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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch


    Hi Team, Does anybody know the fate of Components4developers? My subscription is coming up for renewal soon and I can't raise their web site. :-( Regards & TIA, Ian
  2. Ian Branch


    Ahhh. Tks Stefan.
  3. Ian Branch


  4. Hi Team, Win 11, D11.1.1., 32bit Apps. I run two 4k screens, great for productivity. I have noticed that with the Apps I create, their Task Bar icon only appears in the primary Task Bar, even though I have moved the App to the Secondary screen. :-( With most, if not all, of the other standard Win Apps I use, the App icon moves between screen task bars as I move them from one screen to another. Is there some Delphi or WINAPI setting I need to set? Regards TIA, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Apps not appearing in right task bar??

    As all mine were/are. 😉 Cheers.
  6. Ian Branch

    Apps not appearing in right task bar??

    Hmmm. Seems I needed this.. Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; In the project file.
  7. Hi Team, Win 11, D11.1.1, MMX 15.1.2 build 2527. What could cause the above error message/dialog? The cursor is most certainly in the uses clause members/lines. Usually this happens with Ctrl-Alt-U when the cursor is outside the uses clause. It doesn't happen on all sources. Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated. Regards & TIA, Ian
  8. Ian Branch

    No uses clause at cursor position.

    All good now. Tks Uwe.
  9. Ian Branch

    No uses clause at cursor position.

    Cheers & Tks.
  10. Ian Branch

    No uses clause at cursor position.

    Any word/progress on the update?
  11. Ian Branch

    No uses clause at cursor position.

    Bonzer! Tks Uwe.
  12. Hi Team, I fudged it with D10 but I'm not sure I did it the best way. So what is the best way to replace/isolate the D11 installed/distributed Indy with latest Git Indy? I would prefer NOT to delete any of the installed/distributed Indy but if I must... Regards & TIA, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Best way to replace D11 distributed Indy with latest Git Indy?

    Hear Hear. The sooner the better. It is interesting that other libraries can be optionally installed. I wonder if Delphi is using some element of Indy, thus requiring it to be installed....
  14. Ian Branch

    Prevent Delphi IDE Multiple Instance

    There is an RSP for this.. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23412
  15. Ian Branch

    Array within an array??

    Hi Team, Need some help/guidance. I have an array of labels 12 x 7. These I can address by something like 'Matrix[0,1] to Matrix[12,7]'. Each label will have an integer value, and colour integer associated with it. e.g. [124, 255] the 124 in this case to be converted to string for the label's caption. How do I define an array, possible an array within a matrix, to accommodate this? Having defined the array how do I address an individual item in one of the label's array? Regards & TIA, Ian
  16. Ian Branch

    Version check error???

    Hi Team, Using D11.1.1. Lately, seemingly after I installed the latest debug patch I have randomly at start up been getting a 'Version check error.'. It happens after all the libraries/plug-ins have loaded and just before the IDE actually displays. Clicking OK it disappears and everything seems normal. It doesn't happen every time, probably one in 5 starts of Delphi. I tried disabling all the plugins but it still happens. Anybody else experience this? Any thoughts/suggestions? Regards, Ian
  17. Ian Branch

    Version check error???

    Just an update. Turned out the culprit was RVMedia v 9. One brownie point for Dave. ;-) The product itself is fine. When it starts up it does a version check to 'home'. This hiccups from time to time. Sergey is looking into it. In the mean time this check on start up can be turned off by right click any RVMedia component at design time and choose “Check for RVMedia update”. In the version check dialog, uncheck “Check on start” checkbox. As I said, there is nothing wrong with the product itself during design & run time, just the hiccup at Delphi start. HTH somebody else. Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    Delphi 11.1 Stuck While Opening Project

    I echo Peter's words but in Win 11.
  19. Ian Branch

    Array within an array??

    Because I wasn't seeing it and getting more and more confused so I decided to take the easy way out. I put it down, had a coffee, and came back to it. I now have it.. type TForm26 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } type TLabelRecord = record iValue: Integer; iColor: Integer; end; type TLabelMatrix = array[1..12, 1..7] of TLabelRecord; public { Public declarations } end; var Form26: TForm26; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm26.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LabelRecord1, LabelRecord2: TLabelRecord; LabelMatrix: TLabelMatrix; begin LabelRecord1.iValue:= 123; LabelRecord1.iColor := 234; LabelMatrix[1,1] := LabelRecord1; // LabelRecord2 := LabelMatrix[1,1]; ShowMessage('Value = '+LabelRecord2.iValue.ToString); ShowMessage('Color = '+LabelRecord2.iColor.ToString); // end; Thank you for your patience & guidance. Ian
  20. Ian Branch

    Array within an array??

    I surrender. I have gone to two arrays.. LabelValue: array of array of Integer; LabelColor: array of array of Integer; Thank you for your suggestions/advice. Ian
  21. Ian Branch

    Array within an array??

    Hi David, OK. I think I understand. So now I have.. type TForm26 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } type TLabelRecord = record iValue: Integer; iColor: Integer; end; type TLabelMatrix = array[1..12, 1..7] of TLabelRecord; public { Public declarations } end; var Form26: TForm26; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm26.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var rRec: TLabelRecord; mLabelMatrix: TLabelMatrix; begin end; But how do I address one element of rRec within one element of mLabelMatrix?
  22. Ian Branch

    Array within an array??

    Hi David, I figured it was going to be a multidimensional array of record. So I tried the following.. type TForm26 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } type TLabelRecord = record iValue: Integer; iColor: Integer; end; LabelMatrix = array of array of TLabelRecord; public { Public declarations } end; var Form26: TForm26; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm26.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SetLength(LabelMatrix, 11, 6); end; Delphi tells me the SetLength code in the Button Click is wrong, object (LabelMatrix) cannot be passed as a parameter, but I don't know why. 😞 I don't care if it starts at 0 or 1, whatever the default is. I don't know what to do from here.. 😞
  23. Ian Branch

    TaskMessageDlg('.... behind form?

    Hi Guys, I am only going on hearsay reports from Users att, I haven't experienced it myself, yet. Is there any reason a TaskMessageDlg('..... would appear under/behind a Delphi form? Users have reported that they have experienced this. Seems the App appears to freeze, one User happened to have his form just to one side of the screen and saw the dialog appear half exposed and half behind his form. :-( He responded to the dialog appropriately and all was good. I asked a couple of other Users to move their form aside slightly and they have seen/experienced the same thing. Unfortunately, it is not consistent. :-( I have asked the to try to do a screen capture and send it to me but they haven't as yet. :-( Hence the opening 'hearsay'. Any thoughts/Suggestions? Regards, Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    Freeing Show v ShowModal??

    Hi Team, D11.1.1. I have used the following construct in the calling/main form extensively.. // ChangesLogForm := TChangesLogForm.Create(self); // try ChangesLogForm.ShowModal; finally DBC1.CloseDataSets; FreeAndNil(ChangesLogForm); end; // for showing Modal forms. I now need to show several forms at the same time so I moved to this construct.. // ChangesLogForm := TChangesLogForm.Create(self); // ChangesLogForm.Show; // and added 'Action := caFree;' in the OnClose of the forms. Is this safe/correct/acceptable? Are there any -ve consequences? Regards & TIA, Ian