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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    All Good. Thanks for the rapid support & patience. Regards, Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Remove ';' all good. Built & Installed. Cheers. Ian
  3. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Almost. 😉 "[dcc32 Error] IdCTypes.pas(240): E2029 Declaration expected but ';' found" Ian
  4. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, FYI - Just pulled rev 3634. All '260 libraries now load. Still get the size_t error. "Building IndySystem260.dproj (Debug, Win32) [dcc32 Error] IdCTypes.pas(191): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'size_t' [dcc32 Fatal Error] IndySystem260.dpk(57): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'IdCTypes.pas' Failed" Regards, Ian
  5. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Morning Remy, or Evening, as the case may be. I did a fresh pull. I noticed the Indy260.groupproj and tried it but not all of the libraries are there yet. I then tried Indy250.groupproj, all there, went to build and got the following messages. "Building IndySystem250.dproj (Debug, Win32) [dcc32 Warning] IdGlobal.pas(9537): W1002 Symbol 'RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak' is specific to a platform [dcc32 Error] IdCTypes.pas(191): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'size_t' [dcc32 Fatal Error] IndySystem250.dpk(51): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'IdCTypes.pas' Failed" The other 4 libraries seem to build OK. Regards, Ian
  6. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Yup. Well done. "TIdStackLocalAddressAccess(LAddress).FInterfaceIndex := Adapter^.Union.IfIndex;" Fixes it. Regards, Ian
  7. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Nope. Doesn't compile. Undeclared identifier for IfIndex. "[dcc32 Error] Project23.dpr(11): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'IfIndex'" Ian
  8. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Yes it does.
  9. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, I don't know if it has any bearing but I just noticed your.. IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = record is different to mine.. _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = record Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, To make 100% sure we are dealing with the same code base I just did per the GitHib instructions for svn you directed me to. "svn co https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy.git Indy10New" It gave me 'Branches' and 'Trunk' sub directories and within Trunk were all the usual folders/files. 🙂 Retried Indy250.groupproj. - Same result. 😞 Ian
  11. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    P.S. I changed the uses ...., IpTypes to ...., WinApi.IpTypes, in IdStackWindows but no change.
  12. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Apologies for being a PITA. My winapi.IPtypes has the following.. PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = ^_IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES; {$EXTERNALSYM PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES} _IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES = record Union: record case Integer of 0: ( Alignment: ULONGLONG); 1: ( Length: ULONG; IfIndex: DWORD); end; Next: PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES; Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Pardon my ignorance but I am unsure how to do that. I looked at it but didn't understand it. 😞
  14. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, Tried your suggestion for the IfIndex error. Still get it. 😞 I even deleted the Define line, just to be sure. Is it possible that any other 3rd Party I have installed is causing the issue? Regards, Ian
  15. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Hi Remy, What can I say? It works. I am open to an alternative download string to "svn co https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy/trunk Indy10". Yes, per my earlier I svn downloaded rev 3628. Yes the AdapterIndex error is no more. Tks. I will give it a try and advise. Regards, Ian
  16. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    I've gone back to a previous revision for now.
  17. Ian Branch

    Indy10 rev 3627 into D10.3.3?

    Terminology - svn co https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy/trunk Indy10 OK. OK. I will ignore it. Will leave that one with you. Tks. I will svn the code again. Tks Remy, Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    Error when trying to build GExperts r3053

    Hi Peter, FWIW, I just did a cold svn download of 3053, built and installed in D10.3.3 without issue. Perhaps there is something else afoot? Regards, Ian
  19. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Hi Guys, Is there any tool or function that can/will sort the Delphi Component Palette? Over time mine gets quite disorganized. It would be great if the entries could be put into Alphanumeric order. I appreciate that that may not be a good thing in regard to the core entries so perhaps they could be left as installed and only the additional entries sorted... Just hoping. ;-) Regards, Ian
  20. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

  21. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Retrieved it. Sorted it. Examined it. Holy WTH! Talk about garbage collection. There is so much stuff there that is no longer, or was never loaded into Rio but perhaps came from previous versions. I had Dev Express installed in Tokyo but never in Rio. Not only that but the 'entry' delimiter ',' is used in some of the entries as well. So much for token extraction. Then there is the aspect of the Palette displayed when you just open Delphi mixed in amongst it all. This should really be done a lot better and be better disciplined. So much for that little project. I'm sure it could still be done but it needs someone of a higher skill level than mine. 😞 Now, let me see, where did I put that other project.....
  22. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Ah Ha! Thanks Tim. Found. Will have a play. Regards, Ian
  23. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Hi Thomas, Yes, and I use it all the time, its just the aesthetic OCD coming out in me. 🙂 Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    Sort the Component Palette??

    Hi Tim, Yeah. I was really trying to avoid that. 😉 If I knew where the info was perhaps I could write something.... Ian
  25. Ian Branch

    Hide Show non-visual issue

    D10.3.3, GExperts revision 3040. Not sure what has happened here. I think I saved the project with the non-visual hidden. When I re-opened the project later the non-visual weren't showing. I toggled the function and the component showed but not their names. No amount of toggling restores the component names. Is this a GExperts thing? If so, where/how can I rectify this? Regards & TIA, Ian