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Everything posted by Janex72

  1. Janex72

    Add Event in runtime

    Hi All Experts! I need to create Button in runtime and assign OnClick Event. Create is easy and assign event to: MyNewButton.OnClick := MyOnClickEventProcedure; For this I need to previously write procedure MyOnClickEventProcedure in code in designtime. Is there some way to not permanently write MyOnClickEventProcedure in code, for example: MyNewButton.OnClick := MyUniversalProcedureForAllEvents; I don't yet know what events will be used during development. Is this possible? WBR Janex
  2. Hi all. I, searching library for convert GIS coordinates (Lat:Lon) to Latvian standart LKS-92 Some one can help me, please? WBR Janex
  3. Hi all. I have LMD components 2016.5 with sources. I'm trying to compile under Delphi 11.3. In some units I get error: "Missing implementation of interface method IDesignerHook.UpdateCaption". I write this "missing" code: procedure TEngine.UpdateCaption(AVisible: Boolean; AUpdateFrame: Boolean); begin Inherited; end; procedure TEngine.UpdateDesigner; begin Inherited; end; function TEngine.DesignPPI(AControl: TWinControl): Integer; begin Inherited; end; function TEngine.GetDesignerHighDPIMode: TVCLDesignerHighDPIMode; begin Inherited; end; Now compiled ok, but component work very incorrect 😞 Any idea what do I wrong and what must I do? Maybe some have source for 11.3 of this units where I get errors about interfaces an some another errors: LMDDsgDesigner.pas LMDTaskDlg.pas pLMDDckPE.pas Thanks WBR Janex
  4. Janex72

    Audio via TCP/IP

    Hi all. I need to send audio from microphone to another computer by TCP/IP and play there with delay less than 100 ms. Most components what I find create buffer of some seconds audio, it's not good for me 😞 Any ideas about good components for this? WBR Janex
  5. Janex72

    Sending SMS via FMX application

    Hi all. I'm sending SMS to my phone number from my application in this way: Procedure _SendSMS (Target, Messagestr :String); Var smsManager :JSmsManager; smsTo :JString; begin smsManager := TJSmsManager.JavaClass.getDefault; smsTo := StringToJString(target); smsManager.sendTextMessage(smsTo, Nil, StringToJString(messagestr), Nil, Nil); End; SMS sent ok and returned ok to, now I look in content://sms/sent Uri := StrToJURI('content://sms/sent'); Cursor := SharedActivity.GetContentResolver.query(Uri, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil); Date_SentIdx := Cursor.GetColumnIndex(StringToJstring('date_sent')); StatusIdx := Cursor.GetColumnIndex(StringToJstring('status')); While (Cursor.MoveToNext) Do Begin Date_Sent := JStringToString(Cursor.getString(Date_SentIdx )); Status := Cursor.getInt(StatusIdx); End; and there I have a big problem - field date_sent always is empty :( If I send SMS to non-existent number the field status always is -1. If I send the same SMS via standart Phone SMS application all is ok - field date_sent is not empty and field status contain error code (if I send to non-existent number) Android 7.0 Delphi 10.4.2 Android API Level 24 Any idea how to send SMS from my application and get filled fields date_sent and status ? WBR Janex
  6. Janex72

    Sending SMS via FMX application

    I'm informed about this link in StackOverflow, but unfortunately via SharedActivity.GetContentResolver we have not field report_date 😞 WBR Janex
  7. Janex72

    Delphi for ARM

    Hi all. Has anyone heard when the new Roadmap comes out? I'm very interested in Linux ARM compiler for Raspberry Pi4 WBR Janex