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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Hi Guys, Is there any tool or function that can/will sort the Delphi Component Palette? Over time mine gets quite disorganized. It would be great if the entries could be put into Alphanumeric order. I appreciate that that may not be a good thing in regard to the core entries so perhaps they could be left as installed and only the additional entries sorted... Just hoping. ;-) Regards, Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

  3. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Retrieved it. Sorted it. Examined it. Holy WTH! Talk about garbage collection. There is so much stuff there that is no longer, or was never loaded into Rio but perhaps came from previous versions. I had Dev Express installed in Tokyo but never in Rio. Not only that but the 'entry' delimiter ',' is used in some of the entries as well. So much for token extraction. Then there is the aspect of the Palette displayed when you just open Delphi mixed in amongst it all. This should really be done a lot better and be better disciplined. So much for that little project. I'm sure it could still be done but it needs someone of a higher skill level than mine. 😞 Now, let me see, where did I put that other project.....
  4. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Ah Ha! Thanks Tim. Found. Will have a play. Regards, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Hi Thomas, Yes, and I use it all the time, its just the aesthetic OCD coming out in me. 🙂 Ian
  6. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Hi Tim, Yeah. I was really trying to avoid that. 😉 If I knew where the info was perhaps I could write something.... Ian
  7. Ian Branch

    Hide Show non-visual issue

    D10.3.3, GExperts revision 3040. Not sure what has happened here. I think I saved the project with the non-visual hidden. When I re-opened the project later the non-visual weren't showing. I toggled the function and the component showed but not their names. No amount of toggling restores the component names. Is this a GExperts thing? If so, where/how can I rectify this? Regards & TIA, Ian
  8. Ian Branch

    Hide Show non-visual issue

    So, here's what happens. Hide the components using the Delphi Hide Non-Visual Components. Restore the components using the GExperts Hide/Show Non-visual. No component names. Use the Delphi function and the names appear. Don't know if this is by design or a bug. Interested to know.
  9. Ian Branch

    Hide Show non-visual issue

    Hold the Cavalry. I had totally forgotten about the Delphi Hide Non-Visual Components. Doh! I don't recall using that but I may have. 😞 All good now. Thanks for looking. Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    XML Data Binding Wizard???

    Hi Team, I am trying to follow some instructions that require the use of the XML Data Binding Wizard. I am using D10.3.3 Pro. The Emb instructions say to do the following...."Choose File > New > Other and select the icon labeled XML Data Binding from the right pane of the New folder located under Delphi Projects." However, in case, there is no XML Data Binding Wizard visible. Is it not available in the Pro version? Is it actually somewhere else/called something else? Regards & TIA, Ian
  11. Ian Branch

    XML Data Binding Wizard???

    Ahhh. Disappointment +. Thanks Ewe. Ian
  12. Ian Branch

    Relevance of the Manifest?

    Hi Team, Its not something I have ever bothered with but thought I would have a look. What relevance/importance does the Manifest in the Project settings have for a Windows only 32bit application nominally running on either Win 7 or Win 10? Regards & TIA, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    SVN server updated

    Hi Francios, I am using Tortisesvn. Thank you. All good now. Checked out Rev 1453 svn co --username "ics" --password "ics" svn://svn.overbyte.be/ics/trunk ics Regards, Ian
  14. Ian Branch

    SVN server updated

    Hi Thomas, I get the following with "svn co https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/trunk ics"... svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/trunk' svn: E175013: Access to '/svn/trunk' forbidden Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    SVN server updated

    Hi Guys, SVN is not my forte. 😞 Is the following command line correct for this to download the library into the ics directory? svn co https://svn.overbyte.be/svn ics Regards & TIA, Ian
  16. Hi Guys, Some time ago I was a strong user of the UtilMind Solutions Libraries - AppControls, DiskControls & FormHelp. http://www.utilmind.com I have the full source code. As I understand it they were last updated for D2007. Has anybody kept them up-to-date? I would really like versions for Delphi Rio, 32 bit, Ansi. I have had a go at updating the D2007 source but my knowledge/skill level is not up to the task. 😞 Regards, Ian
  17. Ian Branch

    Thinfinity VirtualUI - cloud-based conversion

    Sorry. No experience. Having said that, the App & DLLs are all running on your Server so I wouldn't anticipate an issue. Not my knowledge/experience. Runs on your own Server/PC that can be accessed via the internet.
  18. Ian Branch

    Thinfinity VirtualUI - cloud-based conversion

    I have used TF for several years and it has been taken up by a couple of my Customers. All with good success. As indicated, in your source there is only the need to add one line of code. The rest of the magic is in the installation & setup of TF. Using D10.x.x, I have experienced issues with themeing via TF so I have disabled it for TF based Apps. Not a big issue as far as I am concerned. HTH. Ian
  19. Hi Team, I am programmatically creating a TTaskDialog with two RadioButtons. All good. Based on a separate input I want to preselect one of the two radio buttons before displaying the dialog so the user can see which 'option' is currently enabled. What's the trick for this? I thought the following would do it but no. "RadioButtons.Items[0].SetInitialState". All the 'help' I can find don't seem to address this action. 😞 Regards & TIA, Ian
  20. Ian Branch

    Pre-select a Radiobutton in a TTaskDialog?

    Hi FredS, Thanks for that. Works a treat. if MyTest then RadioButtons.Items[0].Default := True else RadioButtons.Items[1].Default := True; Regards, Ian
  21. Ian Branch

    Quote of the Day...

    Hi Remy, Excellent! Thank you. All working now. Regards & Tks again. Ian
  22. Hi Team, I can make a form have it's own button on the Windows Task Bar using the following.. ... protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; ... ... procedure TAudioForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited; Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_APPWINDOW; Params.WndParent := 0; end; All good, however, it uses the Main App/Form Icon. Is there any way to inject a different icon? Regards & TIA, Ian
  23. Ian Branch

    Give a form its own icon on its task bar button?

    Hi David, So obvious when you think about it. 😞 Thank you. Regards, Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    D2007 builds without issue. D10.3.3 build errors per the attached. This was a clean svn download just now. Regards, Ian
  25. Ian Branch

    Revision 2957 build issue.

    Hi Thomas, All good now. All good. Menu fully functional on D2007 & D10.3.3. Normal service has been restored. 😉 Regards & Tks for the quick response. Appreciated. Regards, Ian