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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Move a Function or Procedure to a Unit??

    Hi Mike, Sure. var APJobTickets: TnlhTable; SendAPMsg: TnlhQuery; dsSendAPMsg: TDataSource; procedure CreateAPDataComponents; begin // SendAPMsg := TnlhQuery.Create(nil); // with SendAPMsg do begin // DataBaseName := dmC.DBC1.DatabaseName; SessionName := dmC.DBC1.SessionName; SQL.Text := 'select s.*, j.JobNo, j.CustomerRef, j.ConsumerName, j.ConsumerPhoneNo, j.ConsumerEmail, j.Manufacturer, j.Model, j.ESN, j.ConsumerName, c.Name,'; SQL.Text := SQL.Text + 'c.ContactName, c.ServiceEmail, c.ServiceEmailName, c.CCEmailAddress, c.SvcContactName from APJobTickets s, JobTickets j, Company c'; SQL.Text := SQL.Text + 'where (j.buscode = :BusCode) and (j.JobNo = s.JobNo) and (c.BusCode = j.BusCode) and ((Current_Date - Cast(s.DateSent as Date)) >= :iAPUpdateDays) and (Trim(BOTH '' '' from j.ConsumerEmail) <> '''')'; SQL.Text := SQL.Text + 'order by s.JobNo'; ReadOnly := True; // end; // dsSendAPMsg := TDataSource.Create(nil); // with dsSendAPMsg do begin // DataSet := SendAPMsg; AutoEdit := False; // end; // APJobTickets := TnlhTable.Create(nil); // with APJobTickets do begin // DataBaseName := dmC.DBC1.DatabaseName; SessionName := dmC.DBC1.SessionName; ; TableName := 'APJobTikets'; AutoCalcFields := True; IndexName := 'JobNo'; MasterSource := dsSendAPMsg; MasterFields := 'JobNo'; NullEmptyStrings := True; RTrimMemos := True; LTrimStrings := True; // end; // end; From the above, SendAPMsg, dsSendAPMsg and APJobTickets are used as normal within the SendAPEmails procedure. The components I am creating were only on the MainForm for the SendAPEmails procedure I am now moving to a Unit. Regards, Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    Move a Function or Procedure to a Unit??

    Hi All, I know you are all just dying to know how I am progressing with this.. ;-) Following Mike's suggestions, I firstly made it work without being a TMainForm procedure. This meant referencing the MainForm components in the procedure with the TMainForm. prefix. I then Copied the entire routine and all the Uses, Var and Const clauses over as well into a new Unit just to make sure there were no initial issues. Then there were the components on the MainForm that were being referenced. e.g. tables, queries, dialogs, etc, which needed to be created. I could have left them in the MainForm and just left the TMainForm. references but I don't believe that is the right way to go. I am open to advice/opinions on this. I created the tables and queries in code, all good. I now have to create the remaining MainForm components, dialogs, etc, in code and it should all be good. I have been able to eliminate, through a process of commenting out and seeing what breaks, a significant amount of uses clause entries, as well as some var and const entries. I suspect some of the uses clause entries may have to return as I create the dialogs, etc in code. I have run up against an issue with a third party library which I am pursuing att, all works perfectly in the Form but not in the Unit. The 3rd Party developer is looking into it. Like I said in my first post, this is something new for me. As I work the process I can see other opportunities in other Apps/modules as well however I need to get this right first. :-) I will keep this thread updated as I progress. This may not interest the experienced amongst you but there may be some value to those new to Delphi or like me, new to doing this specifically. At the end of it all I will post the final Unit, as an attachment, for anybody's reference. Regards, Ian
  3. Ian Branch

    Move a Function or Procedure to a Unit??

    Thanks Mike, Your thoughts/insights appreciated. Ian
  4. Hi Guys, I'm going around in circles with this. As the title suggests, I want to copy a single record from an ElevateDB TEDBTable to a TkbmMemTable. I have the structure copied using.. kbmMemTable.CreateTableAs(MyTEDBTable, [mtcpoStructure, mtcpoProperties]); But I can't figure how to later copy a single record as desired. kbmMemTable has a CopyRecord function but that only seems to work between two kbmMemTables. :-( A solution would be greatly appreciated. Regards & TIA, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Copy a record from TTable to kbmMemTable??

    Thanks Kim, I actually eliminated the need to copy to the kbmMemTable. I did look at mtCopyRecord but there was no Help Description. I didn't think of looking at mtCopyRecords. My Bad. I will keep this piece of info for any later use. Regards, Ian
  6. Ian Branch

    Move a Function or Procedure to a Unit??

    Rollo62 - One step at a time. 😉 David - Done.
  7. Ian Branch

    Copy a record from TTable to kbmMemTable??

    Hi Team, Merry Christmas to All. I have ended up with the following... function CopyRecord(tblFrom: TEDBTable; tblTo: TkbmMemTable; const StartIndex: Integer = 0): Boolean; var i: Integer; FieldFrom, FieldTo: TField; begin Result := False; for i := StartIndex to tblFrom.FieldCount - 1 do begin FieldFrom := tblFrom.Fields[i]; FieldTo := tblTo.FindField(FieldFrom.FieldName); if Assigned(FieldTo) then begin FieldTo.Value := FieldFrom.Value; Result := True; end; end; end; Thank you all for your input/suggestions. Regards, Ian
  8. Ian Branch

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 10.4?

    Hi @Daniel Is WUPPDI for D11 dead??
  9. I get messages that GetFieldData in the format I am using it is deprecated. That's fine, I can use the overloaded methods. I want to put a conditional in the code so that the overloaded method is used from when it was implemented and the original method prior to that. Does anybody know when the method was deprecated please? Regards & TIA, Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    UsesCleaner Issue...

    Hi Team, Uwe, I had the following code.. {$IFDEF VER140}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 6} {$IFDEF VER150}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 7} {$IFDEF VER170}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2005} {$IFDEF VER180}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2006/7} {$IFDEF VER200}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2009} {$IFDEF VER210}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2010} {$IFDEF VER220}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE} {$IFDEF VER230}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE2} {$IFDEF VER240}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE3} {$IFDEF VER250}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE4} {$IFDEF VER260}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE5} {$IFDEF VER270}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE6} {$IFDEF VER280}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE7} {$IFDEF VER290}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE8} {$IFDEF VER300}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10 Seattle} {$IFDEF VER310}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.1 Berlin} {$IFDEF VER320}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.2 Tokyo} {$IFDEF VER330}Variants,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.3 Rio} {$IFDEF VER340}Variants, System.UITypes, VCL.FileCtrl,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.4 Sydney} {$IFDEF VER350}Variants, System.UITypes, VCL.FileCtrl,{$ENDIF}{Delphi 11} I applied UsesCleaner.exe and got the following.. Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.Menus, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.DBCtrls, Vcl.DBLogDlg, Vcl.Printers, * {Delphi 6}, * {Delphi 7}, * {Delphi 2005}, * {Delphi 2006/7}, * {Delphi 2009}, * {Delphi 2010}, * {Delphi XE}, * {Delphi XE2}, * {Delphi XE3}, * {Delphi XE4}, * {Delphi XE5}, * {Delphi XE6}, * {Delphi XE7}, * {Delphi XE8}, * {Delphi 10 Seattle}, * {Delphi 10.1 Berlin}, * {Delphi 10.2 Tokyo}, * {Delphi 10.3 Rio}, * {Delphi 10.4 Sydney}, * {Delphi 11} Is there any chance of this being addressed?? Regards & TIA, Ian
  11. Ian Branch

    UsesCleaner Issue...

    All very messy when it could have been so easy.... :-(
  12. Ian Branch

    UsesCleaner Issue...

    Tks Uwe, In my case it also seems to be related to the presence/need for VclTee.TeeGDIPlus because there is an actual graph on the form. In other units there is no graph and the CompilerVersion conditionals are quite happy. Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    UsesCleaner Issue...

    Hi Team, So, playing with the CompilerVersion I get some strange results. Starting with this.. {$IFDEF VER130}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 5} {$IFDEF VER140}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 6} {$IFDEF VER150}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 7} {$IFDEF VER170}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2005} {$IFDEF VER180}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2006/7} {$IFDEF VER200}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2009} {$IFDEF VER210}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 2010} {$IFDEF VER220}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE} {$IFDEF VER230}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE2} {$IFDEF VER240}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE3} {$IFDEF VER250}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE4} {$IFDEF VER260}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE5} {$IFDEF VER270}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE6} {$IFDEF VER280}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE7} {$IFDEF VER290}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi XE8} {$IFDEF VER300}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10 Seattle} {$IFDEF VER310}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.1 Berlin} {$IFDEF VER320}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.2 Tokyo} {$IFDEF VER330}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.3 Rio} {$IFDEF VER340}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 10.4 Sydney} {$IFDEF VER350}VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series;{$ENDIF}{Delphi 11} This works fine in D10.4.2 & D11. Implementing the CompilerVersion idea.. In D11 - At design time this is quite happy.. {code} uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Menus, printers, {$IF (CompilerVersion >= 13.0) and (CompilerVersion <= 23.0)}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF} {$IF CompilerVersion >= 24.0}VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Series, VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.Chart, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus;{$ENDIF} {code} When I build the app it does this and of course errors.. {code} uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Menus, printers, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Series, VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.Chart, {$IF (CompilerVersion >= 13.0) and (CompilerVersion <= 23.0)}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF} {$IF CompilerVersion >= 24.0}VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Series, VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.Chart, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus;{$ENDIF} {code} It is obviously happy at build time with the "{$IF (CompilerVersion >= 13.0) and (CompilerVersion <= 23.0)}TeeProcs, TeEngine, Chart, Series;{$ENDIF}" line. I don't understand what its problem is with the second line.. I get similar but not the same results in D10.4.2. Is this a bug?? Ian
  14. Ian Branch

    UsesCleaner Issue...

    Thank you. So blindingly obvious and simple. :-) Regards, Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    Build 3715 fails for D2007.

    Hi Thomas, 2007 fails per below. D10.4.2 & D11 are OK. Regards, Ian
  16. Ian Branch

    Build 3715 fails for D2007.

    All good. Thanks Thomas. Ian
  17. Hi Team, Is there some way or a tool that can/will collapse defines in the IDE? i.e. {$IF defined(xxx) or defined(yyyy)}.....{$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF xxxx}.....{$ENDIF} I have a large unit with multiple defines used by multiple apps, and it is sometimes difficult to be sure that I am not duplicating or adding defines where they don't need to be or shouldn't be. Regards & TIA, Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    A way to collapse Defines in the IDE??

    Not at this stage. The unit has grown over time/years and needs to be rationalised. The trouble is identifying the relevant/individual conditionals. I found one piece of code where the entire procedure between begin & end was covered by a conditional conditional and then within it I found a repeat of the same conditional. Hence the desire to collapse the conditional so I can readily see what is in what.
  19. Ian Branch

    Install Quickreort 10.3 RIO on Delphi RAD 104

    I could have simply said Yes, but I thought I would be more inciteful. ;-)
  20. Ian Branch

    Install Quickreort 10.3 RIO on Delphi RAD 104

    Fairly easy changes to install on D10.4 & D11. I have it installed on both.
  21. Ian Branch

    TDBComboBox in reverse..

    Hi Team, TDBCombobox may not be the right component to use here... At data input time in a separate App I have a TComboBox that has its index value saved to a field. The TComboBox has 5 options, therefore 0 - 4 is saved in the field. I now want to go in reverse and based on the field value show the relevant option. If I use TDBComboBox all I see is 0 - 4. Is there something I can do with TDBComboBox to achieve what I want or do I need to use a different component? Regards & TIA, Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    TDBComboBox in reverse..

    Tks Uwe, I figured the Items needed to be there, I just wasn't sure how to make them appear for their relevant field value. Ian
  23. Ian Branch

    Raabe Software directory??

    Hi Uwe, Win 11. Should files be in "C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Local\Raabe Software\MMX Code Explorer\15.0" be there or should it be in "C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Local\Programs\Raabe Software\MMX\15", or both? Regards, Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    Raabe Software directory??

    Tks Uwe, I was just concerned I had a left over directory/files. :-) Cheers. Ian