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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    PC Specs for Delphi??

    Hi David, Thanks for your input to the discussion. When I build a project group my CPU2 goes to around 80%-90%, the rest around 10-25%. Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    PC Specs for Delphi??

    Tks Darian, I use NVME drives and I have 32GB RAM. I note, according to the Win 11 Task Manager, that Delphi uses about 10-12% of the CPU when loading and then 0% idling. When I do a build it jumps back up, peaking at around 21%. Strangely, the Task Manager suggests this is 'Very High' Power usage. Huh? Ian
  3. Ian Branch

    Format uses clause

    That works too.
  4. Ian Branch

    Format uses clause

    I would like to second this and suggest perhaps the option to make whatever is in the groups field persistent. I use the same groups all the time sometimes I pull up an older project that hasn't been 'grouped' so I keep a copy of my MMX groups in a text editor that is persistent between uses. Perhaps add a check box 'Make Groups persistent' so Users can make what they have in there persistent between projects, or not.
  5. Ian Branch

    D11 - Form changes size when I compile/build. :-(

    Yes I am. I shall see what happens.
  6. Ian Branch

    D11 - Form changes size when I compile/build. :-(

    Hi Anders - That's a good trick to know/use. The Form isn't actually changing size now when I click build or compile. But, When I open/close it in the designer I am still invited to save it. I checked the before and after .dfm files and there is no difference.
  7. Ian Branch

    D11 - Form changes size when I compile/build. :-(

    Anders, No that setting is off. Kryvich, If it was a Windows thing wouldn't the issue appear on all form? All - To stop it I set the forms constraints. That worked. I have just now removed the Constraints and the form doesn't collapse on Compile/Build any more. Wierd..
  8. Ian Branch

    D11 - Form changes size when I compile/build. :-(

    Just to further clarify, it changes visibly on the screen when I click Build or Compile. :-(
  9. Ian Branch

    KSVC gone missing.

    Hi Team, D11. I saw the RSS about KSVC and checked my Getit. I already had KSVC 7.0 installed and it was showing as Update in Getit. I deinstalled my exiting KSVC via Getit and now there is no sign of KSVC in Getit at all. 😞 I'm stuck with multiple Apps that use the KSVC components but no KSVC. 😞 Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated. Regards, Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    KSVC gone missing.

    Ah Ha! So can I now. Installing as I type. ;-) Hooray!.
  11. Ian Branch

    KSVC gone missing.

    Yes I know. That is why the site above is a little suspect.
  12. Ian Branch

    KSVC gone missing.

    Interesting site. It is only showing KSVC v 6.2.3. Not v 7.0. In any case I can't get it from there. It also shows Parnasses Bookmarks which people are hanging out but doesn't appear in D11 GetIt.
  13. Ian Branch

    KSVC gone missing.

  14. Ian Branch

    KSVC gone missing.

    Hi Team, So, this raises a question in my mind about how GetIt works. I assumed (Acknowledging Professor Julius Sumner-Miller) that GetIt read whatever from Emba each time it was opened. I am guessing that Emba wouldn't allow us to change anything at Emba so it suggests that the GetIt information is on our PC somewhere and only gets changed if/when/how Emba makes a change. So, it could be that GetIt hiccupped during its deinstall and actually deleted the KSVC entry from its listing. Which means I may be able to recover it from my C-Drive backup. All speculation on my part. Does anybody have any explicit information on this area? I'm kinda hung out on a clothes line att with no pegs. 😞 Regards, Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    KSVC gone missing.

    Ahh. If only it were so in my Getit. 😞
  16. Ian Branch

    Best way to replace D11 distributed Indy with latest Git Indy?

    Hi Team, As I did with D10, I want to take the 'distributed' Indy out of the equation and just use the Git Indy as it is, I believe, more up-to date. Remy, I had a try at creating he D11 versions but got lost and it failed to build. 😞 Ian
  17. Ian Branch

    Best way to replace D11 distributed Indy with latest Git Indy?

    Thank you. I thought it would be like that. I also thought the Git Indy would have the D11 Libraries build bits but I don't see any. 😞 Regards, Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    EIdConnClosedGracefully error..

    Hi Team, First time I have seen this error. It happened apparently at the line indicated below.. if MainForm.DBWReg.ReadBool('ThoughtForTheDay', 'ShowAtStart', True) and not lThoughtForTheDay then begin // if CheckUrl('http://quotes4all.net') then begin HTTP := TIdHTTP.Create; try interim := HTTP.Get('http://quotes4all.net'); <<<<<<<<<< Error here.. // ChopStart := pos(StartQuote, interim); if ChopStart > 1 then begin ChopEnd := PosEx(EndQuote, interim, ChopStart + 1); if ChopEnd > ChopStart then begin interim := Copy(interim, ChopStart, ChopEnd - ChopStart); InCmnd := False; for Cntr := 1 to Length(interim) do begin if interim[Cntr] = '<' then InCmnd := True else if interim[Cntr] = '>' then InCmnd := False else if not InCmnd then Quote := Quote + interim[Cntr]; end; TaskMessageDlg('Thought for the Day...', Quote, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(HTTP); // .Free; lThoughtForTheDay := True; end; // end; I have seen Remy suggest using "TIdHTTP.Disconnect(False) and TIdHTTP.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Clear() ". How/where do I incorporate them into the above code please? Should they be incorporated into the above code? Regards & TIA, Ian
  19. Ian Branch

    EIdConnClosedGracefully error..

    Ahhh. Thanks Remy. It is clearer now. RE the CheckURL, that is a really old habit I have.. Regards, Ian
  20. Ian Branch

    Form Creation difference??

    Hi Team, Is there any difference between the following form creation methods?? Application.CreateForm(TReportsForm, ReportsForm); and ReportsForm := TReportsForm.Create(nil); Do either have an advantage over the other? Regards & TIA, Ian
  21. Ian Branch

    Form Creation difference??

    Tks David, I found the former in an older part of my code and couldn't remember the reason or need for it. I too use the latter form. Regards & Tks again, Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Daniel Wolf I miss my WUPPDI Welcome Page in D11. :-(
  23. Ian Branch

    Regex help please..

    Hi Attila, Thank you for your contribution. Given that I have no idea about regex I can only wonder at what you have done. Regards, Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    Regex help please..

    Hi David, Doh!! This is where I face palm myself and berate myself for not thinking of that. 😞 Thank you for pointing out my inadequacy. 🙂 Regards & Tks again, Ian