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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. So, the thicken plots.... I have narrowed it down to using the ''' construct with the ExpandedText property of a TTaskDialog. I create the TTaskDialog in code. Everything is happy with this: ExpandedText := '1. Wait - The App will try to reconnect until it connects or it has another connection timeout.' + sLineBreak + '2. Cancel - This is a last resort selection and will result in an Application crash and generate a formal error report.' + sLineBreak + 'At this error prompt you have the normal error report options.' + sLineBreak + 'If you don?t know or understand the error report dialog or the options available you should ask to your Workflow System Administrator.' + sLineBreak + 'It is strongly recommended that you select these options in the following priority/order => Wait then Cancel.'; As soon as I put all the text into the ''' construct and double click on the OnShow property of the form, It gives me the error that it can't find OnShow. Interestingly, I didn't get the 'finally-end' inserted as I edited the text.
  2. Hi Brian, You may have hit on something there. I think I first noticed it when I was setting up text within the ''' - ''' multi-line structure. The 4 files I found the issue in had been so edited. I restored previous versions of each and all was fine. Today I was just editing one of those files in the IDE and was in the process of restructuring a block of text per the ''' multi-line structure, when it happened. 😞 I had pressed enter at the end of the text line and got a 'finally-end' back. 😞 I did a test again to see if double clicking on the OnShow Event would work, and no, it now failed per my original experience. I tried to back out the ''' construct, but the issue persisted. 😞 I restored a 1 hour old backup and it was fine. Note to Self: Don't bother with ''' constructs for the foreseeable future. This isn't a Patch 1 specific issue, 3 of the 4 files restored went 'faulty' around mid-Jan & the fourth around mid-Dec. Unfortunately, I can't replicate this in a test App. 😞 Ian
  3. Hi Team, For what ever reason, it doesn't happen anymore. I didn't take notes, but I'm wondering if it was somehow related to the other issue I posted about which has been resolved. Seemingly corruption of some sort that I couldn't identify. Unfortunately, I can't recall if I experienced this issue in those Projects specifically, or in others. 😞 Certainly the issue reproduceable and annoying. Everything is working as expected now. Thank you all for your contributions. I will keep my fingers crossed... Regards, Ian
  4. Ian Branch

    Ummmm. What!!

    D12 + Patch. I just double clicked on the FormShow event of a Form to create the event. I got a "Cannot find implementation of method FormShow.: error. I checked, the declaration is in the Form Class and the procedure is in the code. Huh?? I added some code into the FormShow procedure but it doesn't run. I don't get any error messages. Any thoughts/suggestions?? Regards, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Ummmm. What!!

    I backtracked through the versions and found that three developed the issue in mid January and one in mid Dec. Doing the usual file comparisons, I couldn't find a change/difference in the sour dfm files. 😞 All restored now and working as desired. Thanks for looking. Ian
  6. Ian Branch

    Ummmm. What!!

    Update - I just went through the 30 projects in the ProjectGrp. 4 projects are exhibiting the issue. 😞 I guess that narrows it down to what do those 4 have in common....
  7. Ian Branch

    Ummmm. What!!

    Hi Dave, No it didn't happen on a new project. And it isn't happening on/in all my projects in the proj Gp. But it is happening in more than one. 😞 I can't really post the form/project as it has 3rd Pary components on it and there is proprietary information in it. Whilst I could mask the information, it would still be dependant on you having the 3rd Party components to open the unit. What's a little more annoying is that I don't know how long this 'isssue' has existed and therefore how long existing FormShow procedures in the relevant Apps hasn't been functioning. 😞 Ian
  8. Ian Branch

    GetIt installation does not work

    My KSVC update seemingly installed OK but when I went to update my project it couldn't find some KSVC components. I had to de/re install KSVC and all was good. Does anybody know what the KSVC update changed/updated? Regards, Ian
  9. Hi Team, D12. What would/could prevent me being able to widen my MainForm? There are no Constraints and the form is sizable. It is a Normal form. I can change the height OK, but not the width. 😞 Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated. Regards & TIA, Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    Mainform won't change width...

    Found it! One of the components on the form ahd constraints for some reason. All fixed now. Thanks to all for your input. Regards, Ian
  11. Ian Branch

    Mainform won't change width...

    Hi Brian, I could be wrong, this is not in code, this is in the IDE at Design time. Ian
  12. Hi Team, Books have been written about what I don't know about threading... 😉 I have experimented with Anonympus threads. Is it possible to prevent the App doing anything except being moved, and parhas resized, while a thread is running? Regards & TIA, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Preventing and allowing things to happen in a Thread???

    Because I still want them to be able to move and resize the App/Form while the thread is running. If I do it in the main thread the form becomes unresponsive.
  14. Ian Branch

    Delphi 12: Invalid class typecast

    Well done to Uwe, Peter, & any others, for seeing this issue through. Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    Procedure/Function Commenting..

    Hi Team, Like most of us I have my own local pattern procedure/function library. I have been commenting them like this: What this gives me then is a dropdown when I hover over the procedure/finction in my code that looks something like this: All very handy and a useful reminder of the procedure/function definition. I forget where I got this from. 😞 Can somebody point me to where this style of documentation/technique is documented please? Regards & TIA, Ian
  16. Ian Branch

    Procedure/Function Commenting..

    They don't appear to have a D12 version yet. 😞
  17. Ian Branch

    Procedure/Function Commenting..

    Excellent! Thanks Dalija. Regards, Ian
  18. Of course, all of this is dictated by available Budget and/or Risk/Impact analysis.
  19. Here's a thought. What impact, if any, has this outage had on the next update to D12??
  20. Ian Branch

    Testing a Semaphore??

    Hi Team, Delphi 12. I am trying my hand at Semaphores. Never touched them before this. ATT I have the following code: // // Create the named semaphore (if it doesn't already exist) GlobalSemaphore := TSemaphore.Create(nil, 1, 1, 'DBiAdminSemaphore'); // try // if GlobalSemaphore.Acquire then begin I understand that if the Semaphore 'DBiAdminSemaphore' already exists, it won't be created again. If it already exists, I want to test for its existance, hence the thought of Acquire, but it seems Acquire doesn't return a Boolean. How do I test if the Semaphore already exists? The objective here is to prevent the following code exceuting if the Semaphore exists. Regards & TIA, Ian
  21. Ian Branch

    Testing a Semaphore??

    Hi Jon, Tks. The code is in the MainForm.FormShow Event. The App is accessed by multiple Users via ThinFinity (WEB), RDP & LAN. If one of the App has the GlobalSemaphore created, I don't want any of the other Apps running this piece of code. I don't know that I need to use Acquire at all? If WaitFor(1) works as suggested, I will be fine. Regards, Ian
  22. Hi Team, I have a table with a blob field that contains jpeg files of approx 256kB size. I want to reduce their size to around 128kB size. Thus reducing the overall table size. Iterating through the table isn't an issue, I need to read the image, reduce its physical size then write it back to the field. Preferably without too much degradation. Thoughts/suggestions appreciated. Regards & TIA, Ian
  23. Ian Branch

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Hi Guys, FWIW, I am using both without issue in D12. Ian
  24. Ian Branch


    Getting to be a habit... 😞