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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Atilla, This is via Thinfinity. Haven't sussed out the saving yet but at least I can write. It doesn't work on my iPad though. 😞 Probably needs the stylus. Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Atilla, Ah Ha! Thank you. Will advise. Ian
  3. Ian Branch

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Ah Ha! Bingo! Thank you very much. If I enable fSigno.OnChange := OnChangeSigNo; I get an undeclared identifier when building. It doesn't know about OnChangeSigNo. I also deleted the imgSigno:TImage; declaration. Ian
  4. Ian Branch

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Yes, it is a VCL App. The TImage is on the form. I just created a new app too. unit Unit23; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls; type TForm23 = class(TForm) Image1: TImage; Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } imgSigno:TImage; end; var Form23: TForm23; implementation uses Signature; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm23.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var fSigNo:TSigNo; begin fSigno := TSigno.Create(imgSigno); //fSigno.OnChange := OnChangeSigNo; end; end. Same error on the Create. 😞 Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Hi Atilla, Thank you very much. Unfortunately my skills don't match yours. 😞 I have the following.. procedure TShowRecordForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var fSigNo:TSigNo; begin fSigno := TSigno.Create(imgSigno); //fSigno.OnChange := OnChangeSigNo; .... .... When I run the App and click the button I get an Access violation for the TSigNo.Create(imgSigNo) line. 😞 Signature is included in the uses and I have imgSigno:TImage; in the public area. Ian
  6. Ian Branch

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Thanks Sherlock. Making sure the signature is real is not my concern. Taking your cue, and having never used it, I did a quick search for using TPaintBox. I found some references but nothing that would point me in the direction of writing into it with a mouse. I did see one suggestion to use a TImage rather than TPaintBox but it wasn't particularly helpful 😞 I'd appreciate any hints/references to writing into a TPaintBox in an App with a mouse. Regards & TIA, Ian
  7. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Team, I have just done a full svn of Indy10 rev 3627. As there is no Indy260.groupproj I used the the Indy250.groupproj. IndySystem250.bpl build fails with the following messages... "Building IndySystem250.dproj (Debug, Win32) [dcc32 Warning] IdGlobal.pas(9537): W1002 Symbol 'RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak' is specific to a platform [dcc32 Error] IdStackWindows.pas(1455): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'IfIndex' [dcc32 Error] IdStackWindows.pas(1601): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'AdapterIndex' [dcc32 Fatal Error] IdStack.pas(2394): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'IdStackWindows.pas'" Is this an error/bug or have I missed something? The other 4 projects in the package build OK. Regards & TIA, Ian
  8. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    All Good. Thanks for the rapid support & patience. Regards, Ian
  9. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Remove ';' all good. Built & Installed. Cheers. Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Almost. 😉 "[dcc32 Error] IdCTypes.pas(240): E2029 Declaration expected but ';' found" Ian
  11. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, FYI - Just pulled rev 3634. All '260 libraries now load. Still get the size_t error. "Building IndySystem260.dproj (Debug, Win32) [dcc32 Error] IdCTypes.pas(191): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'size_t' [dcc32 Fatal Error] IndySystem260.dpk(57): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'IdCTypes.pas' Failed" Regards, Ian
  12. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Morning Remy, or Evening, as the case may be. I did a fresh pull. I noticed the Indy260.groupproj and tried it but not all of the libraries are there yet. I then tried Indy250.groupproj, all there, went to build and got the following messages. "Building IndySystem250.dproj (Debug, Win32) [dcc32 Warning] IdGlobal.pas(9537): W1002 Symbol 'RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak' is specific to a platform [dcc32 Error] IdCTypes.pas(191): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'size_t' [dcc32 Fatal Error] IndySystem250.dpk(51): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'IdCTypes.pas' Failed" The other 4 libraries seem to build OK. Regards, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Yup. Well done. "TIdStackLocalAddressAccess(LAddress).FInterfaceIndex := Adapter^.Union.IfIndex;" Fixes it. Regards, Ian
  14. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Nope. Doesn't compile. Undeclared identifier for IfIndex. "[dcc32 Error] Project23.dpr(11): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'IfIndex'" Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Yes it does.
  16. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, I don't know if it has any bearing but I just noticed your.. IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = record is different to mine.. _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = record Ian
  17. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, To make 100% sure we are dealing with the same code base I just did per the GitHib instructions for svn you directed me to. "svn co https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy.git Indy10New" It gave me 'Branches' and 'Trunk' sub directories and within Trunk were all the usual folders/files. 🙂 Retried Indy250.groupproj. - Same result. 😞 Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    P.S. I changed the uses ...., IpTypes to ...., WinApi.IpTypes, in IdStackWindows but no change.
  19. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Apologies for being a PITA. My winapi.IPtypes has the following.. PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = ^_IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES; {$EXTERNALSYM PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES} _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = record Union: record case Integer of 0: ( Alignment: ULONGLONG); 1: ( Length: ULONG; IfIndex: DWORD); end; Next: PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES; Ian
  20. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Pardon my ignorance but I am unsure how to do that. I looked at it but didn't understand it. 😞
  21. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Tried your suggestion for the IfIndex error. Still get it. 😞 I even deleted the Define line, just to be sure. Is it possible that any other 3rd Party I have installed is causing the issue? Regards, Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, What can I say? It works. I am open to an alternative download string to "svn co https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy/trunk Indy10". Yes, per my earlier I svn downloaded rev 3628. Yes the AdapterIndex error is no more. Tks. I will give it a try and advise. Regards, Ian
  23. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    I've gone back to a previous revision for now.
  24. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Terminology - svn co https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy/trunk Indy10 OK. OK. I will ignore it. Will leave that one with you. Tks. I will svn the code again. Tks Remy, Ian
  25. Ian Branch

    Error when trying to build GExperts r3053

    Hi Peter, FWIW, I just did a cold svn download of 3053, built and installed in D10.3.3 without issue. Perhaps there is something else afoot? Regards, Ian