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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    FileExists(xxxxx) in a network?

    For the record, I have tried hard coding.. {code} sAppName := '\\\F-TestServer\C:\TestArea\Testfile.Tips'; MessageDlg('Tips file name is - '+sAppName, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); // if FileExists(sAppName) then .... .... {code} Without success.
  2. Hi Guys, Back in the D2007 days there was a component called ElasitForm which when put on a form automatically scaled the fonts and components as the form was enlarged or shrunk, proportionally, such that the form looked exactly the same whatever size it was changed to by the User. ElastiForm isn't available any more and in any case I suspect, possibly wrongly, that Delphi can do that sort of this in its own right now. Is this correct? If so how? Or is there some trickery still needed? Regards & TIA, Ian
  3. Hi Team, I am updating a piece of code to D10.3 and have reached a confusing point. The original code is.. {code} if ThemesEnabled then DrawElement(Canvas.Handle,GetElementDetails(tebExplorerBarRoot), ClientRect) else .... {code} To this I was getting the message at build time.. "[dcc32 Warning] myprocs.pas(123🙂 W1000 Symbol 'ThemesEnabled' is deprecated: 'Use TCustomStyleServices.Enabled'" So, I changed the code to.. {code} // if ThemesEnabled then if TCustomStyleServices.Enabled then DrawElement(Canvas.Handle,GetElementDetails(tebExplorerBarRoot), ClientRect) else ... {code} Now I get the message.. "[dcc32 Error] myprocs.pas(123😞 E2233 Property 'Enabled' inaccessible here" Clearly I have done something untoward. How should I correct this please? Regards & TIA, Ian
  4. Ian Branch

    ThemesEnabled deprecated..

    Hi Uwe, 100% on the money. They were inside a 'With StyleServices do..' All good now Tks. Regards, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Compiling Options?

    Hi Team, D10.3. In my Compiling options under Other|'Additional..'|'..All configurations..' are the following switches. -x-Ox What do they mean and where do I find them defined pls? Regards & TIA, Ian
  6. Ian Branch

    Compiling Options?

    Ah Ha! Gentlemen. 100% nailed it. Yes the project was brought over from D10.2.3 to D10.3. Whilst I don't recall adding those options, no doubt I did. I shall have to re-study them and re-understand why I did. Regards & Tks to all. Ian
  7. Hi Thomas, Yes it was/is ElasticForm, I was just being lazy. Yes, I have it and yes I can re-do it. I was just curious as to what was/wasn't done around the functionality these days. Does nobody make forms that can be full screened or shrunk proportionally? 20 minutes later - OK - I have pulled my ElasticForm source up from the archives, redone it for D10.2.3 and it works. Should be OK for D10.3 too. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your work on your Delphi utilities, particularly GExperts. An essential tool for me and the first thing that gets installed.. Have a great 2019. Regards, Ian