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Ian Branch

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Everything posted by Ian Branch

  1. Hi Guys, My IDE has suddenly stopped opening all the Favorite Projects in the Welcome Window. They are all showing. It won't even allow me to Delete them. I have rebooted the PC and restarted Delphi but NG. Any thoughts/suggestions on how to fix this? Regards & TIA, Ian
  2. Ian Branch

    Delphi 10.3.1 IDE Favourites no longer working??

    OK. Instructions are correct. I just can't read straight. :-(
  3. Ian Branch

    Delphi 10.3.1 IDE Favourites no longer working??

    Hi Guys, Thanks for the Pointer and additional info. Installed and being populated as I type. Instructions for disabling the standard Welcome Page in the registry don't seem to match for D10.3. Not game to experiment so left as is. Still be interested to find out why the standard Welcome Page no longer works. Regards, Ian
  4. Ian Branch

    Delphi 10.3.1 IDE Favourites no longer working??

    Hmmm. Although all the Favorite Projects and the Open Recently are showing, none of them will open when selected. 😞 They did this morning. File Associations seem to be OK. I can double click on a .dproj file and it opens OK.
  5. Hi to the Community Manager, There seems to still be an active interest in the TurboPower component sets. Is there a chance of a TurboPower Tools sub forum under Delphi Third-Party which then subsets into the various TurboPower Component Packs.? Regards & Tks for considering. Ian
  6. Hi Guys, Is there any kind of master/reference list around that details what has changed between Delphi versions? I am looking at an older library and the compile messages are saying things like.. [dcc32 Warning] xxxxx.pas: W1000 Symbol 'TImageIndex' is deprecated: 'Use System.UITypes.TImageIndex' and [dcc32 Warning] xxxxx.pas: W1000 Symbol 'TScrollStyle' is deprecated: 'Use System.UITypes.TScrollStyle' and [dcc32 Warning] xxxxx.pas: W1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices' amongst others. when were they introduced? I have come across this issue many other times when working older code. Regards & TIA, Ian
  7. Ian Branch

    Changes in Delphi from version to version?

    Hi David, Agreed, but knowing where they change means I can insert conditionals relevant to the Delphi version. Ian
  8. Ian Branch

    Changes in Delphi from version to version?

    Hi Boris, Thanks for that. It is a big step forward from where I was. Regards, Ian
  9. Ian Branch

    Changes in Delphi from version to version?

    Hi Sherlock, Thanks for that. I was afraid that would be the case. I only have Rio installed so searching back through isn't an option. Sigh! I'll try one of the other links mentioned in the thread. Regards, Ian
  10. Ian Branch

    TurboPower component sets sub forums.

    I can live with that.
  11. Ian Branch

    Issue closing external apps..

    Hi Team, I have a small App that lets users call other Apps using the following borrowed code example for MyApp1 & 2... procedure TMainForm.btnMyApp1Click(Sender: TObject); var SEInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; ExitCode: DWORD; ExecuteFile: string; begin lMyApp1Open := True; Cursor := crHourGlass; btnMyApp1.Color := clLime; // Standard is clBtnFace ExecuteFile := sAppsFilePath + '\MyApp1.exe'; FillChar(SEInfo, SizeOf(SEInfo), 0); SEInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TShellExecuteInfo); with SEInfo do begin fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; Wnd := Application.Handle; lpFile := PChar(ExecuteFile); nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL; end; Cursor := crDefault; if ShellExecuteEx(@SEInfo) then begin repeat Application.ProcessMessages; GetExitCodeProcess(SEInfo.hProcess, ExitCode); until (ExitCode <> STILL_ACTIVE) or Application.Terminated; end else ShowMessage('Error starting MyApp1!'); btnMyApp1.Color := clBtnFace; // Standard is clBtnFace lMyApp1Open := False; end; // procedure TMainForm.btnMyApp2Click(Sender: TObject); var SEInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; ExitCode: DWORD; ExecuteFile: string; begin lMyApp2Open := True; Cursor := crHourGlass; btnMyApp2.Color := clLime; // Standard is clBtnFace ExecuteFile := sAppsFilePath + '\MyApp2.exe'; FillChar(SEInfo, SizeOf(SEInfo), 0); SEInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TShellExecuteInfo); with SEInfo do begin fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; Wnd := Application.Handle; lpFile := PChar(ExecuteFile); nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL; end; Cursor := crDefault; if ShellExecuteEx(@SEInfo) then begin repeat Application.ProcessMessages; GetExitCodeProcess(SEInfo.hProcess, ExitCode); until (ExitCode <> STILL_ACTIVE) or Application.Terminated; end else ShowMessage('Error starting MyApp2!'); btnMyApp2.Color := clBtnFace; // Standard is clBtnFace lMyApp2Open := False; end; The issue is that if both MyApp1 & MyApp2 apps are called and MyApp1 closes, it does actually close, it appears to stay open in my front end app, the buttons stay colored, until MyApp2 closes. Then both buttons return to normal color. This is an area I have no knowledge of. Can someone advise/suggest what is not happening and how it can be corrected please? Be greatly appreciated. Regards & TIA, Ian
  12. Ian Branch

    Issue closing external apps..

    Hi David, Thanks for your input. Appreciated. I have scrapped the existing routine(s) and gone a different route. All working as desired now. Regards, Ian
  13. Ian Branch

    Issue with IDE Nav Bar..

    Hi Team, D10.3.1. It is a long time since I had a 'clean' Delphi edit window. My PC did a Windows update, 1809, and all hell broke loose. Had to reinstall Delphi from scratch. 😞 Anyway I install all the usual add-ons, Gexperts, cnPack, DDevExtensions, etc. Added all the required 3rd party stuff. All good. I was busy editing away when I noticed that the IDE Navigation Bar would only show those Functions/Procedures I had added to the app source, none of the ones for normal events. See attached screen shot 2. cnPack was displaying all of them. See screen shot 3. Is this something wrong or normal? If the Delphi Nav Bar should be showing all of them, is there a 'switch' somewhere? I did disable/enable the Nav Bar to no effect. It only seems to affect those projects that were originally created in D10.2.3 or earlier. Anything created in 10.3.0 or later is fine. Thoughts/suggestions? Regards & TIA, Ian
  14. Ian Branch

    Issue with IDE Nav Bar..

    Yes, I have MMX installed. You wouldn't have any in-line variable declarations in your source would you?
  15. Ian Branch

    Issue with IDE Nav Bar..

    Hi Attila, Thank you. I was aware of the issue with not recognizing the syntax correctly, but I wasn't aware of its impact on the Nav Bar listing of procedures/functions. Is there a RSP for this? Regards, Ian
  16. Ian Branch

    Issue with IDE Nav Bar..

    So, the thicken plots.... I found that most of the source files in the project were in fact ok and all the procedures/functions/events were showing. Hmmm, what was different in the two that they weren't? Only two functions were showing. In my GenKey function, the second in the source, I had the following line.. {code} for var i: Integer := 1 to 7 do ... ... {code} With the attendant underlining of 'var' and ':='. See screen shot 4 attached. Hmmmmm. I wonder???? So I declared i and changed the code to the conventional "for i := 1 to 7 do" BINGO!!! I now get all the procedures/functions/events showing. See screen shot 5 attached. Reverse the change and the issue returns. Reverse it again and all good. I think I found a Bug!!! Can someone replicate this and verify please... I'm going to have a look at the other file now. Regards, Ian Update: Same issue with the same inline code in the second file.
  17. Hi Team, Anybody know if there will be such a beast in Getit? Regards, Ian
  18. Ian Branch

    TurboPack OnGuard for Rio 10.3.1?

    Hi Fred, In fact, I have, I was just looking for the 'Official' sanctioned one. :-) Regards, Ian
  19. Ian Branch

    Style missing..

    Hi Team, I am updating an old project ex D2007, to Rio. Have it all working fine. I went to select a style, 'Iceberg Classico' which was selected and built OK. When I run the App in either the IDE or stand alone it tells me "Style 'Iceberg Classico' not found.". What could be stopping it please. The Style is fine on my newer projects. Regards & TIA, Ian
  20. Ian Branch

    Style missing..

    Hi ByteJuggler, I couldn't find anything. I deleted the original .dproj files and rebuilt them from the .dpr but no good. Something deep in there. I rebuilt the App from scratch cross copying the components and code. All good now. Thanks for your thoughts. Regards, Ian
  21. Hi Team, Not sure if this is the right place for this query. Somebody correct me please if its not. Installed OnGuard into D10.3.1. All good. Now building all the Demos/Examples to make sure everything is as it should be. Most of them there is no issue however on 3 of them I have the same issue. I will use the EXInst example for this query. When I tried to build the example I got the message it couldn't find the IsFirstInstance function. Snooping, I found that ogFirst is now vcl.ogfirst, so I changed the uses to vcl.ogfirst. Hmmm Same error. 😞 vcl.ogfirst is definately there. The following is the code in exinst.. program Exinst; uses Forms, vcl.ogfirst, ExInstU in 'EXINSTU.PAS' {FirstInstFrm}; begin Application.Title := 'Single Instance Example'; if IsFirstInstance then begin Application.CreateForm(TFirstInstFrm, FirstInstFrm); Application.Run; end else ActivateFirstInstance; end. In vcl.ogfirst there is the following.. ... ... {detect/Activate instance routines} type TogFirst = record private class var FFirstInstance : Boolean; FInstanceMutex : THandle; private class function GetMutexName: string; static; public class function IsFirstInstance: Boolean; static; class procedure ActivateFirstInstance; static; end; ... ... What have I missed please? Regards & TIA, Ian
  22. Ian Branch

    Help with TurboPower OnGurad..

    Ah Ha! Thanks Sherlock. Appreciated. All good now. Regards, Ian
  23. Ian Branch

    How to replace text in every unit?

    I use a tool call FAR, short for Find and Replace. http://findandreplace.sourceforge.net Its a free app and as long as your .dfm files are in text rather than binary, works a treat. HTH. Ian
  24. Ian Branch

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    Hi FredS, Excellent. Thank you. So, is the idea to get the IDE to use fastdcc32 in lieu of dcc32, or is it purely for manual calling? If it is intended for the IDE to call, where/how is this achieved? Regards, Ian
  25. Ian Branch

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    Please pardon my ignorance here but I haven't 'deployed' fastdcc before. hat is the process to deploy pls? Do I simply run fastdcc32.exe in the file and like idefixpack it will extract and install itself, and I presume fastdcc32hok.dllx, in the appropriate place? I only install the 32bit stuff. How do I check/confirm it is installed correctly? Regards & TIA, Ian