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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Test Bits in a Byte

    Hmm. I like the 'Bits' concept, never used it/them. Not good for readability though.
  2. Ian Branch

    Test Bits in a Byte

    Noted & Agreed.
  3. Ian Branch

    Test Bits in a Byte

    Hi Kryvich, Interesting approach. I shall have a play. Regards, Ian
  4. Ian Branch

    IDE Design Plug in..

    It's a bugger getting old... In D10.2.3 I had a plugin that, in the design window, showed the the sizes of various forms/resolutions. I found it very handy and it always sat there in the background doing its thing. I have upped to D10.3 now but cannot for the life of me remember what the plugin was. Anybody?? Regards & TIA, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    IDE Design Plug in..

    Jeremy has been in contact with me. Tks Dave.
  6. Ian Branch

    IDE Design Plug in..

    YESSSS!!!! That's it. Thanks Dave. Hoping for a D10.3 Rio version. Regards & Tks. Ian
  7. Ian Branch

    IDE Design Plug in..

    Hi Jacek, No, I don't believe so. It was a small plug in that somebody wrote. Thanks for looking/responding Ian
  8. Hi Team, D10.3. What is it that dictates what initially shows when you open a project? Depending on which Project I open I get the Project file, the Code view of the Main form or the Design view of the main form... I'd like it to at least be consistent. :-) TIA, Ian
  9. Ian Branch

    What shows when opening a project?

    Or, You have to turn it on. :-) No problem. Cheers & Tks again. Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    What shows when opening a project?

    Hi Dalija, OK. That is what I was expecting. Your mention of the .dsk file set me to finding them. There weren't any. :-( After some hunting, I found and turned "Save project desktop when closing" on and now it does what was/is expected. Cheers. Ian
  11. Ian Branch

    "Use overloaded method instead"

    Hi Team, D10.3. I have the following line of code.. [code} Result := inherited GetFieldData(Field, Buffer, NativeFormat); {code} Against this line in Build mode I get the following.. "W1000 Symbol 'GetFieldData' is deprecated: 'Use overloaded method instead'" I have had a look at the relevant help and I don't understand what it wants me to change/'use'. It is only a warning however I would like to clean it up anyway. Ian
  12. Ian Branch

    "Use overloaded method instead"

    Ah Ha! Turned out I had to change 'Buffer: Pointer' definition a little further back to 'Buffer: TValueBuffer' All good now. Tks. Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    Hi Team, Using D10.3. I am trying to use FileExists(xxx); in a network environment but it doesn't seem to like it. I am using the following test code.. {code} procedure TForm21.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var sAppName: string; begin sAppName := 'Testfile.exe'; sAppName := Copy(sAppName, 0, LastDelimiter('.', sAppName) - 1); sAppName := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + sAppName + '.Tips'; MessageDlg('Tips file name is - '+sAppName, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); // if FileExists(sAppName) then MessageDlg(sAppName+' found OK.', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0) else MessageDlg('Unable to find '+sAppName, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); // end; {code} The two MessageDlg show the correct information and it all works fine on my PC. When I run it from the server on the network the MessageDlg still show the correct server drive/path and filename however it doesn't find 'the 'Testfile.Tips'. Have I done something wrong? Should I be using some other Test for existence of the file? Note - The initial sAppName is normally derived from Application.ExeName but I have hard coded it for the test app. Regards & TIA, Ian
  14. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    All, Thank you for your inputs. I had no joy making it work. I have instead changed the mechanism to .ini file processing which is working fine. Regards & Tks again. Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    It is a Windows 2012 R2 Server.
  16. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    The bottom line here is I am trying to do something in an environment I am unfamiliar with. I am working remotely into a Customer's test PC. Looking closer at the environment I suspect that he has it locked down tightly. I assumed F-TestServer was the root directory of the PC . As there are several drives on it I assumed it needed a drive specifier. All very confusing att, that is why I am trying to make sense of it. Ian
  17. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    Hi Fred, Sorry to report no good. 😞 For my education, why the $ instead of :? Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    Hi Fred, Thanks for that but it didn't fix the issue. I should have stated up front i was using D10.3. My bad. Ian
  19. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    For the record, I have tried hard coding.. {code} sAppName := '\\\F-TestServer\C:\TestArea\Testfile.Tips'; MessageDlg('Tips file name is - '+sAppName, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); // if FileExists(sAppName) then .... .... {code} Without success.
  20. Hi Guys, Back in the D2007 days there was a component called ElasitForm which when put on a form automatically scaled the fonts and components as the form was enlarged or shrunk, proportionally, such that the form looked exactly the same whatever size it was changed to by the User. ElastiForm isn't available any more and in any case I suspect, possibly wrongly, that Delphi can do that sort of this in its own right now. Is this correct? If so how? Or is there some trickery still needed? Regards & TIA, Ian
  21. Hi Team, I am updating a piece of code to D10.3 and have reached a confusing point. The original code is.. {code} if ThemesEnabled then DrawElement(Canvas.Handle,GetElementDetails(tebExplorerBarRoot), ClientRect) else .... {code} To this I was getting the message at build time.. "[dcc32 Warning] myprocs.pas(123🙂 W1000 Symbol 'ThemesEnabled' is deprecated: 'Use TCustomStyleServices.Enabled'" So, I changed the code to.. {code} // if ThemesEnabled then if TCustomStyleServices.Enabled then DrawElement(Canvas.Handle,GetElementDetails(tebExplorerBarRoot), ClientRect) else ... {code} Now I get the message.. "[dcc32 Error] myprocs.pas(123😞 E2233 Property 'Enabled' inaccessible here" Clearly I have done something untoward. How should I correct this please? Regards & TIA, Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    ThemesEnabled deprecated..

    Hi Uwe, 100% on the money. They were inside a 'With StyleServices do..' All good now Tks. Regards, Ian
  23. Ian Branch

    Compiling Options?

    Hi Team, D10.3. In my Compiling options under Other|'Additional..'|'..All configurations..' are the following switches. -x-Ox What do they mean and where do I find them defined pls? Regards & TIA, Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    Compiling Options?

    Ah Ha! Gentlemen. 100% nailed it. Yes the project was brought over from D10.2.3 to D10.3. Whilst I don't recall adding those options, no doubt I did. I shall have to re-study them and re-understand why I did. Regards & Tks to all. Ian
  25. Hi Thomas, Yes it was/is ElasticForm, I was just being lazy. Yes, I have it and yes I can re-do it. I was just curious as to what was/wasn't done around the functionality these days. Does nobody make forms that can be full screened or shrunk proportionally? 20 minutes later - OK - I have pulled my ElasticForm source up from the archives, redone it for D10.2.3 and it works. Should be OK for D10.3 too. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your work on your Delphi utilities, particularly GExperts. An essential tool for me and the first thing that gets installed.. Have a great 2019. Regards, Ian