unaware??

    Old Age, Eye Sight, etc. 🙂 The forms are too small for me to work with on 4k monitor when Delphi opens dpi aware.
  2. Ian Branch

    Working with PDF files??

    Bit out of my price range.. 😞
  3. Ian Branch

    Why do I have this??

    Hi Team, D11.3. In my Log In form I have the fololowing code in the form Type section.. ... // protected property Destroying: Boolean read FDestroying write FDestroying; end; var ... The form is called from the project file at startup.. ... // if not TLogInForm.Execute('DBiBackup', %1001) then exit; // Bits 0 & 3 // ... I have long forgotten why it is there and obviously I didn't document it. 😞 Can someone enlighten me what it is there fore please?? Or, do I actually need it?? Regards & TIA, Ian orm
  4. Ian Branch

    Why do I have this??

    Hi Team, Again, thank you all for your inputs. I have eliminated FDestroying and related code altogether so issue resolved. Regards, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Why do I have this??

    Ah Ha! The login form is used for many Apps. This code was further down.. procedure TLogInForm.DBSLoginRemoteReconnect(Sender: TObject; var Continue, StopAsking: Boolean); begin // if FDestroying then begin Continue := False; StopAsking := True; end else begin Continue := True; MessageBeep(MB_ICONASTERISK); // tdRemRecon.Timer.Interval := 180000; // 3 minutes. // var iResponse := tdRemRecon.Execute; // case iResponse of 200: begin Continue := True; iReconnectCounter := iReconnectCounter + 1; end; 201: begin Continue := False; StopAsking := True; end; 202: Continue := False; end; // if iReconnectCounter = 3 then Continue := False; // lConnected := False; // {$IFDEF SILogging} case iResponse of 200: LogMessage('RemoteReconnect Result = mrYes - (Continue), Continue = True StopAsking = False.'); 201: LogMessage('RemoteReconnect Result = mrCancel - (Ignore), Continue = False, StopAsking = True.'); 202: LogMessage('RemoteReconnect Result = mrNo - (Stop), Continue = False.'); end; {$ENDIF} // end; // end; But still no sign of anything that actually sets FDestroying. Is it possible that FDestroying should be set under specific conditions? i.e. during thr form OnDestroy event, or some other event/condition where the form is closed?? Fishing in unknown waters here. I don't want to totally discount it until I have eliminated all the probabilities. Regards, Ian
  6. Ian Branch

    Why do I have this??

    Tks Remy. I sorta figured/hoped that was the case but I wasn't sure if there was any under-the-hood Delphi thing happening. All gone now. Regards, Ian
  7. Ian Branch

    Why do I have this??

    Hi Anders, Created - The form is created with the "if not TLogInForm.Execute('DBiBackup', %1001) then exit; // Bits 0 & 3" in the dpr. There is a private FDestroying in the Form Type.. private { Private declarations } FDestroying: Boolean; and a public class.. public { Public declarations } class function Execute(const sApplication: string; const iBits: SmallInt): Boolean; FMutex is a genaral Var. FMutex : THandle; // Mutex Handle The Execute does this.. class function TLogInForm.Execute(const sApplication: string; const iBits: SmallInt): Boolean; begin // sApp := sApplication; iBitsSet := iBits; // with TLogInForm.Create(nil) do try Result := ShowModal = mrOk; finally Free; end; // end; This is the FormCreate.. procedure TLogInForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var wApp : array[0..11] of WideChar; begin // if VirtualUI.Active then begin VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureStyle := MM_STYLE_ABSOLUTE; VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureAction := MM_ACTION_WHEEL; VirtualUI.ClientSettings.CursorVisible := True; VirtualUI.OnClose := BrowserClosed; // sUsersIP := VirtualUI.BrowserInfo.IPAddress; // if sUsersIP = '' then // begin // ShowMessage('The Users IP is valid'); // ModalResult := mrOK; // PostMessage(Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); // end; end; // if sApp <> 'DBManager' then TStyleManager.TrySetStyle('Windows11 Polar Light'); // StringToWideChar(sApp, wApp, 12); // FMutex := CreateMutex(nil, False, wApp); // if WaitForSingleObject(FMutex, 0) = WAIT_TIMEOUT then Application.Terminate; // // if VirtualUI.Active then // begin // VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureStyle := MM_STYLE_ABSOLUTE; // VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureAction := MM_ACTION_WHEEL; // VirtualUI.ClientSettings.CursorVisible := True; // VirtualUI.OnClose := BrowserClosed; // sUsersIP := VirtualUI.BrowserInfo.IPAddress; // end; // DBE1.ConfigPath := DBiWIni.ReadString('DBiWorkflow', 'Directory', ''); // iDatabaseType := DBiWIni.readInteger('DBiWorkflow', 'DatabaseType', 0); // DBSLogin.SessionDescription := sApp + ' Login Dialog.'; DBSLogin.RemoteAddress := DBiWIni.ReadString('DBiWorkflow', 'ServerAddress', ''); DBSLogin.RemotePort := DBiWIni.readInteger('DBiWorkflow', 'ServerPort', 0); // try // DBC1.Open; // except on EDatabaseError do begin // TaskMessageDlg('Database Open Error!', 'Please check that the database has been started and is available and that you have correctly configured the Data path with DBiConfig.' + sLineBreak + 'The application will now close.', mtError, [mbOK], 0); DBE1.Close; Application.Terminate; Exit; // end; // end; // end; Destroyed - The form normally closes with this.. procedure TLogInForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin // DBC1.CloseDataSets; // DBC1.Close; DBSLogin.Close; DBE1.Close; // ReleaseMutex(FMutex); // Action := caFree; // end; HTH. Regards, Ian
  8. Ian Branch


    Hi Team, I am trying to figure out the wierd usage of the TStringHelper IsNullOrWhiteSpace. I have seen this as "if ''.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MyString) then", and this "MyString.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MyString) then". Are both correct? Why the confusing construct? From the class definition, "class function IsNullOrWhiteSpace(const Value: string): Boolean; static;" I had expected to be able to simply do a more readable "if IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MyString) then ". Regards & TIA, Ian
  9. Ian Branch


    All good. Tks Guys.
  10. Ian Branch


    I've just settled for "if Trim(MyString) = '' then"
  11. Ian Branch


    Hi Attila, I tried that with this "if TStringHelper.IsNullOrWhiteSpace('sMyString') then" but get an 'E2018 Record, object or class type required' error.
  12. Ian Branch

    Not Threadsafe??

    Hi Team, I have used the following construct multiple times for a long time.. Currently D11.3 but used in older Delphis. // Thread := TThread.CreateAnonymousThread( procedure begin // DBSBackup.Execute(Some SQL code); // end); try Thread.FreeOnTerminate := False; H := Thread.Handle; Thread.Start; while MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, H, False, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT) = (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) do Application.ProcessMessages; finally FreeAndNil(Thread); end; // DBSBackup is an ElevateDB TEDBSession. Whilst this is happening an activity indicator is spinning around on the screen so the User knows the App is alive and still doing something. I have been advised that 'Application.ProcessMessages' is not thread safe. Is this the case? If so, what is a better way to achieve the above? Regards & TIA, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Separate Formatter Issue/Warning..

    Hi Team, Windows 11, D11.3 (and previous D11 versions, don't recall experiencing the issue in D10 versions), latest GExperts. This is as far as I can tell NOT an issue with GExperts Formatter. I have for some time been wrestling with the Formatter sometimes working & sometimes not. I was initially blaming it on other plug-ins. This turns out to not be the case. I use a Drive/Directory utility called Xplorer2. It is excellent. One of the things I like most about it is that its open drives/directories are persistant between uses. Unlike Windows Explorer. Anyway, after a lot of experimenting with the various Appliations I use while developing, I have discovered that if I open Xplorer first, it does something such that when I open Delphi and go to use the GExperts Formatter, the Formatter is disabled. Totally. 😞 If I open Delphi then Xplorer, then the Formatter is fine. It is now a matter of discipline in the order of opening files. 🙂 Just thought that may help others in some way if they are experiencing an issue like I was. Of course this could be just unique to my development environment. Regards, Ian
  14. Ian Branch

    Not Threadsafe??

    @Dalija Prasnikar % @Remy Lebeau I like both your solutions. As was noted, att the App sits there until the process is finished. I would like, if needed, for the User to be able to move the form aside, out of the road, on the screen, or even another screen, while the process is running, if possible. Particularly on long processes. Regards, Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    Not Threadsafe??

    All, Thank you very much for your inciteful and informative inputs. Very much appreciated. I put Threads in the same category as Pointers - A black art. Something I never fully grasped, but happy to use if it achieves an end.
  16. Hi Team, D11.3. I have just realised I can't change the width of my forms at all at design time in the IDE. Drag-and-drop of the form handles doesn't work, changing the Width properties does nothing. There are no Constraints set. I disabled ALL my IDE plugins just in case, no change. WTH?? Any thoughts/suggestions?? Regards & TIA, Ian
  17. Ian Branch

    Suddenly can't resize forms in IDE??

    Found it!! Onthe form was a TDBGrid. It had constraints. Why I don't know. Removed them and all good now. Now to check my other forms. Thank you for your input/suggestions. Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    Suddenly can't resize forms in IDE??

    Yup. That works. I also tried forms in different projects. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. 😞
  19. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    Yup. Understood. Mine is set at 15 minutes.
  20. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    My purpose in raising this was to see if it was just my environment or if anybody else has experienced it. If nobody else has then it i something I have to deal with.
  21. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    There is only one shared datamodule.
  22. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    Yes I know. I am suspecting some buffering somewhere.
  23. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    Mind reader. I am doing it right now. I opened a project that has a datamodue that is shared with other Projects. I opened the datamodule and a couple of the edits have reverted. I know I have made the edits here and saved at least twice previously. Aside from the couple of reverted edits above the rest are fine.
  24. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    Not quite as rapidly as that. I usually work one project, then another, then another, then for some reason come back to the original an sometimes see the issue. I may or may not exit Delhi between projects. It is an annoyance. I am quite sure I have edited the same file two or three times making the same changes. 😞
  25. Ian Branch

    Edits not saved??

    I'm not sure what other information would be relevant. I have no idea why I am occasionally seeing this.